Chinese Foreign Ministry Claims the US has Stabbed Them in the Back
|I think this should end the pipe dream anyone may still be holding that China would put real pressure on the Kim regime to end their nuclear and missile programs:
Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said it was not his country that was threatening North Korea and the answer to the problems did not lie with Beijing.
Mr Geng said: “Recently, certain people, talking about the Korean peninsula nuclear issue, have been exaggerating and giving prominence to the so-called ‘China responsibility theory’.
“I think this either shows lack of a full, correct knowledge of the issue, or there are ulterior motives for it, trying to shift responsibility.”
The spokesman reiterated that China had been making a concerted effort to play a constructive role in the conflict.
He added: “Asking others to do work, but doing nothing themselves is not OK. Being stabbed in the back is really not OK.” [Daily Express]
You can read more at the link.
If China wants to be absolved from any responsibility for the situation in North Korea, they should also declare they are not responsible for and will not engage in any conflicts that may come.
China is just waiting for North Korea to take South Korea so they can take Taiwan If South Korea falls so will Taiwan. They are just waiting for the right move. A lot of it is base on the North Korean actions.
Do you also believe 9/11 was an inside job?
No. but I do suspect the US had heads up and they drop the ball thinking it was street BANTER. Yes, the Saudi’s knew about it, to provoke the US into war with Iraq.
If you wanted to start a war between the US and Iraq, wouldn’t you at the very least attempt to frame Iraq for the crime?
Also, I think some part of the U.S government knew about but the word on the street was to let it happen to have an excuse to go to war.
With Iraq? The country that had nothing do with it?
They did for having weapons of mass destruction, whatever sense that made; a country sovereign right to do so within their borders. Except for countries like North Korea, America and Russia they can do anything, outside their borders. Talk softly and carry a big nuke.
Liz, I think he may have had the oxygen flow to his brain restricted. Lots of folks like that these days..
All depends on how the US treats them If China can find a way around America’s mines field ( war) it will without losing face, that is the big thing with the chines is losing face in the face of adversity. It’s all about the carrot stick with the Chinese. Chinese has to see some tangible carrots sticks.
If the U.S is smart enough with all its so-called “brain trust” it could pull off a Coup d’état, without a shot being fired, to put Korea back together. This does not have to be like children’s poem that ends like this;” Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; All the king’s horses and all the king’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again…….
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They are crazy but not that crazy. Then again the Iraq war, that was pretty crazy and was even crazier when the police were disbanded. I was with the US support up until the police were let go, “these people are crazy, not only get rid of Saddam Hussine but they are going to kill the whole country by dissolving the police ranks.” If you want a country to go into CHAOS!, take away the police.
What if I told you that neither China, South Korea, or the United States wanted a unified Korea?
They will do that if Trump stops lying 70% of the time.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 passed unanimously.
Just about every nation on earth (to include the ones in the middle east) disagreed with you about Iraq’s right to do so.
Well, it is pretty evident after what happened to the German economy for a long time after West and East merged. China wants a buffer state. I really think the US is ambiguous on the subject, as long as we have trade.
China took responsibility for nK in November 1950. Can’t secede that responsibity now just because they don’t like the job.