US Army Corps of Engineer’s Far East District Compound in Seoul to Finally Close in November 2018
|The FED became an oddly located military installation after Seoul’s explosive growth. It is now about to finally close:
A few blocks from the sloping, spaceship-shaped Dongdaemun Design Plaza in one of Seoul’s trendiest fashion districts is another odd sight.
A tiny U.S. Army base sits just across the street from a hospital morgue and adjacent to a park that blocks its view from a major thoroughfare.
Know as FED, the compound has been home to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District, headquarters since the 1950-53 Korean War. Before that it was the site of a Japanese-built school from the nearly four decades when Japan occupied the peninsula until its defeat in World War II.
Surrounded by concrete and brick walls lined with concertina wire, the 13-acre base can be easy to miss, one of several sub-installations that belong to the larger Yongsan Garrison just a few miles away.
But its history reflects the highs and lows of the U.S. presence in the South Korean capital. In a final act, the Corps of Engineers is preparing to close the base after it moves to Camp Humphreys as part of the long-delayed relocation of most U.S. forces south of Seoul.
Kenneth Pickler, 64, the Far East District’s transportation chief, has worked on the compound since he was first deployed there as a soldier 1989, then took a job as a civilian after retiring from active duty.
The Cloverdale, Calif., native plans to retire after the FED compound closes, although he plans to remain in South Korea.
“My last official duty is to shut off the lights, lock the gate and hand the keys over … back to the garrison,” he told Stars and Stripes in an interview last month. “And that’s supposed to happen in mid-November.” [Stars and Stripes]
You can read much more at the link such as the fact that a third of the buildings at the FED were built by the Japanese. The first building was the Gyeongseong School of Education built in 1922 that is the main building used on the compound.
There is also an interesting story about a fuel leak mess created by the South Koreans when they razed an old Japanese courthouse adjacent to the FED back in the 1990’s that the US had to clean up. It reminded me of the current fuel leak controversy over at Yongsan Garrison frequently blamed on USFK.
After the base closes in November there are not current plans on what the ROK will do with the land. Considering that there are a number of Japanese era buildings on the property the bulldozer is likely coming for them.
I’ve parked my car on this compound many times over the years because it’s literally only a 1-2 minute walk from the heart of Dongdaemun Market.
There used to be a little club on the base that was packed to the gills with Korean customers in the evening and the wall of slot machines rolled non-stop. I’m sure the place turned a great profit for MWR.
I’ve never noticed anything unusual about the buildings, so I’m kind of surprised to hear there are colonial Japanese era buildings there. I’ll have to make note of them the next time I park there (which had better be soon!).
Probably going to become another fancy Xii or Raemian apartment site.
Guitard, exactly what I was thinking; the best parking for shopping in Dongdaemun. Sad to see it go.
Bollocks. Pure bullshit. Not only is this pure hearsay gossip, there’s also no way to corroborate or verify this b.s. story with anyone, which is typical of tropish old-wive’s tales and G.I. malarkey. Furthermore, recognizing first and foremst that the U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers is neither a regulatory, nor a law enforcement agency of the Republic of Korea, it is completely inappropriate as well borderline slanderous for this civilian CoE employee to accuse South Korea of contaminating a worksite in their own country. Also, curiously enough, there isn’t a shred of evidence that the CoE provided remediation beyond this old timer’s say so. Regardless, as there is no evidence of any such “fuel oil spill” having occurred over 20 years ago at FED, never mind a shred of evidence that it was allegedly South Korea’s fault, or that the CoE remediated it — all of which is a load of bullshit. Dollar to donuts, it’s more likely that this shitbag CoE civilian is projecting and trying to cover his ass at the same time for his own role in illegally dumping toxic substances over the decades resulting in soil contamination in that AOR. Standard U.S. Army fingerpointing and prevaricating. LOL.
HKtroll seems oddly angry and racist today. In addition to xir usual non-sequitor rantings, I mean. I recommend getting a puppy. And not eating it.
Ditto on parking inside for Dongdaemun shopping; and that gate was open 24/7.
LOL Shitnsniffer! Typical kneejerk reaction from an illiterate douchebag dickhead who can barely spell, let alone put two words together in a convincing manner.
Dang, I musta hit a nerve to get him to open the book of tired cliches.
I’m going to fall back on an old favorite here:
CYRANO: Ah no! young blade! That was a trifle short!
You might have said at least a hundred things
By varying the tone. . .like this, suppose,. . .
Aggressive: ‘Sir, if I had such a nose I’d amputate it!’
Friendly: ‘When you sup It must annoy you, dipping in your cup;
You need a drinking-bowl of special shape!’
Descriptive: ”Tis a rock!. . .a peak!. . .a cape! —
A cape, forsooth! ‘Tis a peninsular!’
Curious: ‘How serves that oblong capsular?
For scissor-sheath? Or pot to hold your ink?’
Gracious: ‘You love the little birds, I think?
I see you’ve managed with a fond research
To find their tiny claws a roomy perch!’
Truculent: ‘When you smoke your pipe. . .suppose
That the tobacco-smoke spouts from your nose–
Do not the neighbors, as the fumes rise higher,
Cry terror-struck: “The chimney is afire”?’
