USFK Announces Expansive COVID Restrictions on U.S. Troops
|It looks like it is going to be a tough few weeks for U.S. troops in South Korea as they face nearly a soft lockdown on their off post activities:
U.S. Forces Korea (USFK) said Saturday it has decided to toughen social distancing rules for its service members amid the growing number of infections among its troops.
The USFK had confirmed a weekly record high of 682 additional COVID-19 cases among its personnel from Dec. 28 to Tuesday. It did not offer more details, including the number of breakthrough cases or locations of the infected members.
“Due to the continued presence of COVID-19 within United States Forces Korea and South Korea, USFK has increased its health protection condition to ‘Bravo Plus’ peninsula-wide effective today at 12 p.m. until further notice,” the USFK said in a statement.
Under the scheme, the U.S. military will prohibit all personnel from visiting off-base facilities, such as indoor malls and gyms.
Access to bars and saunas will also be banned, though the USFK had previously banned such activities for non-vaccinated personnel only.
Seated dining at restaurants outside the base will also be restricted.
The USFK added it will prohibit its personnel from traveling to Seoul except for official duties or those who live there.
The total number of COVID-19 cases reported among the USFK-affiliated population totaled 3,027 as of Tuesday. The USFK said nearly 90 percent of its affiliated community is vaccinated.
You can read more at the link.
More Kabuki Theatre to appease the communists and useful idiots.
Well done, USFK. I imagine you have the Norks, Chicoms, and Russkies shaking in their boots. Literally shaking!
With laughter.
Silliness, pure unadulterated silliness. Lock down makes things wors, more vax makes things worse, masks are worthless…but sure let’s try those things that didn’t work before again….
The data clearly says to maintain readiness, there needs to be a booster shot every 3 months.
But to be sure¹, let’s make that every two.
It is clear the military is currently not doing all it can to maintain readiness.
There must be some white generals left to fire over this.
¹sure: going beyond the standard to avoid any blame in a zero-defect culture
mass formation psychosis…