ROK Drop Open Thread – August 7, 2016

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8 years ago

I wonder why the Koreans spell Rio as “리우” instead of “리오?”

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

Random “Useful Idiot” article.

So, a guy opens a bar that says:North Korea? It’s not that bad, really.
And then ignores all the refugee stories of life in the Hermit Kingdom to sell Asian beer and tea.

The one thing I’m curious about, is does this guy sell North Korean beer? That’s the one good thing I’ve heard about the DPRK. They make some excellent beer.

Reply to  MTB Rider
8 years ago

Good beer can be found in countries without konzentrationslager or the Korean equivalent. There’s nothing that interests me anymore about commie regimes. Before it was just SAM sites and targets…

8 years ago

Hillary or Michelle: You make the call…

8 years ago

Anybody here fairly proficient with photoshop?

Apparently the media (The Hill) is resorting to superimposed attendees at Clinton rallies. Can anyone confirm?

8 years ago

50 G.O.P. Officials Warn Donald Trump Would Put Nation’s Security ‘at Risk’
“The letter says Mr. Trump would weaken the United States’ moral authority and questions his knowledge of and belief in the Constitution. It says he has “demonstrated repeatedly that he has little understanding” of the nation’s “vital national interests, its complex diplomatic challenges, its indispensable alliances and the democratic values” on which American policy should be based. And it laments that “Mr. Trump has shown no interest in educating himself.”

8 years ago

Johnnyboy… i will run the image through some software later to see if there are indications of tampering.

It could be photoshopped or it could just he from a different event.

Whatever the case, it seems clear the photo was not taken at the event it is reported to be at.

Whatever the agenda-driven fake polls say, it seem like Trump pulling in lined-up thousands while Hillary pulls in low-energy hundreds, or cancels no-turnout events, is a good indicator of the American public’s voting preference.

I hope there are many observers to insure an honest election free of fraud. Hillary has demonstrated her ability to manipulate the voting process with the Bernie debacle. Fake polls showing Hillary ahead followed by voting fraud that declares her a winner would be her obvious strategy.

8 years ago

Johnnyboy, a quick look at the picture showed me two things.

1. The slogan on the podium is the outdated “Fighting for us”. In the last of a series of desperate rebrandings, she is using “Stronger Together” now.

2. Bill and Chelsea are standing on the right. They certainly didn’t show up at a crap rally in St. Petersburg.

I doubt it was photoshopped. It is simply a picture of a busy old event trying to be passed off as a current event to mask a lack of attendance and production values. Simply identify the background from a previous event. Checking Bill’s event attendance schedule will narrow it down to a handful.

I guess after this Soviet-style trick, they will have to name St. Petersburg, Florida to Hillarygrad.

8 years ago

This is getting ridiculous.

The media is so slanted in Hillary’s favor it’s laughable.

The reasoning I have heard about the difference in rally attendance — if they dare even mention it — is that while Trump has a loyal fanbase, he isn’t expanding his outreach. What do her small crowds say about her outreach, though?

Her health is finally being discussed in the public arena as there are a few factors that can’t be ignored and some believe they have even identified a neurologist that travels with her.

8 years ago

Johnnyboy, to minimize social disruption, let’s hope they keep the old crone semi-functional until the day after election.

She, and the Democratic party, has been quite the train wreck this election… even with the MSM doing their best to conceal and misdirect.

Clinton has spent 57 million dollars in ads while Trump has spent 4 million… using cheap internet to get his ads viewed instead of expensive TV… which really does target the lowest class of American media viewers.

Hopefully he runs his presidency with this same degree of cleverness and exposes the fraud/waste/abusers who cross him.

I’m no Trump fanboi until he proves himself in office… but I find Hillary so repulsive on pretty much every level that I would likely vote for Hitler before Hillary…

…though I would vote for Hillary before Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot.

8 years ago

People are freaking out that Trump may have hinted at the assassination of one terribly guilty human being, but not worried that at one of her rallies, Hillary hosted the father of the man who assassinated 50 innocent human beings.

Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

At her rally in Florida where she was supposedly honoring the dead — and Mateen says gays should die…

8 years ago

Johnnyboy, Setnaffa…

I do not get the liberal love for all things Muslim.

