Soldier Featured in Viral Video Detained By Military Police

This guy was clearly having a bad day, and the next day was even worse when he was detained by the MP’s for this stupidity:

The soldier was in full uniform when a decidedly civilian conflict unfolded outside a shopping mall in Savannah, Georgia.

But by the end of a shouting match — which lasted at most a couple of minutes — the man had ripped off his camouflage jacket, twisted a woman’s arm behind her back and declared in an expletive-laden tirade that he didn’t care about the Army and he didn’t care about the country its members are sworn to protect.

The dispute apparently began over a parking space in what local media identified as a lot outside the sprawling Oglethorpe Mall, which is less than a mile from Hunter Army Airfield in the coastal Georgia city. Videos of the incident surfaced on social media Monday, quickly racking up tens of thousands of shares and over a million views.

On Tuesday, an Army spokesperson told the TV outlet WSAV that the man pictured was detained by military police in connection with his actions in the parking lot.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link, but this guy needs to find another profession because the Army does not need people like this around other soldiers.

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5 years ago

There may be a lot more to this; but clearly the young man has anger issues and needs to get those resolved quickly.

5 years ago

I feel his pain.

I have been dealing with idiots for the last couple of months… ignorant and uninformed people running their mouths and doing stupid crap that disrupts functioning systems.

Fortunately, I have the resources to insure some of them get what is coming to them… elegantly delivered… sometimes by their own inadvertant request.

(The bar business taught me most people will drink as many free shots as you will give them… and I now apply the lesson that people will gorge themselves on too much of a good thing until they fail in a spectacular way… in fact, everything I ever needed to know about the world can be learned in the microcosm of a bar)

Anyway… that guy simply needed to go over to the other group and softly tell them The Way It Is. When they menaced him with violence, he needed to Stand His Ground and put bullets in them all.

He would have looked like a professional soldier taking care of business, the loudmouth enemy would have been neutralized, and the problem would have been solved.

Full disclosure: This week, i am dealing with a level of idiocy beyond anything I have ever experienced. It appears I will overcome it… but it has caused a great deal of stress. Once this is resolved, people are going to pay.

5 years ago

” ‘Vengeance is mine. I will repay,’ says the Lord.”–both Old and New Testaments

Don’t steal from God. Besides, He can’t be prosecuted. Much more fun to warn them in a sort of whispered “Don’t do that!”…

I think it was a guy named Samual Johnson, the fellow who wrote the first Oxford Dictionary of the English Language, who also wrote “Whom God would destroy, He first drives mad.”

We’re seeing that all around us as Democrats and NeverTrumpers are self-identifying as bat-guano lunatics.

2020 is going to be an interesting year.

5 years ago


My greatest secret pleasure is watching Trump bring attention to the batsheite crazy wing of the Democratic party which forces the moderate wing to back them up… and the ignorant upstarts become the face of the party over the old pros.

Trump is stupid and ignorant, they say.

…but, starting with winning the election, nobody is that lucky.

5 years ago

So what does he have PTSD from? Did he see to much at the JRTC rotation? No combat patch so I have to wonder.

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