Lee Jae-myung Has Successful Surgery After Stabbing; No Confirmation of Motive for Attack

It looks like Lee Jae-myung will be fine after having successful surgery after being stabbed in the neck. The would eneded up only being one centimeter so that shouldn’t have been too hard to stich up and repair. What everyone is waiting to find out is why did the attacker stab Lee?:

Police identified the suspect as a man born in 1957 and surnamed Kim. He used an 18-centimeter-long knife purchased online for the attack, police said.

The Busan Metropolitan Police Agency said it plans to charge Kim with attempted murder, as he has confessed to intending to kill Lee.

“An investigation is under way for matters such as the exact motive,” Soh Je-han, an officer at the agency, told a press briefing.

Police said they are currently investigating whether Kim is a member of any political party.

The suspect was also found to have been around the site of an event Lee attended in Busan last month.

Video footage uploaded on YouTube shows the suspect waiting for Lee in the crowd but being unable to make close contact. The suspect was wearing the same paper crown with the words “I’m Lee Jae-myung” as he did Tuesday.


You can read more at the link, but the last case of political violence liked this was against the DPK head who was campaigning for Lee back in 2022 when he was running for President. Song Young-gil was attacked by a leftist anti-US whacko with hammer. The guy later committed suicide in prison after the attack. If the guy that stabbed Lee ends up being another leftist whacko you will hear little more about this attack, however if he ends up being a right wing whacko expect the DPK and the media to blame President Yoon for the attack.

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1 year ago

Staged; never seen a knife with a 17cm handle and a 1cm blade. Attacker held the knife so only a tiny bit of the blade was exposed…theater to gain sympathy. “The wound eneded up only being one centimeter” & “18-centimeter-long knife”

1 year ago

This is what it looks like when you attack a politician with a knife and the intent to kill:

1 year ago

Look at the attack, attacker wearing a silly crown so he can easily be id by Lee and his staff (let in thru security cordon) and he holds the knife so only the tip of the blade is exposed….. https://vidmax.com/video/225561-raw-video-south-korea-s-opposition-leader-gets-stabbed-in-the-neck-while-visiting-busan

1 year ago

That picture is really a picture of the first step on the pathway to the extinction of the socialist party in Japan.

Flyingsword, getting stabbed in the neck, even 1cm, is a pretty bold commitment to pulling off a staged event…

…yet… this does seem incredibly fortunate.

I am going to have to lean toward insanity is coupled with incompetence.

The far-right USFK-loving Trumpers are going to have to find a better class of crazy.

1 year ago


– Flyingsword, 2024

I see a globalist microphone and tracking device, not to mention the self-assembling 5G nano smart-particles, in every bouquet of black roses I get from the Soros Foundation, but getting stabbed in the neck for no real gain even pushes the boundries of my conspiratorial mindset.

But… nothing adds up. And it does so in such a way that the story which makes the least sense is the one being offered.

Unusual circumstances require unusual attention.

Official Story:

Guy took a long knife, stabbed him in the neck, fortunately it was a shallow wound, he will be OK.

Possibility A

He is not OK. He was lying incompacitated with a wound far smaller than guys flailing about in Ukranian war pr0n. In every similar situation, the victim is holding a news conference in a wheelchair with bandanges and a smile and thanking their excellent medical team within 24 hours.

Possibility B

It is a setup. He was dramatically incapacitated. The amount of blood suggests an injury but doesn’t give an embarrassing image of horror. In the video, it isn’t really clear the perp is brandishing a long knife… or any knife at all… slight of hand magic where you see what you think is there. He isn’t making a public appearance because… not sure. And a lot of people would have to be in on this.

Or maybe something else.

Whatever the case, the situation is unusual in a lot of ways and requires continued attention.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

It was confirmed that Mr. Kim (67), a real estate broker who attacked Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, with a weapon in Busan had been a member of the People Power Party (Rightwing Yoon Party) for several years and joined the Democratic Party only 10 months ago. In which after he followed Lee Jae-myung around. Also the news reports by such rightwing news media falsely reporting that Lee’s wounds are 1cm deep minor wounds are simply wrong and deliberately misleading. The stabbing penetrated Lee’s jugular veins, causing him to start to bleed to death. Only the quick intervention of his aids saved his life. This article was published by the Economic Daily, on Lee’s serious condition, quoting the doctors that worked on Lee.


As Lee Jae-myung, leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, was attacked with a weapon while on a schedule in Busan on the 2nd and suffered jugular vein damage to his neck, interest in what the jugular vein is and how dangerous damage to that area is is growing.
The jugular vein, also called the internal jugular vein, serves to transport venous blood from the face and head to the heart. The blood consumed and released from the head is characterized by relatively less nutrients and oxygen than the blood produced by the heart. Unlike arteries, the jugular vein has weak blood pressure, so a valve structure (control valve) exists inside the vein wall to prevent reflux.
The jugular vein has the characteristic of being relatively large in diameter and close to the heart, making it commonly used in clinical treatment. When a large amount of fluid is supplied or a blood transfusion is needed, the most common method is to insert a catheter into the jugular vein. It is also important in cases where it is difficult to take in nutrients by mouth or when nutrients must be supplied only through blood vessels.
Causes of jugular vein damage include stroke, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral aneurysm, cerebral vasculitis, thrombosis, and external shock. Because the jugular vein is a large blood vessel, serious bleeding can occur when externally damaged. If massive bleeding is not addressed immediately, hypovolemic shock or organ failure may occur, leading to death. This is why prompt emergency action is more important than anything else.
Bae Byeong-gu, director of the surgical center at H Plus Yangji Hospital, said, “What is important in case of traumatic jugular vein damage is that the bleeding may worsen if the object that damaged the jugular vein is removed.” He added, “It is better to stabilize it by fixing it as is rather than removing external factors.” He said. He added, “You must arrive at the hospital as soon as possible so that an emergency trauma doctor can determine the extent of the injury and perform surgery to restore veins and restore blood flow.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Korean Man
Korean Person
Korean Person
1 year ago

had been a member of the People Power Party (Rightwing Yoon Party) for several years 

Days before during a New Year speech, Yoon and his sidekick, Han Donghoon more or less called for war against the DPK.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Lee’s assailant took this to heart and decided to do this part.