Women’s rights, gun ownership, gay marriage, freedom of expression, inviting open borders, criminal justice reform, progressive thinking… the list goes on.

Unchecked liberalism is like a disease that eventually kills its host…

…and it is kinda like AIDS where you knowingly and willingly keep taking it in the azz hoping to catch it.

8 years ago

Drumpf incites violence or worse yet an assassination while you GOPer loving extremists worry about photoshop, emails, and

“People are freaking out that Trump may have hinted at the assassination of one terribly guilty human being”

Okay BoyBubble, you and yours keep hoping she’s “guilty” of something but until proven guilty it must be a miserable life you live waking every morning to reality that Hillary Rodham Clinton is free to become your next President of the United States of America. I thought you and yours/”servicemembers/contractors/” and the like believed in American justice?

Ooops, obviously you and yours don’t. You believe in the assassination of liberals, black people etc…

8 years ago

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

Sure! The “second amendment people” can band together and not vote for Hillary.

Again, Trump trolls the media for free publicity while Hillary has to spend big money to get the MSM to make fake positive news about her.

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

You quoted Drumpf’s 2nd lie, why didn’t you quote his first? After he spews his B.S. Artistry he promotes killing.

Why is it only “the Second Ammendment” people who can “band together and not vote for Hillary❓”
Wouldn’t more votes than that be needed? Drumpf is a B.S. Artist(more dangerous to the truth than a liar), racist promoter/propagandist(at the least), continual inciter of violence, and Drumpf U. Criminal❗️ LOCK HIM UP❗️❗️❗️

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

They are crybullies.

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago

Some people build castles in their daydreams Why do you build sewers and expect anyone to respect you, your family, or anything you claim to believe?

Ypu are really sick and need professional counseling. Even if you just post this to be argumentative. Some hints of your disorders leak out.

Please don’t wait any longer. The life you save might be your own.

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago


8 years ago

I took Trump’s comments to mean that there is a lot of power in the NRA and the gun lobby. I also believe he may have planned the controversy for free press.

We can focus on what Trump may have meant, but how many deaths is Hillary actually responsible for. I’m not talking about the “Clinton body count.”

In all likelihood, if Quadaffi had remained in power, there would have been less deaths in Libya at this point.

If we hadn’t been helping the rebels in Syria, Assad may have already come out on top.

Sure both these guys are or were heavy-handed dictators, but without them controlling their country in totality, many more people have died.

8 years ago

” I wonder why the Koreans spell Rio as “리우” instead of “리오?””

I wondered that, too.

It turns out it is because they pronounce Rio as “리우” instead of “리오.


No answer for that yet.

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

Trying to find a link to confirm, but I hear G.O.1 is once again in effect.
Drink up, boys. Cant drink no more after 191700AUG2016, until further notice.

I so, SO love my DD-214 Blanket. Like a woobie, but better…

8 years ago

Reverting to a dictatorship.

I was in the Philippines a couple weeks ago. Got there shortly after the new president took office but already the body count of accused drug dealers was starting to be a national concern. There was talk of death squads.

Strangers I met were publicly vocal in their support of the president but friends I’ve known for some time would only speak of him in whispers. Reminiscent of my time in that country over a quarter century ago under another president.

8 years ago

Land of Stupid so that means the majority on ROKDROP same same
Donald Trump Apparently Has No Idea How Voting Works

Over the past week, Donald Trump has increasingly suggested that this year’s election will be “rigged,”claiming on multiple occasions that (absent voter ID laws) people could vote “10 times.” That might sound laughably implausible, but it’s far lessimplausible if you, like Trump, are unfamiliar with the actual process of voting.

Appearing on Fox News Wednesday night, the Republican nominee demonstrated this apparent ignorance while bemoaning the reversal of North Carolina’s racially discriminatory voter ID law.

“Voter ID seems to be eliminated in North Carolina,” said Trump, according to CBS News’ Sopan Deb. “I think that’s, you know, very unfortunate. Voter ID—does that mean that anybody can just go and walk in and vote? That’s very unfair, that’s very unfair.”

