Korea Finder 16-21
|Welcome to Korea Finder. The way this contest works is that each week a new image is posted and the first reader to accurately describe or locate the image gets a point. At the end of the year the reader with the highest amount of points will win a Korea related book of their choice.
So who knows where this image is taken at?
2016 Korea Finder Leaders Board
- Comfortable Chairs – 8
- Smokes – 4
- Dd – 2, Setnaffa – 2, MTB Rider -2
- JoeC – 1, Nullscan -1
Seongju-Gun, future home of the THAAD Missile Battery.
That is, if they can somehow overcome the environmental hazards! 😆
I’ve been searching around the map for that tennis court looking thing to get a more exact spot. Probably barking up the wrong tree though.
MTB Rider, you got the correct answer. This is the ROK military base where the THAAD radar will be located just south of Seongju.
Ahh come on…. MTB outright admits he doesn’t know the location of the photo and just spouts out what we all knew the finder was going to be this week. I renew my plea to require a URL to the exact location so people can’t cheese points like this. 😥
Oh btw, here is where the photo is of:
Don’t waste your time trying to find it on Daum or Naver because… magical forest. 😛
Well, the pin you dropped doesn’t show a couple buildings up in the hills, with a tennis or soccer field. So I can’t say 100% you got it either… 😉
Anyways, we’re both still chasing Chairs, who seemed to have an RSS feed to when these popped up. I known quite a few over the years I’ve been here, but have been skunked time and again for being slow on the trigger.
Also, I was sort of expecting it to be the Boryang Mud Festival…
Chairs does every year, he jumps out to an big lead and then sits back dangling a carrot watching us all fight over the scraps and then seals it up at the end. :silly:
Unfortunately for me, my phone broke in early May and my replacement phone hasn’t been as good for me. It notifies me on EVERY email (across three accounts) so it was ringing constantly. I had to turn off all notifications, INCLUDING the KoreaFinder ones…
Plus, last night I was spending the night at Ms. Chairs place – she snores like a trucker so even IF my notifications are working, I’d never hear it. THIS IS WHY I WORK HARD IN THE SPRING! Summertime is ALWAYS where I fall behind…