ROK Drop Open Thread – October 22, 2017

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7 years ago

Skimming through this, it looks like Andersen AFB has upped their total munitions stock by about 10% once expired munitions are taken out of inventory. Probably doesn’t mean war is imminent, but that we are becoming somewhat more prepared to carry out a prolonged or overwhelming bombing campaign if need be.

7 years ago

I’m sure some folks around here know more about this than I do, but the military buys ammo in bulk. And there hasn’t been a better (iow, cheaper) time to do that in many many years. The price of ammunition in bulk is down about 20 percent from the highs (before Trump was elected). So…that might be the reason Andersen is stocking up.

7 years ago

People… people! Every time you violate OPSEC, AFN is forced to make more commercials. 🙁

7 years ago

“Every time you violate OPSEC, AFN is forced to make more commercials”

But every time you shake a baby too hard, you make a new little angel.

Hmmm. That was dark.

7 years ago

Max Fisher, fave of GIKorea and Bearded Cock Swab Extraordinaire at it again:

This guy’s such a smug a-hole, I’d love to bitch slap that stupid beard off his face. Not sure why GI likes him so much. 😕

7 years ago

One in four troops sees white nationalism in the ranks
“…If you needed yet more proof that Donald Trump has already been president for far too long, the Military Times has a poll for you. The publication surveyed U.S. service members following the white nationalist-provoked violence in Charlottesville in August and found that nearly one-in-four troops say they have witnessed cases of white nationalism in the military. That’s an astonishing number that’s even more unsettling when you consider the U.S. has approximately 1.3 millionactive-duty troops…”

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

GI I know you have a life-sized cutout of him next to your computer, don’t lie!

7 years ago

“following the white nationalist-provoked violence in Charlottesville”

Hmmm… I was under the impression that the white nationalists showed up to a planned and permitted event…

…and the leftists, who held an unpermitted counter-demonstration, attacked them with irritant sprays and foul liquids while blocking their planned and permitted path…

…while the police, who broke their agreement to keep the route clear and contain the leftists, ignored the leftist violence and allowed it to continue.

That really doesn’t sound “white nationalist-provoked”.

Bonus: Despite the media hype about all the assault weapons carried by the white nationalists, blah blah blah, they were AMAZINGLY reserved by not shooting any of their attackers… something the media has talked around.

Double Bonus: The white nationalist, and schizophrenic, who killed a leftist activist with his car has vanished from the news once it came out that his car had been attacked prior to the incident and he may have been fleeing the situation, resulting in a simple rear-ending that resulted in unintentional injuries, rather than trying to kill leftists by intentionally driving into a crowd. The videos could back up this point of view.

From a viewpoint of what is least disruptive to society, noisy white supremacists are preferable to violent leftist control freaks… and they should remember this if they want to win American hearts and minds.

Blaming the white nationalists for violence they neither started nor escalated ignores and encourages the violence started by the leftists… which is something nobody should want.

…and, unfortunately, brings a lot of sympathy to the white nationalist cause by those who are increasingly being told by the media that the cultural battle lines are drawn by race.

I, too, would rather side with peaceful white nationalists promoting order than violent leftists burning and looting.

Being white makes that an even easier decision… obviously.

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

Ever seen the season 13 finale of South Park? That’s why the brown corn pop’s not in the milk. 😛

On a serious note, who TF analyzes the back of a cereal box? I’m thinking it’s safe to assume that of the thousands of things left in a kid’s head after looking at the back of that box “the browns clean up for the yellows” isn’t going to be one of them. Only f-tards who post on twatter looking to drum up likes; that’s who.

7 years ago

“Author Saladin Ahmed complained on Twitter that the cereal box is “teaching kids racism” because the only brown Corn Pop depicted is working as a janitor scrubbing the floor.”

I named our roomba Consuela.
Is that wrong?–abc-news-topstories.html

Five months is a LONG time to be at sea. With two dogs too!

7 years ago


My primary AI is named Baby.

…but I have now been inspired to give one a third world name… preferably female.

Bonus: Two weeks ago, I gave a lecture to an international audience on neural network architecture theory… and I have another larger lecture scheduled for March.