In the real world, of course, polling stations don’t take anonymous drop-ins, requiring citizens to either register beforehand or present valid identification before voting. In Donald Trump’s home state of New York (which has no voter ID law), for instance, the deadline for registration is weeks before the general election.

Donald, however, isn’t the only Trump with a shaky understanding of the rules: According to Trump, two of his children failed to register as Republicans in time to vote for their dad in the primaries.”

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago

Your talking points are a week off. #weaksauce

You still need counseling. Please don’t make your family so sad.

8 years ago

Drumpf’s lack of English vocabulary knowledge…he doesn’t know what a sacrifice is, he doesn’t know what voter ID means, and he doesn’t know what a mistake is. Of course there’s much more but…

8 years ago

Read Meltdown in Time magazine, meanwhile
Giuliani admits just how insane Drumpf supporters are(yes that’s YOU), while trying to defend him
“Rudy continued, “What he intended was, that they should vote against her, With a crowd like that, if that’s what they thought he’d meant, they’d have gone wild.”


Rudy just admitted that Trump supporters would have been cheering in delight if Trump had said more succinctly that he hoped NRA voters would gun down Hillary.”

8 years ago

The unbearable stench of Trump’s B.S.
“…But someone engaging in B.S., Frankfurt says, “is neither on the side of the true nor on the side of the false. His eye is not on the facts at all . . . except insofar as they may be pertinent to his interest in getting away with what he says.” Frankfurt writes that the B.S.-er’s “focus is panoramic rather than particular” and that he has “more spacious opportunities for improvisation, color, and imaginative play. This is less a matter of craft than of art. Hence the familiar notion of the ‘B.S. artist.’ ”

This has been Trump’s mode all his life. He boasts — and boasts and boasts — about his business, his buildings, his books, his wives. Much of it is a concoction of hyperbole and falsehoods. And when he’s found out, he’s like that guy we have all met at a bar who makes wild claims but when confronted with the truth, quickly responds, “I knew that!”

Take, for instance, the most extraordinary example, his non-relationship with Vladimir Putin. In May 2014, addressing the National Press Club, Trump said, “I was in Russia, I was in Moscow recently and I spoke, indirectly and directly, with President Putin, who could not have been nicer.” In November 2015, at a Fox Business debate, he said of Putin, “I got to know him very well because we were both on ‘60 Minutes.’ ”

…Or look at the issue that fueled his political rise, birtherism. Trump said in 2011 that he had sent investigators to Hawaii and that “they cannot believe what they’re finding.” For weeks, he continued to imply that there were huge findings to be released. He hinted to George Stephanopoulos, “We’re going to see what happens.” That was five years ago, in April 2011. Nothing happened.

In fact, it appears highly unlikely that Trump ever sent any investigators to Hawaii. In 2011, Salon asked Trump attorney Michael Cohen for details about the investigators. Cohen said that it was all very secret, naturally. Trump has said the same about his plan to defeat the Islamic State, which he can’t reveal. He has boasted that he has a strategy to win solidly Democratic states this fall, but he won’t reveal which ones. (Even by Trump’s standards, this one is a head-scratcher. Won’t we notice when he campaigns in these places? Or will it be so secret that even the voters won’t know?) Of course, these are not secret strategies. It’s just B.S.”

8 years ago

Q: Why aren’t there very many Hillary voters showing up to her rallies?

A: Most of them are in the cemetery until November.

8 years ago

Hmmmm….. Are all socializts allowed to buy $600K homes (when they already have 2 other homes), or only the ones who sell out their supporters?

Still a lot of people who want their $27 back.

Doesn’t everything seem a little bit clearer now?

Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

Keep sniffing the stench❗️

robert jackson
robert jackson
Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

chug drano thx.

Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

The answers to your Q’s can be found by looking at his tax returns(Where are Drumpf’s?) and you’re nothing but a GOP “socialist” fearmongerer who doesn’t know English vocabulary just like Drumpf.

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago

Do Bernie’s tax returns explain how a guy whose platform includes reducing wealth inequality has the audacity to buy a third home worth $600k?

Frankly, I don’t care about Trump’s tax returns. I don’t care how much money he made or makes. I don’t care if he uses tax loopholes.

I care about stopping the TPP and building a border wall.

