Man Caught Masturbating at Sungshin Women’s University
|You have got to love the picture the Korea Times decided to add to this article:
A man in his 30s was arrested for allegedly masturbating at a women’s university in Seoul on Aug. 26.
Police said a campus security guard caught the man on a bench in front of the music department building of Sungshin Women’s University at 3:55 p.m. He was then handed over to police.
At the time, the university was crowded with senior students and their families taking graduation photos.
Police said the man admitted his wrongdoing during questioning. [Korea Times]
One of yours, CH? 😉
Why all the fuss? He was just showing off his skin flute skills in front of the music department.
My music, you may not condone,
but experience has certainly shown
offering schoolgirls a toot
on my soprano skin flute
makes it become baratone.
…next up, my contrabass bonerphone.