Who would have guessed Korea could make a pretty decent zombie movie?
There are some pretty impressive scenes and a reasonable story.
The Wailing
Creepy and interesting but a bit disjointed in editing and confusing in plot. After getting on the internet, some of the confusion is my fault… as there are a lot of clues that are (in retrospect) obviously there… but not thrown in your face like a Hollywood movie. There are also a couple of very different interpretations about what happened.
I always hated that saying, and even moreso any of the d-heads who used it. It’s like when DHS went around for the better part of a decade telling all citizens to “Be vigilant.” but couldn’t give out any specific information as to what they’re supposed to be on the lookout for.
It’s the 5h1tty leadership version of telling your 7 year old son to “Watch over your Mom, you got the house while I’m gone!” when going out…
FU Carter you wannabe soldier who’s not served a real day in the military. ❓
How awesome would that be if I could get all the aholes from my past at the head table during the inaugural meeting for me to heave eggs and pies at!? All I really need is for LaPorte to be there for me to tell off… it would be sooo satisfying even if not accomplishing anything at all. 😈
8 years ago
The electric bill has not been sent
since the budget has all been spent.
Let’s bring back the WACs
to spend time on their backs
so Koreans will finance the rent.
8 years ago
Media blackout on Malmo, Sweden terror attacks. If you google, it comes up mostly in international news outlets.
Kinda like the story where we bombed Syrian government troops in the middle of the ceasefire we had been pushing so hard for. Then Samantha Powers got mad at Russia for calling an emergency meeting at the UN about it.
Leon apparently had grown tired of the tone of conversation here. It’s a shame because he often had a clever and humorous way of presenting his side on an issue, even when there were disagreements.
He had become somewhat crankier directly before his departure but personally I would be happy to have him come back. I have a feeling he might see this as he probably still peruses the site from time to time.
South Korea’s fifth-largest chaebol has been further embroiled in corruption allegations after police are seeking a warrant to arrest its CEO. This is just another sorry episode in the scandal-hit firm.
Maybe the U.S. should adopt a “No one is too big to arrest” policy.
it’s called “Chickenheading” soon to be defined in urban slang “To drop off the net for a sufficient period of time everyone thinks you are dead, then surprise them by popping back up. Not to be confused with “Chicken Heading” in Soccer or “Chicken Headin” as in Choking the Chicken!
I was very disappointed.
If I wasn’t familiar with the candidates or issues, I would think Hillary did better.
Trump could have responded so much better. These were slow pitches he could have knocked out of the park. Some of it was cringeworthy. Like when he responded to one of Hillary’s assertions that he has been racist he said he was very proud of a club he started in Palm Beach, “one of the riches areas of the country” and how it had black people and Muslims in it.
I’m not kidding. I was hoping Hillary would keel over dead but I guess her makeup artist watched “Dead Becomes Her” and got some new ideas. She didn’t look good, but she looked better than I’ve seen her in quite a while.
I had nightmares last night about this debate.
That interviewer was very obviously biased too. (against Trump)
It wasn’t even subtle. That started to grate on me.
8 years ago
Trump flew of the handle a bit too much in that debate. I predict that he will come into the next debate with a more direct and focused message.
He needs to keep hitting her hard on Libya and Iraq. He allowed her to put him on the defensive on whether he was for them or against them when in reality, she was the only one who had a direct influence on taking the country into those conflicts.
Laughable that birtherism was dredged up but emails and Benghazi were left untouched except when Trump brought up the emails.
He forgot to bring up mass refugee migration, or maybe he is sitting on that one for a later debate.
He did poorly, but I doubt he lost any of his supporters. She may have picked up some undecideds though.
I hope he prepares better for the next debate.
Side note: please watch at the end of the debate, there is an older gentlemen who goes behind her lectern and retrieves a portfolio while everyone is milling around on stage, then apparently takes it over to Lester Holt. Not saying anything unbecoming happened. Just very curious as to what that portfolio contained.
Bonus side note: when Hillary goes to shake Lester Holt’s hand, Trump looks their way, thinks better of it, and then changes directions. He did eventually shake his hand if I recall, but at first appears to blow him off.
8 years ago
Hillary was more healthy, energized, focused, smiley, and polished than expected… more than she has been in a long time.
Trump came off a lot more tedious and rambling with long stories having no impactimg point and constant sniffing and water sipping.
