Picture of the Day: Pro-Choice Rally

Pro-choice rally
Pro-choice rally
Members of a pro-choice civic body rally in front of the National Assembly in Seoul on Oct. 7, 2020. On the same day, the government made public its plan to revise laws to allow abortion until the 14th week of pregnancy. The revisions also conditionally allow abortion until the 24th week of pregnancy based on social, economic and health concerns. (Yonhap)
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4 years ago

The definition of irony….my body my choice while being forced to wear a worthless mask by the government….idiots.

4 years ago

…except it is NOT their body, their choice.

This is not against abortion or women.

But the father needs to have just as much power in stopping or compelling an abortion as the mother has in demanding child support.

Of course it would be wrong to force a woman into an abortion she does not want, just as it is wrong to force a man to pay for a child he does not want.

Perhaps the solution is a “virtual abortion”… where the man terminates all rights and responsibilities and the woman is free to do whatever she wants.

Further, his baby, his choice, he can choose to be fully responsible and she must deliver the baby and then walk away.

Sounds messy doesn’t it?

Well, apart from equality, it removes a lot of perverse incentives… and, coupled mandatory government jobs for single mothers on assistance, it would solve so many problems overnight.

The number of single mother and abortions would both go down as women started to take responsibility for their bodies that they always demand rights for.

And the streets would be clean of trash.

4 years ago

CH, you’re making sense…

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