ROK Presidential Advisor Wants Inter-Korean Economic Projects

It has been long predicted that after the April elections that the Moon administration at some point would try and undermine international sanctions on North Korea. Well the President’s trial balloon specialist, Moon Chung-in is out now stating this very thing:

Moon Chung-in

As an adviser to the former Kim Dae-jung and Roh Moo-hyun administrations, he attended the first, second and third inter-Korean summits in Pyongyang as a special delegate. With regard to President Moon Jae-in’s North Korea policy, the professor stressed that the President will continue to find niches for cooperation and exchanges with North Korea and be able to persuade the U.S. to allow inter-Korean economic projects. 

Korea Times

You can read more at the link.

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4 years ago

The South Korean People need to fix this before they too are under the same sanctions as North Korea.

That’s not a threat. It’s international law. And their trading partners outside of Beijing are not likely to be well-disposed to the risk Seoul is trying to put them in.

4 years ago

More like Inter-Korean monetary donations for Fatty III.

4 years ago

south Korea is lost, done, finished.

2ID Doc
2ID Doc
4 years ago

Since I left in 1990 I always had a plan to get back to Korea when the second hot Korean War broke out. I figured once in country I could fake my way in a unit to help the Koreans defend their country. It’s over. With commie moon pie succeeded in his coup and now has dictatorial power, he and his cronies can react with absolute surprise fear and shock as they are put in chains and sent off to the gulag. All I ask is kim fatty the third makes that photo public so I can frame it and put on my wall.

4 years ago

I hope he shows it live for the world to see. Communism always seems sweeter from the other side.

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