Will the Rise of the South Korean Right Stop President Moon’s North Korea Plans?

Long time Korea watcher and a ROK Drop favorite Donald Kirk has an article in the Daily Beast that claims that the Moon administration’s North Korea policies may be derailed by the rise of the Korean right:

The resurgence of the right automatically jeopardizes such dreams as the pendulum of public opinion, in the pattern of modern Korean history, shows unmistakable signs of shifting yet again.

It’s assumed that, partly for that reason, Kim did not respond to President Moon’s entreaties to please come to Seoul this month. 
The fact is no North Korean leader has visited the South Korean capital since Kim Jong Un’s grandfather, Kim Il Sung, was said to have gone to Seoul after his troops overran the capital at the outset of the Korean War. Three South Korean presidents have visited Pyongyang—Kim Dae-jung in June 2000, Roh Moo-hyun, whom Moon accompanied as his chief of staff in October 2007, and then Moon in September.
Violence surrounding a visit to Seoul by the North Korean leader is no paranoid apparition as the opposition threatens to call for his overthrow and death. Defying rows of policemen, they also shout imprecations against their own President Moon. 
Rightist foes of both Moon and North Korea promise a mass outpouring of protests if Kim ever shows up in Seoul. Under the circumstances, an official at the Blue House, the presidential office and residence complex, told me Kim and his omnipresent bodyguards had to be worried about security.

Daily Beast

You can read more at the link, but if Kim Jong-un did show up I would hope there would be mass protests against someone that in recent years has ordered the murdering and wounding of dozens of ROK troops and civilians. Plus his regime still keeps hundreds of kidnapped South Koreans detained in North Korea.

As much as President Moon tries, Kim Jong-un should never be considered a respectable world leader.

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6 years ago

It’s been a while but looks like SKs are waking up.

6 years ago

Moon will just arrest all of them like he’s been currently doing.

6 years ago

it is not the Korean “right”, it is right thinking Koreans. Commie moon was able to usurp power in the quiet coup with only 41% of the vote and in reality his approval has never been above that (despite what rigged polls say). Through suppression of opponents and a cooperative left wing media commie moon has been able to illegally retain power.

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