On the other hand, Hillary seemed like a machine… checking off preplanned talking points in a sometimes strange halted fashion as if she had memorized the exact words or was being fed them via an earpiece or teleprompter… or had knowledge of the questions and memorized canned responses… all with a creepy perpetual smile.
Trump spoke his mind, as it seems he believes what he says in his core and can talk about it naturally… but he got bogged down explaining away some of the gotcha material… without ever really hammering Hillary the way he could have… and should have.
As Trump is a quick study, I suspect the next debate will have any flaws in his performance greatly corrected.
Interestingly, the online polls show Trump winning ALL of them… ~80 to 20 in the conservative/right media sites and ~55 to 45 in the liberal/leftist sites.
Not sure what that means… as I didn’t feel he “won” anything. It may mean people, even Democrats, are tired of Hillary.
Maybe, despite the media push that Trump only appeals to uneducated white men, they must be smart enough to use the internet while all the educated whites and non-whites that love Hillary can’t figure out how to vote in an online poll.
Who knows. Lots of shady Hillary stuff didn’t come up and it felt like a missed opportunity by Trump who has no shortage of ammunition to use against her… he just didn’t do it.
Q: How will you keep America secure?
A: “I would start by not conducting classified government business on insecure private servers open to our enemies while lying about it and dismissing it as no big deal.”
He also got bogged down in denying he supported the Iraq war. He should have said something like:
“Hillary, I have a clear history of speaking against the war yet you are focusing on an early offhand remark I made on a radio show that could, at best, be interpreted as ambivalence while you actually voted to go to war in Iraq. Do you really want to discuss this further?”
I can go on and on with my armchair quarterbacking… but I certainly expected more gentle cleverness from Trump that would have exposed Hillary’s weaknesses while making him look Reagan-likable.
I honestly believe I could have done better… and I certainly could have prepared some cute-but-honest responses to claims everyone should have KNOWN Hillary would make.
Guess we now watch how the media spins it.
Note 1: I could believe the questions were leaked to Hillary… and fake questions were leaked to Trump so he would prepare for the wrong thing and be off-balance the entire debate… which is what he looked like.
Note 2: over the last few months, I noticed conservative comments are critical of Hillary’s actions and beliefs while liberal sites are full of name calling, hair jokes, and nonsensical hyperbole about nuclear war and economic collapse.
People who vote in online polls are a self selecting sample of those who think they are actually determining global reality. Like the netizens who flock to vote every time they see a poll on the popularity of K-Pop.
8 years ago
Debate was crap. Another “I have a plan to fix blah blah blah.” All these plans over the last few decades and we not only still have the original problems but a ton of new ones. Doesn’t matter anyway because the process on the whole if f’ed more ways from more directions than the average ChickenHead waitress circa 1997. Wake me when the Dem-Rep ping pong game is over. 🙁
8 years ago
From the beginning, I have felt that if we could at least get the wall built, it would have been worth electing Trump. Even if that’s one of the only things he accomplished in office.
It would be more meaningful and make more of a positive impact than anything done in the past 20 years or so.
Also, I think at this point he is the only candidate that opposes TPP as well as mass Syrian refugee resettlement in the US. Gary Johnson may have ended up with more of Trump’s votes had he incorporated these two issues into his platform. Instead, he is skimming Hillary’s votes because he is like Hillary without the baggage. If her camp gets desperate enough, I look for Johnson to drop out at the last minute to try and get more voters back on the reservation. Johnson will buy a mansion right next to Bernie’s……..
Do you guys feel it? The middle class blue collar Democrats in the swing states are turning on the Democrats.
Hillary can swat away Trump’s NAFTA opinion. Her problem is that a lot of people in those states appear to have the same opinion as him.
8 years ago
Maybe we should try four years with no president.
8 years ago
I tried to enter a bodybuilding competition. The owner told me I wasn’t muscular enough. Joke’s on him if he ever tries to run for president……..
TOKYO — The South Korean man who slashed U.S. Ambassador Mark Lippert last year was sentenced Wednesday to 12 years in prison for attempted murder.
Kim Ki-jong, apparently a North Korean sympathizer, attacked the U.S. ambassador to South Korea at a breakfast forum in central Seoul in March last year while joint U.S.-South Korean military drills were taking place. “No war! The two Koreas should be unified!” Kim, now 56, reportedly shouted.
