ROK Drop Open Thread – December 3, 2017

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blueberry muffin mix
blueberry muffin mix
7 years ago

Wouldn’t it be nice if there actually could be a Christmas Truce like in WWI?

Unfortunately, the norks wirship the fat rocket boy and have no room at the inn…

7 years ago

If Trump is truly serious about taking some type of pre-emptive military action in Korea, I think that Senator Graham raises a good point. Even if we don’t evacuate the non-combatants from the ROK, it is probably a good idea to stop sending military dependents over there which will gradually reduce the number of non-combatants in country as the families there now, PCS stateside over the next couple of years. “GOP senator: It’s time for military families to leave South Korea”

MTB Rider
7 years ago

A candidate for the Stupidest Thing I’ve Read Today:

Philadelphia City Councilwoman Cindy Bass wants businesses to remove their bulletproof glass, because it “Hurts her Constituents Feelings.”

Bass was more concerned about customer’s feelings, and said her constituents shouldn’t have to suffer the indignity of shopping through bulletproof glass.

So, Korean family opens a liquor store on the shady side of town, but doesn’t want to get robbed every other night. How dare they?

blueberry muffin mix
blueberry muffin mix
7 years ago

Obligatory Bass-ackwards joke.

7 years ago


I will see your Bass-ackwards comment…

…and raise you one Bass ‘tard.

blueberry muffin mix
blueberry muffin mix
7 years ago

Ch, that might be an illegitimate use of force. Sort of like the former Mayor’s version of “Philadelphia Urban Renewal”…

blueberry muffin mix
blueberry muffin mix
7 years ago

And the answer to the NPR question is because Democrats in the Media rapidly forget Democrat on Democrat violence. In fact, the article blames it on the police, not the Mayor.

But some of us do remember.

7 years ago

This might be the stupidest thing I’ve all year besides the Philly article. Really? But, you’ll live, breath and walk down the street in one of the highest crime cities in the US? How times have we been nuked in the ROK?

7 years ago

*How many

7 years ago

One of the more sensible articles I’ve read on dealing with Fatty Kim and the kimchi mafioso.

7 years ago

The USAF has a really big pilot shortage (which was self-created, a lot of really good pilots were Riffed). But they don’t have a shortage of people interested in going into pilot training. So I’m not sure how recruiting enlisted folks for the job would help. The critical shortage is mostly in experienced pilots needed to train the newbies (and aircraft available).

MTB Rider
7 years ago

An all ports ban for the Hao Fan 6 has been imposed by the UN:

(CNN)The United Nations brought down the hammer and that was it for the Hao Fan 6.

On October 10, the hulking, 460-foot (140 meter) cargo ship was banned from entering every single port across the globe, punished for violating sanctions on North Korea.

It was just south of South Korea the day the news was announced, according to tracking information by MarineTraffic. Its transponder pinged continuously until 11:17 p.m. Coordinated Universal Time, the data showed.

Then the Hao Fan 6 disappeared.

Well, I don’t think they just “disappeared,’ like a Romulan engaging his cloaking device, but turning off your transponder makes them much harder to spot. Had a few issues last summer with ships not being visible to one another. It ended badly for several of them…

~Scoops McGee

7 years ago

When the GHao Fang 69 pulls into port in a few weeks, they might report they saw the Hao Fan 6 flounder and sink.

7 years ago

Funny how all the DPRK ships have Chinese names. Even funnier is this one: “authorities detained the Chon Chon Gang in 2013 after finding MiG fighter jets, anti-aircraft systems and explosives hidden under bags of sugar.”

How many sugar bags does it take to hide a MiG? 😀

7 years ago

Another fake racism claim in the military, this time in the Navy.
According to Navy, Black Sailor Drew Graffiti Slurs Posted to Facebook

MTB Rider
7 years ago

From the “Didn’t think it through” files:
Already struggling to counter poor ticket sales, a ban on Russian athletes, and security concerns over North Korea, South Korea’s stressed winter Olympics organisers are now fretting that the event may be too cold for spectators to show up.

While the presence of snow and ice will come as no surprise to winter sports fans, the Pyeongchang Games may actually end up being the coldest in three decades because the main stadium lacks a roof.

I guess they were thinking the Russian Winter Olympics weren’t too cold, so why bother with a roof that could collapse?

My wife wants to go see the short track skating races. But being a Hawaii Girl, she’s probably just going to watch them on TV, with a blanket wrapped around her legs…

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

“You are seeing this page because ads cannot be shown
Ads allow us to pay the content creators of this site.”

Fuck Twitchy. 😡

7 years ago

Smokes, I use adblockplus and firefox and it works?

Smokes at Work
Smokes at Work
7 years ago

Beats me man, I’m at work so it’s beyond my control.

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