I wonder if I train a NN with nothing but dog whistles, micro-agressions, and triggers… if I can build an angry minority AI… possible… as I work with only a fraction of the 76 billion neurons a real human has.

7 years ago

Has anyone been keeping tabs on what’s happening in Catalonia?
One of the more productive regions of Spain…now under martial law, I guess. After voting for independence (apparently during the vote the Spanish government shut down the internet in all of Catalonia, to try to thwart things).

7 years ago


After much thought and observation, I realized a big point of conflict in America is not “liberal” vs. “conservative”.

It is actually nationalist vs. globalist.

Nationalist believe elected representatives must put American interests above all and work to protect the interests of those who elected them. Globalists believe America, and Americans, have a duty to help everyone around the globe… even if that includes sacrifice.

One aspect to this is centralization vs. decentralization.

There has long been a trend to centralize power but there is an increasing movement to decentralize it.

As centralized power attempts (or claims) to address the interests of everyone, it can be difficult to satisfactorily address the interests if anyone… well… except the ruling elite who love centralized power.

As some of the good aspects of globalization allow, even encourage, decentralization, it will be a growing trend… though the powers of centralization will fight this.

In the end, decentralization combined with globalization will be a great thing for many… encouraging regional competition to provide lower taxes, better services, increased industry, and satisfactory lifestyle… though many regions, like people, will remain a victim of dysfunctional habits and culture without a strong centralized power to force change.

Catalonia will break away from Spain and it will encourage other regions to do the same with varying success.

7 years ago

Eating popcorn, waiting to see who Mueller’s supposed charges turn out to be against.

Rumors range from General Flynn, to the Podesta brothers, to Paul Manafort or any combination of them.

Otherwise, this is also suspected by many to be a distraction from the growing Uranium One and Fusion GPS scandals allegedly involving the Clinton Foundation, DNC, and many in the Obama administration. The news is going to have to report on these things eventually.

The reason I believe Uranium One is a huge deal is normally when Trump tweets out anything slightly controversial, the newsmedia rushes to correct or shame him on any perceived mistakes or offenses.

I didn’t see a peep about his Uranium One tweet. The news instead focused on the phone call to the widow of the Special Forces Soldier who apparently didn’t know he signed up to spend time working with native populations in areas plagued by militant Islamists.

The news outlets also spent a week pondering how Special Forces warriors could possibly be assigned highly dangerous missions with less than desirable intel and backup forces, but avoid asking why a diplomat and his staff would be asked to remain in a similarly dangerous situation with inadequate security and no help when things went wrong.

Guess it depends on where the buck stops when the media is trying to decide how much buck there is.

7 years ago

Thanks CH. I agree. And the RINOs are globalists.
The reason the party is so split and they can’t pass a defense budget, even with a majority.
Jon Robb over at Global guerrillas has mentioned “the long night ahead”
which is the growing war against “unapproved” information. From his site:

“Facebook just declared war against “disruptive” information. In addition to hundreds of new human censors, they are training AI censors capable of identifying and deleting ‘unacceptable’ information found in the discussions of all two billion members in real time. This development highlights what the real danger posed by a socially networked world actually is.

The REAL danger facing a world interconnected by social networking isn’t disruption. As we have seen on numerous occasions, the danger posed by disruptive information and events is fleeting. Disruption, although potentially painful in the short term, doesn’t last, nor is it truly damaging over the long term. In fact, the true danger posed by an internetworked world is just the opposite of disruption.

This danger is an all encompassing online orthodoxy. A sameness of thought and approach enforced by hundreds of millions of socially internetworked adherents. A global orthodoxy that ruthless narrows public thought down to a single, barren, ideological framework. A ruling network that prevents dissent and locks us into stagnation and inevitable failure as it runs afoul of reality and human nature.

This ruling network already exists. It already has millions of online members and it is growing and deepening with each passing day — extending its tendrils into the media, the civil service, tech companies, and academia. There’s little doubt that over time it will eventually exert decisive influence over the entire government as well.