Is there something in the water in Korea? Besides all the idiots passionate protesters over Dokdo, many of the pro-North Koreans seem willing to do some crazy things to get their point across. A little too crazy… Perhaps they should dial it back a bit?
I finally saw some of the highlights of the debate and was surprised how poor Trump performed with some of the softballs thrown his way. Maybe South Park has got this election correctly depicted:
And of course, China filed a protest. Here’s a tip: Keep your Fishermen in Chinese territory instead of poaching in South Korea’s, and they’ll be fine.
8 years ago
So how about the recent goings on in the Philippines? With them having elected a Chávez-clone if they go full Venezuela what will become of all those expats who love to run their mouths about how great they have it and how sucky the RoK is? 😎
8 years ago
Smokes, do you really believe Duterte is a Chávez-clone?
noun: thesis; plural noun: theses
1. a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.
noun: comment; plural noun: comments
1. a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction.
Mine was the latter. 😛
Is the guy a clone? Meh not really if you break him down but he does share similarities.
8 years ago
Smokes, do you really believe Duterte is a Chávez-clone?
Support your comment.
Duterte seems bent on destroying corruption rather than leading it. He seems to support a business-friendly and investor-friendly marketplace rather than government ownership. His wealth redistribution programs are designed for behavior modification rather than sociialist ideology.
The only similarity seems to be him telling the US (and world) to go fuuk themselves… when they started telling him how to manage the drug/corruption problems in the Philippines that have defied civilized attempts to control them for generations.
If he succeeds in his plans, and he resists foreign interference, he may advance the Philippines on the path to the level of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and a few other nations where strongmen who actually cared about their countries drug the population kicking and screaming out of the third world.
But who knows. Saddam and Gaddafi were advancing their countries quite nicely and we saw what happened to them.
I’m not informed enough to argue this viewpoint… but I will throw this out as a very light opinion… and would welcome further discussion.
In the end, I don’t see Duterte as a Chávez-clone.
@Chickenhead and Smokes, I think Duerte would be better off trying to model himself after Park Chung-hee, an authoritarian nationalist than Adolf Hitler. Also just arbitrarily killing off drug users and dealers leads to what Park ultimately did as well, label political enemies drug users or dealers as well. In Park’s case he labeled political enemies as commies. Park was smart enough to play nice with Uncle Sam to help lead to national development where Duerte tends to think playing nice with China will lead to national development. Good luck with that. 🙄
8 years ago
Here is a question for CH (or anyone who knows about computer stuff).
Are the Apple e mail accounts “safer” in any respect? Like…@me.com, @iCloud and so forth, as compared to google, hotmail, gmail.
I’m asking because I have one account I use online for blogs (and it’s replete with spam) but I use another for more “serious”/”business” stuff. But now the other “business” one isn’t working for government accounts. So…do I start a new account that works (which would only be the “biggies” like yahoo, hotmail, gmail)? Or should I just wait and see if they can fix this? It has been a couple of weeks.
Advice please.
8 years ago
“But now the other “business” one isn’t working for government accounts.”
I am pretty sure if you need to link to a government account, the preferred service is @clintonmail.com.
This new smilie emoticon looks like the Joker
(or Hillary in the last debate same/same)
8 years ago
Thought I should add, there is one TRULY smart move Trump made during the debate.
Each and every time he referred to his opponent, he used the title “Secretary” before her name. This reminded the viewers that she IS the current status quo (i.e. part of the problem).
8 years ago
Sorry, Liz… no good answer.
Like all aspects of the “free” internet, email has been gamed by the big companies and government.
A better way to manage the situation is to understand you have no privacy or security and simply live your life around that concept… as there is no “safe”.
Aviation enthusiasts have now traced one of the planes on display – a white, 10-seater P-750 XSTOL with a North Korean flag on its tail — to Pacific Aerospace, an aviation company based in Hamilton, New Zealand.
New Zealand’s Foreign Ministry is investigating how the plane ended up in North Korea, the New Zealand Herald reported.
Pacific Aerospace sold the plane last December through its Chinese agent, Beijing General Aviation Company, to a Chinese company called Free Sky Aviation, Damian Camp, the company’s chief executive, said in a phone interview. It remains registered with the Chinese civil aviation authority, he said.
Hmm… Short takeoff and landing, able to carry up to 17 parachutists, and a light attack version coming out soon.
