Tweet of the Day: Is Moon Administration Going After Samsung on Behalf of China?

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bighominidKevin Kim
4 years ago

South Korea’s fellating of China is going to look increasingly awkward as more and more large countries divest from China and pivot toward places like India. South Korea’s history as a vassal of China at least partly explains all the cringing servitude and toadyism we see today. What’s going to happen, though, when SK is one of the few major countries left hanging off China’s crotch? SK really ought to divest as well. While this would mean losing its largest trading partner, it would also mean opening up to potential friends everywhere—countries that won’t sell crappy products and services, that won’t enslave whole populations in devil’s-bargain Belt and Road initiatives, and that won’t institute hypocritical travel bans during a pandemic. Only cowardice prevents South Korea from divorcing itself from China.

4 years ago

I would say Party loyalty stops them. No one walks from from Emperor Xi. No one.

4 years ago

*away from

4 years ago

Even the kings of the various Korean kingdoms had to court the favor of the yangban. For Moon to go after Samsung like this, he either got permission from other chaebol leaders or he has stuck his head out too far.

How many voters work for Samsung, including unions that might lean left until the factories close?

4 years ago

Samsung and all other Korean companies need to flee Korea or lose their companies. The downfall of Korea is coming being driven by commie moon. Any Korean that secure a foreign passport should do so now.

4 years ago

Commie Moon wants to destroy the country and make it ripe for Fatty. Best way is to sink Samsung by cutting off it’s head. JY Lee is going to end up in jail with President Park again.

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