Army Lieutenant Suspended for Anti-Semitic TikTok Post
|Not the smartest way to start your Army career:

Army officials are investigating an anti-Semitic social media post shared Friday by a second lieutenant based at Fort Stewart, Ga., who said he shared it as a joke.
Army officials said Monday that they had suspended 2nd Lt. Nathan Freihofer from his duties and launched an investigation into a post on the controversial TikTok platform by the 23-year-old field artillery officer. In the short video, Freihofer said he would never become a “verified” user because of the content that he shares before telling his so-called joke, which was about the Holocaust and Jewish people.
“If you get offended, get the f— out, because it’s a joke,” he then said in the video. In text alongside the video, he added: “For legal reasons this is a joke.”
Stars & Stripes
You can read more at the link, but this lieutenant has 3 million TikTok and 220,000 Instagram followers so clearly being an Army officer is not his top priority.
White people are not allowed to “joke” about anybody (and this butter-bar needs to gain wisdom rapidly if he plans on leading people anywhere).
Meanwhile, look who is meeting with Joey Fingers:
www dot breitbart dot com/2020-election/2020/09/02/jacob-blake-sr-has-long-history-of-racist-antisemitic-anti-christian-posts-set-to-meet-joe-biden/
The problem is not the lopsided enforcement of “the rules”. It’s the hatred/contempt some people have about “others.” I admit to not trusting commies as far as the roughly 770 steel balls from a properly-installed “claymore mine” could toss the bits; but I don’t hate ’em. In fact, if they’re buying, I’d even offer to have lunch and talk about their eternal destiny.
We need to quit “othering” people based on physical characteristics and just treat them as brothers and sisters as long as they aren’t trying to hurt innocents.