South Korea Looking Towards US to Provide Them More COVID Vaccines

The Moon administration COVID vaccine plan has fallen apart and they are now looking towards the Biden administration to bail them out from all the criticism they are receiving domestically:

Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong speaks at a parliamentary session on April 20, 2021. (Yonhap)

South Korea is “earnestly discussing” forging a swap deal with the United States to secure COVID-19 vaccines, the South Korean foreign minister said Tuesday.

Foreign Minister Chung Eui-yong revealed the bilateral consultation under way between Seoul and Washington, during a parliamentary session. 

“Currently, (South Korea) is discussing (the potential swap deal) with the U.S. side quite earnestly,” the foreign minister said, responding to a query by Rep. Park Jin of the main opposition People Power Party.


You can read more at the link, but considering the vaccine hesitancy in the US and the growing stockpiles of vaccines because of it; I would not be surprised if a deal is worked out.

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3 years ago

Funny commie moon isn’t turn to commie china…but once again America has to save Korea.

3 years ago

The inability or unwillingness by Calamity Moon and his underlings to pre-order vaccines in advance last year will probably be remembered as one of the failings of the administration and DPK.

One wonders, why the poster child of Covid-19 containment has become a laughing stock.

Below are some of the reasons why I think we have come to this;

1. Nationalism

Korean leftists are nationalists at heart. For Calamity Moon and his followers, after being showered with phrase from foreign politicians and media in regards to containing Covid-19 in Korea, nothing would have been better than Korean developed vaccines and treatments making the final punch against Covid-19 and gaining further praise from the world.

But alas that is not be since the Phase 3 trials for Korean made vaccines are scheduled for the second half of this year(way too late) and the touted treatments are well, nowhere to be seen or heard.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the decision not to pre-order vaccines are related to Calamity Moon and his followers holding out for Korean developed vaccines and treatments.

2. Money

Korean politicians and civil servants are famous for spending on what they feel is beneficial to them and not what is beneficial to the people. (OK, all politicians do that, but Korean politicians seem to take it to a whole new level) So paying all of that money for expensive Pfizers and Modernas would have been unpalatable.

Had Pfizer and Moderna failed, then the persons above would have been praised for holding out against greedy Western corporations and saving valuable tax payer money.

But we all know that’s not how things turned out.

3. Incompetence

This category needs no words. Interestingly Calamity Moon threw the Prime Minister and the civil servants under the bus when there was a bit of a temperature spike as a result of the Korean government not pre-ordering vaccines. He said something along the lines of “I gave you that order”, as if saying that he ordered the civil servants to procure the vaccines but the civil servants failed to act making it their responsibility.

3 years ago

According to Arirang News (a few minutes ago), the discussions during John Kerry’s visit to Korea last week are being held in secrecy by both delegations. Wait, What? A meeting with the US climate czar is secret?

Then this bilateral vaccination deal is revealed. From the very beginning, everything about COVID has been void of all integrity. Then this! Just pile this on with the rest of the shit that makes no sense about COVID. BOHICA

3 years ago

GI, you and the rest of the world can, politely, stop using the term vaccine hesitancy in describing those of us who are resolute in NOT injecting experimental chemicals directly into our bloodstream. Hesitant means undecided, not ready to commit, or pausing to think about it.

It’s like describing hard-core conservatives as hesitant Democrats.

3 years ago

I am “hesitant” about the covid vaccine like I am hesitant about sticking my dìck in the glory hole at a dirty book store.

There is nothing in there I need… and maybe something I don’t.

So why do it?

The tinfoil hat guys megadosing on vitamin C and taking shady website supplements of stuff I never heard of to block the 5G nanoparticles or whatever got me thinking recently.

“The medical industry promotes pharmaceuticals instead of wellness.”

If everyone was concerned about deaths, smoking and fast food would be the targets instead of small business.

3 years ago

GI, I found a very clear video talking about the efficacy of vaccines made in China.

3 years ago

Follow up news regarding the “vaccine swap”

I think the term “not so fast” applies here

3 years ago

Considering how many Koreans feel about Chinese products(and all things Chinese), it would be political suicide for Moon and the DPK to even consider Chinese vaccines.

However, they are open to Russian vaccines.

As an added bonus to the leftist nationalists, Russian vaccines are also produced here in Korea.

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