Tweet of the Day: Kim Jong-un Wants to Be A Normal Leader?
|Kim Jong-un wants to be 'normal' leader
— NorthKoreaRealTime (@BuckTurgidson79) May 13, 2018
Kim Jong-un wants to be 'normal' leader
— NorthKoreaRealTime (@BuckTurgidson79) May 13, 2018
commie moon has the press in his pocket, they will print any nice sounding lie.
Kim Jong-un has really impressed.
It is clear that he is the best.
He’s a fantastic feeder,
and above-average leader,
to lead an eating contest.
These Commie rags will print whatever the Blue House wants.
This peace accord may not fly
and everyone’s freedom could die.
South Korea gets beaten
and Moon will get eaten
if Kim mistakes him for Moon Pie.