Last edited 1 year ago by Korean Person
1 year ago

I am still going with staged so Lee can gain sympathy and avoid court dates.

1 year ago

“avoid court dates”

Ooooo… forgot about that.

The last roadblock is the number of people who would have to be in on it.

Aids, security, witnesses, paramedics, doctors, nurses, etc.

We have all seen conspiracies of shared values where going along with the scam was easier in every way than calling it out.


As for politics, it appears, like school shooters in America, they are apolitical or unclassifiable even when they mostly lean left (more Che Guevara than Hitler in their lives). This is because almost all of the people who do this kind of thing do it because of mental illness rather than politics.¹

¹with the exception of islam where mental illness, politics, and religion happily coexist

In this case the guy was a liberal party member for more than a decade but reversed his politics more recently. Who knows what that means.

It likely means all sides will try to shoehorn him into the place that supports their argument.

The real answer is don’t try to squeeze logic out of irrational and crazy.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 year ago

In this case the guy was a liberal party member for more than a decade

Really? PPP (AKA Yoon Party) is a Liberal Party? Next you’ll be claiming Yoon is a democrat and a liberal. lol.

1 year ago

“In this case the guy was a liberal party member for more than a decade

Really? PPP (AKA Yoon Party) is a Liberal Party? Next you’ll be claiming Yoon is a democrat and a liberal. lol.”

Korea Man, you are right.

And when you are right, you are right.

After recalibrating my reading comprehension, remembering which party is which, and recalling that months and years are not the same thing, it appears:

Kim was a member of the United Future Party, the predecessor of the PPP, for four to five years until 2020 and then joined the Democratic Party in March 2023 and remained a member for the last 10 months.

One could make a good argument that Kim is right wing and only joined the left to get close to Lee. That argument is strengthened when video shows him (and another guy) wearing the same crown but unable to get close.

Let’s see how it plays out. Kim ain’t talking.

I bought some blue construction paper and a sashimi knife today. Once I get my real estate license, my Halloween costume will be complete.

What should my sign say?

“Communists are like cellmates. All of them try to fúck you, but some of them get shanked.”

1 year ago

This is a decent uncensored video of the so-called attack.
In my opinion, Lee’s body language says set-up.

There is a different video that shows a gauze pad that fell off his neck for like half a second before someone reapplied it. It had less blood on it than you would get from popping a pimple. It’s a stunt.


1 year ago

“Police also warned against the spread of fake news.

The warning came as some online posts claimed that the attack against Lee was a self-fabricated scenario in his apparent bid to gain public attention and unify opposition voters ahead of the general elections slated for April. Some posts claimed, for example, that Lee was stabbed with a wooden chopstick.

“Posting threats to commit brutal crimes and spreading misinformation constitute serious crimes and threaten our community,” said Woo Jong-soo, head of the National Office of Investigation. “We will take as strict measures as possible against these crimes to the fullest extent that the law allows.””

Posting threats is an offense to social order.

Posting an opinion that this stabbing could be a self-fabricated scenario that conveniently postpones court dates is an important public conversation that allows both good and bad ideas to be publicly discussed and evaluated.

Was the supression of valid opinions and truthful statements during covid not a teachable moment for both governemnt and society?

Spoiler: No.

The official desire to supress this line of reasoning instead of letting it die a natural death as a well-scrutinized theory means it needs a bit more attention.

1 year ago

Show a picture of the wound. 

We all know how Korean hospitals take HD pictures (of everything) when a patient comes in.

Would anyone like to see the before and after pictures of my inguinal hernia from last year? They took enough to fill a CD-ROM and hand it to me. 

Point is they have pictures; before and after whatever procedure (they’re calling a surgery) he had. But we’ll never see them. You know, privacy. Yet, every restaurant owner was entitled to know my PCR and vaccine status two years ago. Where was privacy then? But I digress.

Without pictures, my guess is they didn’t have to put one stitch in him. That’s why we won’t see pictures, nor will the surgeon come to the podium to explain how long it took to close him up. Yet, he’ll prominently wear a bandage for some ungodly length of time, like a year.

Let’s listen for news in 7-10 days from now when he goes to get his sutures out. Betcha it don’t happen.

Show a picture of the weapon. Not a chopstick? Maybe it was a butterfinger for all we know.

Yeah, asking questions is a threat to democracy according the marxists actually destroying democracy.

1 year ago

I have not seen a photo of the weapon or the wound. I do know that leftists lie like fish swim (though not as gracefully).

As it’s a Korean thing, I am okay with the Korean Government dealing with it now; but I would like to actually know the truth by this time next year.

1 year ago

Well, if all the above is true I am convinced it was a set up.

(Side note: Also, pizza gate didn’t kill itself)

1 year ago

While one centimeter may not sound like a deep cut on the neck, a kidney stone of the same size could be horrifying, and would 90% require surgery to remove.


Again, we don’t know the whole story…

Last edited 1 year ago by setnaffa
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