ROK Government Source Believes North Korea Preparing for a Satellite Launch

It looks like more people are beginning to catch on to my idea that the North Koreans may attempt a satellite launch:

The expert added that a more likely explanation was that the North is feigning a missile launch to press Washington for a renegotiation and would not go forward with the act since too much is at stake. 

Another possibility, according to a South Korean government source who asked not to be named, is that the North is preparing to actually launch a satellite equipped with technology recently brought in from friendly countries like China.

“The last time the North shot up a satellite was in 2016 with the launch of the Kwangmyongsong-4,” the source said. 

“Since then, North Korea has been focusing on obtaining satellite technology through unofficial cooperation with other countries or by hacking, and latest intelligence suggests they have completed a new reconnaissance satellite.”

North Korea maintains a distinction between military testing of its ballistic missiles and that of its satellites, though nuclear experts abroad say the fact that the same type of rockets are used for both purposes makes that difference hollow.

UN Security Council Resolution 1718 – approved unanimously by all members in 2006 – forbids any type of rocket launches from the North, be it for satellite or missile purposes.

Joong Ang Ilbo

You can read more at the link, but I thought they may attempt a satellite launch to give them plausible deniability they are testing ICBMs and say they have every right to peaceful space exploration. This also gives the Chinese and Russians some cover to shutdown any more sanctions the US may try to impose after the launch through the United Nations.

This becomes a way the Kim regime can increase tensions and put pressure back on the Trump administration with likely little consequences.

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5 years ago

good thing commie moon took down the FEBA system and cleared routes thru the DMZ for the nK’s. Idiot.

Ole Tanker
Ole Tanker
5 years ago

They saw the headlines China an Israel landed on the moon. They want to land on the “Moon” too. Different moon.

5 years ago

“That’s a nice rocket program you got there. Be a shame if there was a fire.”

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