Koreans Increasingly Concerned About Rising Deaths from People Who Took Flu Vaccine

With everyone already scared of the coronavirus now there is a new fear, the flu vaccine:

Jeong Eun-kyeong, chief of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, answers questions over concerns about the safety of seasonal flu shots during a National Assembly Health and Welfare Committee audit of the agency, Thursday. Yonhap

Public fear is escalating over the safety of the seasonal flu vaccination after a series of deaths among people who had recently received the vaccination, although the health authorities have said there was no connection.

As of 4 p.m., Thursday, the number of deaths nationwide of people who had been vaccinated against the seasonal influenza increased to 25, according to the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA). 

An increasing number of elderly people here are expressing concerns over the vaccination as most cases were in this age group, although the KDCA repeated that the deaths were not associated with the flu shots.

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but 25 is a lot of people. To put that is perspective that is the amount of people killed by the coronavirus in South Korea since September 30th.

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3 years ago

Where was commie moon when all these people died? He should have been administering CPR and testing these vaccines first. Where’s his missing 10 hours?

3 years ago

Did commie moon get the flu shot? This fools can’t get a flu shot right and they want us all to be taking some rushed china virus vaccine….no thanks.

3 years ago

The medical establishment can’t even get aspirin right. For decades the US FDA recommended daily aspirin for adults aged 40-70. But in 2014, the FDA pointed at new data (instead of saying they were wrong) and recommended to stop daily aspirin. Meaning: They were wrong all along.

Aspirin! It’s one ingredient. And they got it wrong! For decades! So what makes anyone think they can get these 35+ ingredients that make up a vaccine right?

BL: Read the product insert before you take the jab. Take it home and read the whole thing carefully. Get the product insert BEFORE they give you the shot. Guess what the first line says: “Read these instructions before administering or taking this medication.”

3 years ago

According to Arirang News (TV) last night the death count is now up to 32. And all these deaths occurred just in the past week.

3 years ago
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