Korean Man Assaults Woman with Baby For Asking Him to Stop Smoking

What a jerk this ajushi is:

A mom with a 7-month-old baby was slapped in the face after she asked a man in 50s to “put out a cigarette” in a no smoking area.

Seoul Seobu Police said Saturday that a man in his 50s was accused of slapping a mom in the face while she was pushing a stroller carrying her baby.

According to the police, the man was smoking at around 5 p.m. on July 30, near the entrance of Eungam Station in Seoul, when the woman asked him to put out his cigarette or go elsewhere.

They were caught on CCTV, with the man following the woman and slapping her on the face while she tried to cross the street at a crosswalk with a stroller, the police said.   [Korea Herald]

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8 years ago

Smokers are the only people with less consideration than bicyclists… not just in Korea, but globally.

Sorry Smokes and MTB.

Johnnyboy, what are you into… so I can trash talk you as well.

We know Tbone is into blowing goats…

…but that bothers me less than smokers lollygagging in the way, spewing out their filth, and then throwing their trash on the ground.

…and then getting snooty about “their rights”.

On top of that, cigarettes are the loud dumb fat ugly chicks of smoking… the lowest possible representation of their class.

…like washing down a Big Mac with a Budweiser at a WWF event.


The interesting part of this event is that he slapped her and she pushed him away… and they were BOTH charged with a crime.

Fortunately, public opinion put a stop to that nonsense… and hopefully brings about a few needed changes in Korean law that bring about a higher level of justice.

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

“The interesting part of this event is that he slapped her and she pushed him away… and they were BOTH charged with a crime.”

As Major Mark would have said: “She hurt his chaemyeon. That’s worth a few million won in compensation.”

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

I assure you, Vapers, Hillary Supporters, Evangelicals (For any religion, or Atheism), PeTA twits, Social Justice Warriors and D-Bags who take two or more parking spots to prevent dings on their shiny Corvette are far more annoying than bicyclists…

The More you Know…

8 years ago

I can only speak for my own habit, I make every effort not to include anyone else (even other smokers) in my area of effect. Years ago I used to think the butts were made of cotton and paper and used to toss them thinking they’d degrade but eventually I found out they weren’t cotton and stopped doing it. Here’s where I’d go into my rant about people who bitch about smoking but I’m to tired.

However I’d like clarification on what this is supposed to mean?: “On top of that, cigarettes are the loud dumb fat ugly chicks of smoking… the lowest possible representation of their class.”

8 years ago

“On top of that, cigarettes are the loud dumb fat ugly chicks of smoking… the lowest possible representation of their class.”

I don’t “smoke”… but I will puff away a third of a decent cigar, puff away a bowl of high-quality tobacco in a classy pipe, puff away a wonderful Indonesian clove cigarette, and pull out a hooka and actually inhale a bit of nice shisha… a few times a month if the social situation is right.

…so, I see why one might want to smoke… there is a unique flavor experience and a nice social component.

…just as I see why someone might want to tag a hot piece of azz.

Any time I am near cigarettes, either first or second-hand smoke, it tastes and smells like house fire residue and homelessness…

…every sense that good tobacco satisfies is shat upon by cigarettes.

Cigarettes are to smoking what Budweiser is to beer, Big Macs are to hamburgers, Yugos are to cars, rompers are to women’s fashion, Tbone is to intelligent discussion…

…and loud dumb fat ugly chicks with bad skin are to screwing.

Technically, they all serve their purpose… but only in minimalistic terms targeting the lowest common denominator of the situation.

Cigarettes are simply a dirty glaring sign of addiction rather than a sweet indicator of enhanced life pleasure and refined tastes.

I can go on.

8 years ago

I’m into 50 plus hour work weeks and courteous driving. I also semi-regularly donate plasma without accepting payment.

Reply to  MTB Rider
8 years ago

Except for them vegan bicyclists who think they can ride 10mph on busy streets during rush hour while advertising their dietary choices as stridently as an Iranian mullah.

Reply to  setnaffa
8 years ago

Forgot the /sarc

8 years ago

Does the World Wildlife Fund hold events?

Do they serve Budweiser at these events?

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
Reply to  setnaffa
8 years ago

Those are the people regular cyclists push in front of buses… 😉

Reply to  ChickenHead
8 years ago

Cigars, like billiards, beards, and Axe “deodorant”, are for the d-bag class of society with no real subsistence who feel the need to be seen with stuff doing things and make up these imaginary skills based on taste (the preferential meaning, get it? hah).

Surely you’re better than that. 😐

8 years ago


I, myself, don’t hit women with babies.

I hit them with an open hand.

8 years ago

Drumpf should pay for this man’s legal fees, they’re both anti-women.

Drumpf: Americans could be tried in Guantánamo

Stupids Still Cling to Drumpf

“I would say they could be tried there, that would be fine,” Trump said in a brief interview ahead of his speech to home builders in Miami Beach.

Under current federal law, it’s illegal to try U.S. citizens at military commissions. Changing the law would require an act of Congress.”

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
8 years ago

The new feature to the website is such a time saver! Don’t have to even allow the babble to touch my eyes. Just click, and done!

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