Presidential Front Runner Says Trump Must Consult with ROK Before a North Korean Strike
|I have no doubt that President Trump will consult with the ROK government before any preemptive strike on North Korea, the real question is how long before any strike will he consult and what influence will the ROK have on the decision?:
The U.S. Donald Trump administration must have prior consultation with Seoul before taking any confrontational actions concerning North Korea, including launching a preemptive strike, South Korean politicians said.
The politicians, including presidential candidate Moon Jae-in of the Democratic Party of Korea (DPK), said Seoul is directly involved in the North Korean issue, noting that any actions taken by Washington will have a direct impact on the Korean Peninsula. (…….)
“South Korea should be the owner of North Korean issues and take the lead in dealing with them rather than letting neighboring countries such as the U.S. and China manage them,” Moon told reporters, Saturday, referring to the outcome of the summit talks between Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
“The U.S. is talking about various possibilities regarding its confrontational actions on the North. The U.S. must consult with South Korea before whatever measure it takes,” he said. [Korea Times]
You can read more at the link.
Moon can “sit on it and rotate”, as they used to say. Does he really think we are going to let people who haven’t forgotten 1593 but ignore 1950 decide our future?
Trump: We’re going in.”
Moon: “Uh…”
Trump: “Thanks for the consult. See ya!”
This is:
1. A big fake show of not knowing what is going to happen to North Korea so South Korea can clutch their pearls, pretend they were misled, and hope North Korea doesn’t retaliate.
2. A bunch of ignorant South Korean politicians who don’t understand “America First”… and mistakenly think Trump gives a fuuck what happens to South Koea.
Interesting times
There’s a body of evidence that the recent events in Syria were all staged, including the “chemical attack” and the “Tomahawk raid,” the latter including an advance warning followed by some missiles causing some minor damage at a military airfield, which went back into service the next day. It’s a win-win, via fake news delivered to a gullible public. The US may have set up a similar charade involving DPRK with China’s Xi in his recent US visit. We’ll see.
Don gets all his news from Pravda and Isvestia?
What are your terms of service regarding trolls with stupid comments?
I wouldn’t worry too much Don … you can say all the stupid crap you want … just keep it civil and you’ll probably be allowed to stay.
“There’s a body of evidence that the recent events in Syria were all staged”
Don, kindly share that evidence with us.
There are some reasonable theories that may or may not be based on facts that question if Syria actually used chemical weapons.
There are also some reasonable explanations exactly how and why Syria used chemical weapons that also may or may not be based on facts.
I am unaware of any “evidence” that holds up to scrutiny.
Settle the F down. Nobody is striking nK…
There’s also a body of evidence that I just gave you the finger.
I used to laugh at the idiots who pushed the whole Birther thing back in 08 but they’re nothing compared you dope Dems.
I would think you should start caring about whether Trump cares about what happens to the RoK. Last time I looked out the window I saw the good ole USA, how about you 외국? 😛
I thought the Nork gummint controlled the union? They’d never allow a strike…
“Settle the F down. Nobody is striking nK…”
EVERY aspect of this situation indicates striking North Korea is the correct thing to do… with few-to-no downsides… stopping their nuke and missile programs before they become a problem.
EVERY aspect of current events indicates the region is being prepared for North Korea to be stuck… from an underway carrier group to Chinese troops on the border to an upcoming South Korean election which will allow the new president to not be a part of the strike.
EVERY aspect of Trump indicates he is willing and able to strike North Korea to end their nuke and missile programs… and he doesn’t really care what other countries think. It is pretty easy to justify destroying a country’s constantly-improving WMD program when they constantly threaten to use it on you.
America has the means, motive, and opportunity to strike North Korea. There are few possible downsides to America.
So why not?
As for living in Korea… no fear, baby.
NK isn’t going to shell Seoul. They might sink a SK ship or two… maybe shoot at some military targets. Perhaps fire a few scuds.
Nothing life-changing for Korea.