Looks like our good buddies in China still don’t quite understand that they are not supposed to be giving, lending, leasing, allowing to be stolen without reporting, misplacing over the border, or whatever excuse they roll out, such equipment to the North Koreans.
Even if Fatty Kim totally promised that he was just wanting to do a civilian jump for fun.
I forget which book it was in, but the author considered much of the North’s go to war plan to be infiltrating the south with their special forces for the sole purpose of causing chaos, destruction, and confusion or blending in until a time when they can pursue those ends.
It is easy to blow this off as an ill conceived plan, or at least it was before Iraq and Afghanistan. With 200,000 troops dedicated to this alone, and even if only half of them remained loyal after the regime inevitably fell in conventional warfare, the insurgency could last for years. And that’s just one possibility before nuclear weaponry is thrown into the mix.
I honestly don’t see an insurgency, at least not like the persistent one in Iraq/Afghanistan.
The North Koreans don’t seem to follow a Sky Voice that tells them to subjugate women and forcibly convert the heathens.
The North Koreans are not a majority of one followers of a Sky Voice, being nominally lead by another group following a slightly different Sky Voice, with the second group being able to abuse the larger, but politically weaker first group.
North Korea is a more focused and united country, more like Japan, Germany and Italy during and after WWII. While the German Werewolves and a few stray Japanese holdouts did exist, the fact that the Allies had both destroyed much of the infrastructure, decimated the populations, and quickly set up a (fairly) efficient government kept any insurgency from taking root.
This is in contrast to the power plays made by Iran and Saudi Arabia in the region, the ultra-conservative religious groups that were still able to maintain their control over major areas, and utter hatred the warring Sky Voice followers had against each other.
China may try to trot out Kim Jong Nam, but without much ground preparation, and a South Korea that learned from both the successes of WWII, and the failures in the Middle East, I think the South will handle the North a lot better than the US handled Iraq and Afghanistan.
Movie Review…
Train to Busan
Who would have guessed Korea could make a pretty decent zombie movie?
There are some pretty impressive scenes and a reasonable story.
The Wailing
Creepy and interesting but a bit disjointed in editing and confusing in plot. After getting on the internet, some of the confusion is my fault… as there are a lot of clues that are (in retrospect) obviously there… but not thrown in your face like a Hollywood movie. There are also a couple of very different interpretations about what happened.
USFK overdue on nearly $2 million in electricity bills this year
Must be slow going in the news if Yonyap’s got nothing but this to cry about.
But ehh.. really? How do you not pay the electric bill? 😕
US Defense Secretary Urges USFK to Have ‘Fight Tonight’ Readiness
I always hated that saying, and even moreso any of the d-heads who used it. It’s like when DHS went around for the better part of a decade telling all citizens to “Be vigilant.” but couldn’t give out any specific information as to what they’re supposed to be on the lookout for.
It’s the 5h1tty leadership version of telling your 7 year old son to “Watch over your Mom, you got the house while I’m gone!” when going out…
FU Carter you wannabe soldier who’s not served a real day in the military. ❓
Ok last one.. don’t wanna go all Tbone on the Open Thread… 😛
USFK veterans’ association in the making
How awesome would that be if I could get all the aholes from my past at the head table during the inaugural meeting for me to heave eggs and pies at!? All I really need is for LaPorte to be there for me to tell off… it would be sooo satisfying even if not accomplishing anything at all. 😈
The electric bill has not been sent
since the budget has all been spent.
Let’s bring back the WACs
to spend time on their backs
so Koreans will finance the rent.
Media blackout on Malmo, Sweden terror attacks. If you google, it comes up mostly in international news outlets.
Kinda like the story where we bombed Syrian government troops in the middle of the ceasefire we had been pushing so hard for. Then Samantha Powers got mad at Russia for calling an emergency meeting at the UN about it.
Speaking of LaPorte, what ever happened to our own “Leon”…?
Leon apparently had grown tired of the tone of conversation here. It’s a shame because he often had a clever and humorous way of presenting his side on an issue, even when there were disagreements.
He had become somewhat crankier directly before his departure but personally I would be happy to have him come back. I have a feeling he might see this as he probably still peruses the site from time to time.
Maybe the Executives and Family members of Lotte Group shouldn’t watch so many K-Dramas?
Maybe the U.S. should adopt a “No one is too big to arrest” policy.