Considerate: ‘Take care,. . .your head bowed low
By such a weight. . .lest head o’er heels you go!’
Tender: ‘Pray get a small umbrella made,
Lest its bright color in the sun should fade!’
Pedantic: ‘That beast Aristophanes Names Hippocamelelephantoles
Must have possessed just such a solid lump
Of flesh and bone, beneath his forehead’s bump!’
Cavalier: ‘The last fashion, friend, that hook?
To hang your hat on? ‘Tis a useful crook!’
Emphatic: ‘No wind, O majestic nose,
Can give THEE cold!–save when the mistral blows!’
Dramatic: ‘When it bleeds, what a Red Sea!’
Admiring: ‘Sign for a perfumery!’
Lyric: ‘Is this a conch?. . .a Triton you?’
Simple: ‘When is the monument on view?’
Rustic: ‘That thing a nose? Marry-come-up!
‘Tis a dwarf pumpkin, or a prize turnip!’
Military: ‘Point against cavalry!’
Practical: ‘Put it in a lottery!
Assuredly ‘twould be the biggest prize!’
Or. . .parodying Pyramus’ sighs. . .
‘Behold the nose that mars the harmony
Of its master’s phiz! blushing its treachery!’
–Such, my dear sir, is what you might have said,
Had you of wit or letters the least jot:
But, O most lamentable man!–of wit
You never had an atom, and of letters
You have three letters only!–they spell Ass!
I guess HK has never seen a Korean factory or any of those auto repair shops with spillage everywhere….
Oh, he has seen it, he just doesn’t care.
His rage is selective. It’s only activated to bash Americans
flyingfkkkker – LOL. wtf does that have to do with anything? You, as a guest and visitor in a foreign country, are not in a position to conduct law enforcement or host nation regulatory activities inside the Republic of Korea. Not only could you be charged with acting outside of your capacity, you could also be charged with impersonating a law enforcement officer, pretending to be a government official, as well as defamation and business interference. Next time, just mind your own bloody business. Nobody is going to believe you anyway.
Damn. Edgy as a padded watermelon.
Your controller is going to want his $.50 back.
Our trolls of late almost make me wish for the guy who insisted on reflective belts.
😥 😥 😥 😥
For anybody curious as to where exactly this is located, here’s a view from Korea’s Daum Maps that shows the street view image of the gate featured in the Stars & Stripes’ photo. Obviously taken from the street side:
Thanks, Sam!
Added note to Sam’s post – that gate shown in Daum maps has been closed for some time now. The gate on the opposite side of the base is the one that’s still open.,127.005249,3a,75y,312.46h,86.05t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOtGNsL1icM2ZqfLSIgZGqA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Man you know how much torture I went through parking in Doota?! I drove right past that joker numerous times and had no idea it was there. 😥
HK is borderline crazy, wow. I guess he can not understand that is not beyond the pale that Koreans could also contaminate ground soil and dump waste.
For the record, I am a legal resident of Korea, not a visitor.
As a side note, anyone in Korea can report an environmental crime: Environmental-pollution crime report
These civil services are managed by Anti-Corruption & Civil Right Commission People’s Online Portal . Homepage: / Tel: 02-360-2697~8
To preserve clean water, clear air, and a pleasant environment, the prosecution service is operating the Environmental-Pollution Crime Report Center. Your positive participation is requested to create a clear, pleasant natural environment.
LOL Flyinfkkkker. I never said you can’t report a “crime.” However, you are NOT reporting a crime. You are making up stories and making slanderous statements that you have no proof of. I am challenging your veracity and your ability to distinguish fact from fiction b/c of your overt bias, which is obviously clouding your judgment. And I’m calling b.s. on your visa status. As if you have any idea. Also, you neglected to mention despite your goody-goody personae that you’ve suddenly adopted for this post that you have to speak Korean in order to report such things, as well as have proof. Not speaking Korean — as you obviously don’t — and not having a shred of evidence does not help your fairy tale manufacturing ability.
“You are making up stories and making slanderous statements that you have no proof of.”
Slander is defamation that is spoken. Libel is defamation that is written.
Please don’t hurt our eyes with your inability to keep defamatory statement categories straight.
Chickenshit – Wrong. In this forum, as in all social media contexts, we are speaking to each other – hence “slander” is the appropriate verbiage. What, you thought we were “writing” to each other? Dayuuum…you are dumb, aren’t you?
HKtroll is really operating at a sixth-grade level at best. Even T-m was a college-level troll. It’s kinda like having to babysit around here.
See here for more details:
HK, I see.
You live in your own fantasy world with your own fantasy definitions that describe your own fantasy ideas.
Well… good for you.
Generally, people with that condition fail in life. Maybe you are different.
Good luck!
Protip: If you meet a wrong asshole, you met a wrong asshole. If everybody you meet is a wrong asshole, YOU are the wrong asshole.
HK, funny, my Hangul is pretty good. At least that is what my professor at the university said. Anyway, some articles on water quality / pollution in Korea.
HK=Hillary Klinton, Democrat speech writer.