Picture of the Day: In-Person Worship Service in South Korea
Members of Sarang Jeil Church in northern Seoul hold in-person worship services in front of Seoul Station on Aug. 29, 2021, after receiving a notice of closure by the office of Seongbuk Ward amid the country’s efforts to rein in the fourth wave of the pandemic. (Yonhap)
I have to ask because I don’t know. They closed churches, did they also close Buddhist temples?
I have to ask because I don’t know. They ban gatherings more than a couple of people. Does that apply to government officials? Or only if they don’t claim it to be an official function.
Christians need to lead the charge. They are organized, funded, and fearless.
It’s a big step toward removing God.
Then, announce Big Pharma is superior to God by proclaiming the vaccine gives better protection than natural immunity.
Lloyd Austin’s DoD mandate decrees service members with proven natural immunity must still get the vaccine.
ONLY the vaccine can protect you, forget God.
Vaccine passports are a precursor to “the mark.” It is not, of itself, “the mark.”
See https://academic.logos.com/covid-19-and-the-mark-of-the-beast/
Read Psalm 91 (your own Bible, a Bible app, or online at a place like BibleGateway). Pay attention to the words. Christians who fear what this world offers have their eyes off of Jesus Christ, who promised to save us.
And even JRR Tolkien had a bit of prose about our attitude when fighting evil:
It’s interesting that the ride of the Rohirrim to save Minas Tirith was almost a mirror of the Polish Winged Hussars attacking a Turkish army about to destroy Vienna. On September 11, 1683…
Sabaton’s version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxlRJsQ7p2k
I love Sabaton, setnaffa!
Great song.
(it’s on my running list, along with Last Stand)
Yeah, I’m no Polish Hero; but I’ve been to Subway… 😉
And I think you are right, setnaffa. The people are ready. I used to think, when envisioning this apocalyptic scenario TPTB would at least be coy.
After the last year and half’s events I no longer think that’s necessary.
People will line up, and when asked whether they want it on the forehead or hand, they’ll take the forehead so they can “virtue signal” best.
Yes Liz, in addition to great music tastes, you understand what kind of sheep occupy the pasture…
I am a firm believer in complying my way to freedom.
CH, that’s probably WrongThink.
And it’s worth a decent steak if we ever meet.
You and ChickenHead are the same. You’ve already met and digested the same steak.
Korea Person, don’t go running your mouth and fùcking up my chance at a free decent steak.