As long as he brings his reflective belt, yes… 🙂
Seen on the Internet:
Q. What does Hillary stand for?
A. About an hour, tops.
CNN: Clinton plans to fact-check Trump; she is not going to let falsehoods “go by the wayside”
it’s called “Chickenheading” soon to be defined in urban slang “To drop off the net for a sufficient period of time everyone thinks you are dead, then surprise them by popping back up. Not to be confused with “Chicken Heading” in Soccer or “Chicken Headin” as in Choking the Chicken!
I was working and did not have a chance to see the debate last night. Anyone have any thoughts on how it went?
I watched a bit, but it rapidly turned into Third Graders arguing about which Ninja Turtle was the Best.
Got a headache, so turned it off.
And it’s Raphael. Totally the best.
I was very disappointed.
If I wasn’t familiar with the candidates or issues, I would think Hillary did better.
Trump could have responded so much better. These were slow pitches he could have knocked out of the park. Some of it was cringeworthy. Like when he responded to one of Hillary’s assertions that he has been racist he said he was very proud of a club he started in Palm Beach, “one of the riches areas of the country” and how it had black people and Muslims in it.
I’m not kidding. I was hoping Hillary would keel over dead but I guess her makeup artist watched “Dead Becomes Her” and got some new ideas. She didn’t look good, but she looked better than I’ve seen her in quite a while.
I had nightmares last night about this debate.
My 18 year old son was watching the debate in his dorm room and texted “I could do better than this” and I’m sure he could.
(he too hates Hillary)
That interviewer was very obviously biased too. (against Trump)
It wasn’t even subtle. That started to grate on me.
Trump flew of the handle a bit too much in that debate. I predict that he will come into the next debate with a more direct and focused message.
He needs to keep hitting her hard on Libya and Iraq. He allowed her to put him on the defensive on whether he was for them or against them when in reality, she was the only one who had a direct influence on taking the country into those conflicts.
Laughable that birtherism was dredged up but emails and Benghazi were left untouched except when Trump brought up the emails.
He forgot to bring up mass refugee migration, or maybe he is sitting on that one for a later debate.
He did poorly, but I doubt he lost any of his supporters. She may have picked up some undecideds though.
I hope he prepares better for the next debate.
Side note: please watch at the end of the debate, there is an older gentlemen who goes behind her lectern and retrieves a portfolio while everyone is milling around on stage, then apparently takes it over to Lester Holt. Not saying anything unbecoming happened. Just very curious as to what that portfolio contained.
Bonus side note: when Hillary goes to shake Lester Holt’s hand, Trump looks their way, thinks better of it, and then changes directions. He did eventually shake his hand if I recall, but at first appears to blow him off.
Hillary was more healthy, energized, focused, smiley, and polished than expected… more than she has been in a long time.
Trump came off a lot more tedious and rambling with long stories having no impactimg point and constant sniffing and water sipping.
On the other hand, Hillary seemed like a machine… checking off preplanned talking points in a sometimes strange halted fashion as if she had memorized the exact words or was being fed them via an earpiece or teleprompter… or had knowledge of the questions and memorized canned responses… all with a creepy perpetual smile.
Trump spoke his mind, as it seems he believes what he says in his core and can talk about it naturally… but he got bogged down explaining away some of the gotcha material… without ever really hammering Hillary the way he could have… and should have.
As Trump is a quick study, I suspect the next debate will have any flaws in his performance greatly corrected.
Interestingly, the online polls show Trump winning ALL of them… ~80 to 20 in the conservative/right media sites and ~55 to 45 in the liberal/leftist sites.
Not sure what that means… as I didn’t feel he “won” anything. It may mean people, even Democrats, are tired of Hillary.
Maybe, despite the media push that Trump only appeals to uneducated white men, they must be smart enough to use the internet while all the educated whites and non-whites that love Hillary can’t figure out how to vote in an online poll.
Who knows. Lots of shady Hillary stuff didn’t come up and it felt like a missed opportunity by Trump who has no shortage of ammunition to use against her… he just didn’t do it.
Q: How will you keep America secure?
A: “I would start by not conducting classified government business on insecure private servers open to our enemies while lying about it and dismissing it as no big deal.”
He also got bogged down in denying he supported the Iraq war. He should have said something like:
“Hillary, I have a clear history of speaking against the war yet you are focusing on an early offhand remark I made on a radio show that could, at best, be interpreted as ambivalence while you actually voted to go to war in Iraq. Do you really want to discuss this further?”
