Picture of the Day: USFK Commander Welcomes New CFC Deputy Chief of Staff
|ROK-US Combined Forces Command has a new Deputy Chief of Staff! ROK Army MG Cho, Young-Jin received the Legion of Merit before relinquishing responsibility to ROK Army MG Shin, Sang-Bum. MG Shin will work side-by-side with LTG Michael A. Bills, who serves both as the CFC Chief of Staff and the Eighth Army-Korea Commanding General. Welcome to the team MG Shin! [USFK Facebook]
Legion of Merit? The new good conduct medal for GOs.
The medal system is just one busted cog in the jacked up clockwork that is the military career system. Ain’t getting fixed, ever.
Legion of Merit was less wordy than Legion of Self-serving Manipulative Political Maneuverability.
Plus it gives the impression everything is a meritocracy.