Man Who Spoke About Ending the US-ROK Alliance Being Considered as Korean Ambassador to the U.S.

It is being reported that President Moon’s trial balloon specialist, Moon Chung-in who has spoke about ending the US-ROK alliance and has advocated for helping North Korea evade sanctions may be picked to be the next ambassador to the United States:

Moon Chung-in

Conservatives squawked Thursday about the possibility that President Moon Jae-in will send special adviser Moon Chung-in to Washington as Korea’s ambassador. 

“How can you possibly send a destroyer of the Korea-U.S. alliance to be ambassador to the United States?” Chairman Hwang Kyo-ahn of the Liberty Korea Party (LKP) said Thursday during a meeting of the party leadership.

Hwang was reacting to media reports saying that the president’s special adviser for foreign affairs and national security would be named to replace current U.S. Ambassador Cho Yoon-je. 

“This is the worst example of the president’s arrogance and high-handedness,” Hwang said. “[Moon Chung-in] even argued that the Korea-U.S. alliance must end. What will he do if he is appointed ambassador? We can never agree to such an appointment. The people won’t accept it either.” 

Joong Ang Ilbo

You can read more at the link, but the best to think of Moon Chung-in is as the anti-John Bolton of South Korea.

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5 years ago

Looking like Moon is working overtime at removing all of South Korea’s allies.

5 years ago

Moon Jae In is really cruising for another May 16.

5 years ago

Of course commie moon with make this guy the US ambassador…the commies love the US for at least getting their sons and daughters US passports so they won’t have to live in the hell hole they are about to create…

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
5 years ago

I wonder how many of these pro-Nork idiots realize that after “reunification “ their thank you will be a gulag or if their lucky a bullet to the head? Kim fatty the third will never allow a former politician go free, he could rival him for the throne…

5 years ago

The only successor is little Kim Fatty IV in his crib in Pyongyang. Everyone else is a slave laborer and mass grave victim.

5 years ago

Screw the alliance. President Trumps needs to hand off the trigger to John Bolton.

jon paul
jon paul
5 years ago

I think it’s potentially a great idea. You can be sure that NSA and others will be listening to his conversations and perhaps even following him and his aides around. Since I doubt the guy has fabulous tradecraft, maybe they will even be able to find and publicize some of his NK links.

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