I can go on and on with my armchair quarterbacking… but I certainly expected more gentle cleverness from Trump that would have exposed Hillary’s weaknesses while making him look Reagan-likable.
I honestly believe I could have done better… and I certainly could have prepared some cute-but-honest responses to claims everyone should have KNOWN Hillary would make.
Guess we now watch how the media spins it.
Note 1: I could believe the questions were leaked to Hillary… and fake questions were leaked to Trump so he would prepare for the wrong thing and be off-balance the entire debate… which is what he looked like.
Note 2: over the last few months, I noticed conservative comments are critical of Hillary’s actions and beliefs while liberal sites are full of name calling, hair jokes, and nonsensical hyperbole about nuclear war and economic collapse.
That’s very astute, CH.
(particularly note 1, which I hadn’t thought of)
People who vote in online polls are a self selecting sample of those who think they are actually determining global reality. Like the netizens who flock to vote every time they see a poll on the popularity of K-Pop.
Debate was crap. Another “I have a plan to fix blah blah blah.” All these plans over the last few decades and we not only still have the original problems but a ton of new ones. Doesn’t matter anyway because the process on the whole if f’ed more ways from more directions than the average ChickenHead waitress circa 1997. Wake me when the Dem-Rep ping pong game is over. 🙁
From the beginning, I have felt that if we could at least get the wall built, it would have been worth electing Trump. Even if that’s one of the only things he accomplished in office.
It would be more meaningful and make more of a positive impact than anything done in the past 20 years or so.
Also, I think at this point he is the only candidate that opposes TPP as well as mass Syrian refugee resettlement in the US. Gary Johnson may have ended up with more of Trump’s votes had he incorporated these two issues into his platform. Instead, he is skimming Hillary’s votes because he is like Hillary without the baggage. If her camp gets desperate enough, I look for Johnson to drop out at the last minute to try and get more voters back on the reservation. Johnson will buy a mansion right next to Bernie’s……..
Do you guys feel it? The middle class blue collar Democrats in the swing states are turning on the Democrats.
Hillary can swat away Trump’s NAFTA opinion. Her problem is that a lot of people in those states appear to have the same opinion as him.
Maybe we should try four years with no president.
I tried to enter a bodybuilding competition. The owner told me I wasn’t muscular enough. Joke’s on him if he ever tries to run for president……..
12 Years! That’s what you get for slashing/stabbing the U.S. Ambassador to South Korea:
Is there something in the water in Korea? Besides all the
idiotspassionate protesters over Dokdo, many of the pro-North Koreans seem willing to do some crazy things to get their point across. A little too crazy… Perhaps they should dial it back a bit?~S McG
I finally saw some of the highlights of the debate and was surprised how poor Trump performed with some of the softballs thrown his way. Maybe South Park has got this election correctly depicted:
Kim Jong-un is probably no longer the most unsettling head of state in Asia.
South Korean Coastguard: 3
Chinese Fishermen: 0
And of course, China filed a protest. Here’s a tip: Keep your Fishermen in Chinese territory instead of poaching in South Korea’s, and they’ll be fine.
So how about the recent goings on in the Philippines? With them having elected a Chávez-clone if they go full Venezuela what will become of all those expats who love to run their mouths about how great they have it and how sucky the RoK is? 😎
Smokes, do you really believe Duterte is a Chávez-clone?
Support your thesis.
noun: thesis; plural noun: theses
1. a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved.
noun: comment; plural noun: comments
1. a verbal or written remark expressing an opinion or reaction.
Mine was the latter. 😛
Is the guy a clone? Meh not really if you break him down but he does share similarities.
Smokes, do you really believe Duterte is a Chávez-clone?
Support your comment.
Duterte seems bent on destroying corruption rather than leading it. He seems to support a business-friendly and investor-friendly marketplace rather than government ownership. His wealth redistribution programs are designed for behavior modification rather than sociialist ideology.
The only similarity seems to be him telling the US (and world) to go fuuk themselves… when they started telling him how to manage the drug/corruption problems in the Philippines that have defied civilized attempts to control them for generations.
If he succeeds in his plans, and he resists foreign interference, he may advance the Philippines on the path to the level of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and a few other nations where strongmen who actually cared about their countries drug the population kicking and screaming out of the third world.
