83 Koreans Reportedly Die After Receiving Flu Vaccine; Government Says There is No Link

What would be helpful is comparing these number of possible vaccination deaths with statistics from prior years:

South Korea’s public health agency said Saturday that a total of 83 people, most of whom are elderly, died after being administered with a seasonal flu vaccine.

The deaths have stoked public anxiety over the safety of flu vaccines, but the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCA) said the deaths of 72 people have very limited relation with the flu shots. Another 11 cases are currently under investigation.

Of the total, 37 people are in their 70s, followed by 34 people aged 80 or older, eight under 60 and four in their 60s, KDCA said.


You can read more at the link.

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3 years ago

Isn’t this the same scene as the beginning of every science fiction movie about a plague?

I keep looking for the Umbrella Corporation logo…

Beijing Boy
3 years ago

setnaffa needs to take the Korean flu shot.

then let’s see what happens.

rocket man
rocket man
3 years ago

Setnaffa, watched “Train to Busan” last night. Something went wrong at some research facility and was turning people into zombies. Kind of the same scenairo your talking about. Hey, it was halloween and what could be better than korean zombies on a train. Kind of reminded me of riding in the kim-chi busses back in the day!

3 years ago

Yeah, one of the good side effects of my chemo (in addition to shrinking and killing off the actual cancer) was I still have 2 more years before I can take a flu shot. Last one I had was 1980, so I guess it was pretty effective.

Beijing boy is such a gormless apprentice schmendrick that it makes me sad. The trolls we get just aren’t up to muster these days. I hope he gets the training he needs. Somewhere else.

“Train to Busan” looked to me like a rolling stock version of “Count Yorga” to me (look it up but don’t watch it); but there may have been a Mexican zombie flick involving a train. “Horror Express” with Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, and Telly Savalas was much better, even though it was much older. It was based on the same short story as “The Thing”. The new flicks rely too much on CGI and FX instead of acting talent and well-written scripts.

3 years ago

How many more need to die before they begin to put 2 and 2 together? The KCDC is a joke.

3 years ago

There is no causation because I said there is no causation. The science is settled. Vaccines are “safe and effective”. Now get back in line, quit asking questions, shut up, and do what you’re told.

Korean Man
3 years ago

What do you get when you put 2 and 2 together, J6Junkie?

Do you know the answer?

3 years ago

Looks like there were storage and transportation issues in September that made them stop giving the shots out of concerns it was exposed to too high of temperature for too long.

Wonder if they removed the (potentially) bad batches or just pressed on?

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