Belgian Ambassador’s Wife Investigated for Assault

I wonder what this clerk told her to get slapped in the face?:

The wife of Belgian Ambassador to Korea Peter Lescouhier is under investigation for allegedly assaulting a saleswoman at a clothing shop in Seoul, police said Thursday. 

According to Yongsan Police Station, it is investigating the allegation that the wife slapped a clerk in the face at a shop, April 9.

“We are investigating the allegation, but can’t confirm the details or the circumstances because the investigation is ongoing,” an official at Yongsan Police Station told The Korea Times. 

Korea Times

You can read more at the link, but she has diplomatic immunity so charges can’t be pressed.

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3 years ago

She probably told her that she needed to look at the “husky” sizes of clothes……..

Reply to  don
3 years ago

The Koreans need to send this Belgian bitch home by making persona non grata and yanking her diplomatic immunity.

3 years ago

But Rosko! That might affect the sales of Boramae Fighter Jets to NATO!!

Reply to  setnaffa
3 years ago

I can see your point!

rocket man
rocket man
3 years ago

Ambassador’s wife, “Does this dress make my ass look big?” Saleswoman, “Why yes it does!!!” SLAP

3 years ago

“Does this dress make me look fat?”

“No. Your fat makes you look fat.”

3 years ago

The ambassador’s wife is likely Chinese.

Her name is shown at 2:45 into the vid:

3 years ago

“How dare that waygook assault me when I publicly accused her of stealing?”

What are they teaching these hair-brained yutes? Asians don’t like being embarrassed in public. Older Asians are not as forgiving. Woman who got slapped stepoed in where she didn’t belong.

Korean Man
3 years ago

“Is that someone that Korea really wants walking around that is taking advantage of their diplomatic immunity?” – GIKorea

It was a slap to the face, not even a punch. Much about nothing. Belgium and South Korea have good diplomatic relations, what’s the point of elevating this to an international incident?

3 years ago

To answer that, one needs to ask the goober who got slapped and called the police.

t3h Kangaji
3 years ago

Somebody got a five finger discount to the face!

3 years ago

Maybe she thought it was Palm Sunday?

3 years ago

Gonna steal that one, CH. 😆

3 years ago

Bigger question, why did a Belgium diplomat marry a Chinese spy?

3 years ago

They released the CCTV footage of the incident in question.

It shows the Belgian ambassador’s wife browsing, leaving, and one of the employees going after her.

After a while she comes back confronts the employee in question and from her tugging on the blouse she’s wearing probably saying something like “Does this look like it is stolen from here?”

Then the store manager intervenes and out of the blue she gets slapped.

My guess is the store employee probably noticed that she was Chinese and knowing how Koreans feel about the Chinese most probably suspected her with shoplifting and confronted her.

Of course the Belgian ambassador’s wife would have gotten angry at being wrongfully accused of shoplifting, which would have led her coming back to the store to confront the employee.

Two questions come into mind;

1. How did the store employee confront the Belgian ambassador’s wife and did he apologize to the Belgian ambassador’s wife after realizing the mistake?

2. What was being said between the employees and the Belgian ambassador’s wife? Did the employees talk to her in a reasonable manner, or did they consider her as another Chinese woman that they can look down on?

If it was just a mistake(probably racially motivated but anyways) and the store apologized to the Belgian ambassador’s wife then yeah she did step out of line by slapping the store manager.

But, if the store employees help create the situation, well then there are no good guys and bad guys here.

3 years ago

Good analysis, TOK.

3 years ago

“If it was just a mistake(probably racially motivated but anyways) and…”

(Deep breath)

China is not a race. China is a nation.

It is not “racism” to be critical, or even discriminate, based on national origin, culture, appearance, attitude, behavior, values, gender, assumed gender, etc.

It is ONLY racism when your decision is based on… wait for it…


As everyone involved was the same race, the thought of this being a racist incident is ridiculous.

…unless there was a self-loathing Asian who identifies as an African bushman.

3 years ago

Best described as tribalism.

3 years ago

I’m guessing it was a bitch slap for a bitch.

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