But who knows. Saddam and Gaddafi were advancing their countries quite nicely and we saw what happened to them.
I’m not informed enough to argue this viewpoint… but I will throw this out as a very light opinion… and would welcome further discussion.
In the end, I don’t see Duterte as a Chávez-clone.
@Chickenhead and Smokes, I think Duerte would be better off trying to model himself after Park Chung-hee, an authoritarian nationalist than Adolf Hitler. Also just arbitrarily killing off drug users and dealers leads to what Park ultimately did as well, label political enemies drug users or dealers as well. In Park’s case he labeled political enemies as commies. Park was smart enough to play nice with Uncle Sam to help lead to national development where Duerte tends to think playing nice with China will lead to national development. Good luck with that. 🙄
Here is a question for CH (or anyone who knows about computer stuff).
Are the Apple e mail accounts “safer” in any respect? Like…@me.com, @iCloud and so forth, as compared to google, hotmail, gmail.
I’m asking because I have one account I use online for blogs (and it’s replete with spam) but I use another for more “serious”/”business” stuff. But now the other “business” one isn’t working for government accounts. So…do I start a new account that works (which would only be the “biggies” like yahoo, hotmail, gmail)? Or should I just wait and see if they can fix this? It has been a couple of weeks.
Advice please.
“But now the other “business” one isn’t working for government accounts.”
I am pretty sure if you need to link to a government account, the preferred service is @clintonmail.com.
That was no help at all CH.
But it did improve my morning. 😀
This new smilie emoticon looks like the Joker
(or Hillary in the last debate same/same)
Thought I should add, there is one TRULY smart move Trump made during the debate.
Each and every time he referred to his opponent, he used the title “Secretary” before her name. This reminded the viewers that she IS the current status quo (i.e. part of the problem).
Sorry, Liz… no good answer.
Like all aspects of the “free” internet, email has been gamed by the big companies and government.
A better way to manage the situation is to understand you have no privacy or security and simply live your life around that concept… as there is no “safe”.
How did North Korea get its hands on a New Zealand plane made with American parts?
Hmm… Short takeoff and landing, able to carry up to 17 parachutists, and a light attack version coming out soon.
Looks like our good buddies in China still don’t quite understand that they are not supposed to be giving, lending, leasing, allowing to be stolen without reporting, misplacing over the border, or whatever excuse they roll out, such equipment to the North Koreans.
Even if Fatty Kim totally promised that he was just wanting to do a civilian jump for fun.
@MTB Rider
I forget which book it was in, but the author considered much of the North’s go to war plan to be infiltrating the south with their special forces for the sole purpose of causing chaos, destruction, and confusion or blending in until a time when they can pursue those ends.
It is easy to blow this off as an ill conceived plan, or at least it was before Iraq and Afghanistan. With 200,000 troops dedicated to this alone, and even if only half of them remained loyal after the regime inevitably fell in conventional warfare, the insurgency could last for years. And that’s just one possibility before nuclear weaponry is thrown into the mix.
I honestly don’t see an insurgency, at least not like the persistent one in Iraq/Afghanistan.
The North Koreans don’t seem to follow a Sky Voice that tells them to subjugate women and forcibly convert the heathens.
The North Koreans are not a majority of one followers of a Sky Voice, being nominally lead by another group following a slightly different Sky Voice, with the second group being able to abuse the larger, but politically weaker first group.
North Korea is a more focused and united country, more like Japan, Germany and Italy during and after WWII. While the German Werewolves and a few stray Japanese holdouts did exist, the fact that the Allies had both destroyed much of the infrastructure, decimated the populations, and quickly set up a (fairly) efficient government kept any insurgency from taking root.
This is in contrast to the power plays made by Iran and Saudi Arabia in the region, the ultra-conservative religious groups that were still able to maintain their control over major areas, and utter hatred the warring Sky Voice followers had against each other.
China may try to trot out Kim Jong Nam, but without much ground preparation, and a South Korea that learned from both the successes of WWII, and the failures in the Middle East, I think the South will handle the North a lot better than the US handled Iraq and Afghanistan.
I should have edited that last sentence… 😳
Controversial Chinese teaser for film on Korean war revives debate on China’s role in the deadly conflict
I think if I were that tour guide on the bus I’d of been whomping on some old Chinese skulls. F’ing China man… ❗