However, in order to exert authoritarian control over our decision making, it needs control over the flow of information in our society. Merely controlling the online debate is insufficient. For real power, the ruling network needs to control the information flows on our information infrastructure — Facebook, Google, and Amazon — and that’s exactly the power it is now getting.

Fortunately, as large and powerful as this network already is, I still believe this dark future is avoidable. We still have a short time before a long night descends across the world.”

MTB Rider
MTB Rider
7 years ago

1984, the How-To Guide by George Orwell!

Control the Masses, and Ensure everyone truly Loves Big Brother!

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

Don’t like [Google / YouTube / Facebook / Twitter]’s dominance?


Tire of the endless pity party of people bitching about ______’s unfair whatever. No one ever wants to sacrifice something to bring about change, they want to just keep on using the whatever while they boo-hoo about how it sucks. You won’t change anything that way and only encourage these business practices because you show them no matter how much they shit on you, you will continue to support them. The NFL, sports entertainment, and Hollywood are prime examples of this.

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

For any of you out there eligible for the Microsoft HUP, be aware the Office 2016 they’re giving out these days isn’t the standard ISO download anymore. They’ve bootstrapped HUP into their asinine plan to force 365’ish on everyone and you get the “Click to Run” version of Office Pro from HUP now. 😐

If you don’t know what that is; you’ll get a key and a link to an online installer that when you run it will not ask you anything, download all the data required and run a full install of 2016 that you can’t customize at all. Don’t want OneNote or Publisher? Too bad a-hole you’re getting it! 😡

It is possible to customize the process using the Office Deployment Tool:

You’ll need to make your own configuration file:

It’s not very difficult but still a hassle and you won’t get to choose specific options for the components, just which components to install. I guess MS figured since you’re only paying $10 you won’t mind. ❓

7 years ago

“Don’t like [Google / YouTube / Facebook / Twitter]’s dominance?

Um, not to be argumentative Smokes, but do you see those little icons here at ROK Drop? We’re “using it” right now. And I don’t want to give up forums I like because these platforms have invaded everything.
It’s kind of like saying, “Don’t like it that everything comes from China? Stop using it!” Okay…um, that means I can’t own any technology at all, and would have to spin my own fabric. Though on the bright side, I could still buy food at the grocery store and most pharmaceuticals.

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

Always so argumentative Liz! 😯

If you’re talking about the site integration then blame GI. He runs the place. 🙂

Before we get into this, are you one of those people who boo-hoo about those sites but keep using them? It doesn’t sound like it, you should carry on with carrying on then. I’m talking about people who complain about the crack problem in-between drags on their own pipe. 😛

7 years ago

LOL. I don’t use any of those directly, Smokes.
(well, except Facebook…and I bleeping hate Facebook but I have to with my spouse’s job since all the groups are in there. When this is done, I’m done with it, and I only started it under duress after he signed up for this gig)

7 years ago

1. Just install Noscript and don’t allow all that shĂ­tware to get a foothold.

2. Anybody who uses Microsoft office deserves whatever hassle and heartache they get. Use OpenOffice and stop worring about how Microsoft is plotting on your data and productivity.

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

“Use OpenOffice and stop worring about how Microsoft is plotting on your data and productivity.”

Yeah just worry about vulnerabilities that go unpatched for nearly a year. 😛

If you’re going to advocate for HoboWare© at least tell them LibreOffice. 😛

(And HoboWare© is mine, I made it up, you can’t use it!)

7 years ago

“1. Just install Noscript and don’t allow all that shĂ­tware to get a foothold.”

I didn’t know that option existed!
Squee wee! Will do thanks a million!

7 years ago

“Yeah just worry about vulnerabilities that go unpatched for nearly a year.”

I suspect there are easier ways to hack your system than a random OpenOffice exploit…

…that would require a long checklist of conditions… some of which would suggest you are under attack.

Of course the first condition would be for the hacker to know you are using OpenOffice.

If you are truly worried, run it in a sandbox.

That extra step STILL beats having to deal with a Microsoft product.

One might add that every level of fĂșckery that Microsoft adds to their products adds an attack route into yiur system if you are actually important enough to hack.

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