Reply to  GIKorea
8 years ago

Sure because it just doesn’t exist anymore right?

This is for all the blacks kids who got kicked out of pools and for all the pools drained b/c black kids touched the water
Simone Manuel.
“Red Cross Apologizes For ‘Super Racist’ Pool Safety Poster
The poster depicted white kids following the pool rules, while kids of color were behaving in “not cool” ways.’

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

Public Executions are up in the DPRK

Seems they’re thinning out those who don’t contribute enough to the March 12th Operation, the officials responsible for the overseas workers programs, and at least 10 drug users.

Always wonder how much will it take before the troops turn their guns on the Palace. Fatty Kim has got to be an easy, slow moving target. I know Kim Jong-Il had a few near misses in Palace Coups from time to time, I don’t think Junior can run and dodge as fast or as well.

Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

Hillary earned $10 million @ 31% tax rate. Drumpf didn’t pay any 2015 taxes❗️

8 years ago

“Red Cross Apologizes For ‘Super Racist’ Pool Safety Poster”

It seems the little black kids in the poster really owe the apology… after all, they were the ones engaging in “not cool” behavior.

8 years ago

NFL Denies Honoring Fallen cops…Nice job Commissioner Goodell

8 years ago

Hillary attack ad shows GOPers and even Drumpf himself admit not showing taxes = hiding something❗️

This is beautiful…

8 years ago

Drumpf’s sarcasm has been off the cuff lately according to his mostly poorly educated supporters even though I don’t get the humor. In fact Drumpf himself isn’t sure his own comment is/isn’t sarcasm.

So after you read his latest snafu can you tell me if Drumpf is being sarcastic because he hasn’t told us yet…

““The only way we can lose, in my opinion — I really mean this, Pennsylvania is if cheating goes on and we have to call up law enforcement and we have to have the sheriffs and the police chiefs and everyone watching because if we get cheated out of this election, if we get cheated out of a win in Pennsylvania, which is such a vital state especially when I know what is happening here,” he said. “She can’t beat what’s happening here. The only way they can beat it in my opinion, and I mean this 100 percent, if in certain sections of the state they cheat.”

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago

Do Bernie’s tax returns explain how a guy whose platform includes reducing wealth inequality has the audacity to buy a third home worth $600k?

Frankly, I don’t care about Trump’s tax returns. I don’t care how much money he made or makes. I don’t care if he uses tax loopholes.

I care about stopping the TPP and building a border wall.

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago

If the Democrat primary was rigged in her favor, why wouldn’t they try to do the same in the general?

Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

Lest you’ve already forgotten Trump also said the GOP primary was rigged so your point is pointless.

Trump: The system, folks, is rigged. APRIL 11, 2016. !!! Republican primary election results

Trump Says GOP Primary ‘Totally Rigged And Broken’ April 25th, 2016

Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

You already said that

8 years ago

Donald Trump insinuated that Hillary Clinton lacks mental stamina at a rally where he twice couldn’t tell what day of the week it was.
“Trump himself, locked in a grueling campaign, twice made a slip of the tongue. “By the way, is there any place to be that’s better than a Friday night in Florida at a Trump rally? No place.”

A few supporters shouted: “It’s Thursday!”

Later he said: “We joke. It’s Friday night and we’re having fun.” More supporters yelled: “It’s Thursday!” but he appeared to assume it was more cheering.”

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago

I think the GOP primary was rigged as well. The riggers lost control of it. They didn’t get their way.

Reply to  Tbonetylr
8 years ago

I was hoping you would respond.

How does a guy who preaches about income inequality get away with owning 3 homes?

Is he not in the 1%?

If he was genuinely concerned about poor people wouldn’t he sell all 3 homes , give most of the proceeds to charity, and then move into a 3 bed, 1 bathroom home to live out his golden years?

Reply to  johnnyboy
8 years ago

I don’t find voter fraud to be far-fetched.

I could believe that there will be a concerted effort to steal states from Trump to keep the political uniparty firmly in control.

Trump bringing the issue to the forefront is actually a smart move.

The media using their scripted talking points to highlight it only serves to give the issue more publicity.

It would probably be more difficult to pull something like that off with half of America talking about it. Not that they won’t still try.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x