ROK Drop Open Thread – June 28, 2024

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Korean Person
Korean Person
4 days ago

What do President Yoon and the Setnaffarians have in common?

They both delve in fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories.

‘In response, Yoon said he had not decided regarding Lee due to “strong suspicions” about the incident, saying he could not “rule out the possibility that it might have been induced and manipulated by certain forces.” ‘

Last edited 4 days ago by Korean Person
4 days ago

Waiting for an op-ed from 51 former intelligence agents to tell me what to think about the debate last night…
(aides report that afterwards behind closed doors Biden began elaborating on string theory, and orbital mechanics in 6 different languages)

Last edited 4 days ago by Liz
4 days ago

Pretty shocking that Biden even agree to the debate. Remember last election cycle where they kept him hidden away? I suspect factions behind the scene are trying to get rid of him. Notice the near instantaneous shift in the media narrative from ‘nothing to see, Biden is in great health’ to ‘cognitive decline was completely obvious’?

4 days ago

Top virologist says long covid is real – and it’s caused by the vaccine

3 days ago

Trump Indicted For Murdering Elderly Man On CNN

3 days ago

I think long covid could be both (vaccine and/or covid) not necessarily one or the other. We probably all know enough people who were impacted by both (I do, I know people with longterm effects most likely from the vaccine and also people with longterm effects most likely from covid).

Greyblack, I thought the same.
This must have been planned…although it is the ith hour to change candidates and I’m not sure what they will do about Kamala. My guess is, Newsome steps in (which will get the female vote and the youth vote, most likely).

3 days ago

Roh was spirited away to a NIS black site where he is forced to produce platinum records to this day.

3 days ago

I’m also remembering Fetterman (who seems much smarter post stroke, strangely…perhaps it was ditching the Columbian prostitute wife). He was not in any shape to debate but was elected anyway. Hard to even call this Theatre theatre anymore. Seems to understate things.

3 days ago

Elections are terribly important…

3 days ago

Let’s not lie to ourselves.

Biden didn’t blow the debate with a sudden decline.

His condition was obvious to the people who are around him. His condition was obvious to the people that agreed to the debate. His condition was obvious to the people who prepared him for the debate. His condition was obvious to the people who ran the debate. And rumors of his condition were well-known to everyone in his orbit’s orbit’s orbit.

Everyone involved knew this would happen.

This outcome was expected.

The obvious conclusion is everyone involved wanted this to happen for reasons that are not yet fully clear, but will be very soon.

Evaluating all the possibilities, it doesn’t seem there will be any options that don’t end in some of the biggest shìtbaggery ever seen in modern American politics.

The fault will lie with a lot of people and groups pushing their anti-American agenda… and they will fight amongst themselves to grab what they can.

But they will all agree it is Trump’s fault.

3 days ago

National Treasure Iowahawk weighs in.

Screenshot-2024-06-28-at-11.29.15 AM
3 days ago

The unvaccinated are slowly getting their revenge. United Airlines is facing a $1B lawsuit from the 2,200 employees put on unpaid leave for not taking the vax. The basis of the lawsuit is religious discrimination because United didn’t honor any of the exemptions.

United’s CEO, Scott Kirby, is quite the piece of work. He wanted unvaccinated employees to wear yellow dots on their name tags so they could be readily identified as Jewish, I mean, unvaccinated.

3 days ago

Kirby is the quintessential Air Force academy d*ckhead.

2 days ago

Never forget, the covid vaccine was a Nazi-grade medical experiment on a global scale… an experimental substance made with experimental technology with different formulations and different batches to different populations… with records kept to track results… but not shared…

…except for science you must trust… that won’t be released for 75 years.

That was all clear to aware people at the time. Many of them, like me, were noisy. We were ignored… even ridiculed… some were oppressed.

The truth is becoming increasingly clear to people now… but on an intelligence-based timeline…

…meaning pretty much only the dummies and the losers who cope by lying to themselves are the only ones who don’t recognize this.

This growing awareness, both culturally and scientifically, allows the people who refused to be victims to be compensated for their losses.

There will need to be legal tricks like religious exemptions and such, but the fundemental idea is that the mandatory covid vaccine is not a vaccine, as it does not protect against catching or transmitting covid.

Despite claims that it reduces symptoms or hospitalization, statistics seem to disprove this. This means it may not even be a therapeutic. We will know in a year or two, as information trickles out at a rate inverse to the rate of public outrage.

And there is an increasing body of research that indicates the side effect-based harm is greater than any protection for all but the highest-risk demographics.

But this was all obvious to smart people long ago.

It is increasingly obvious to all people.

If any lawsuits are won against institutions which must protect the System in courts that must protect the System, it will open a floodgate of awareness and “I always knew that.”

Nothing brings out self-honesty like, “You may be entitled to compensation.”

(It also brings out self-deception, as the compensation is the constant in this situation.)

As I refused the vaccine, this is all amusing.

Nobody who didn’t get the vaccine regrets their decision.

2 days ago

, there really was an Google Groups Forum called “Journolist”. It was allegedly removed; but obviously replaced with something. The mediabots aren’t very clever.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 days ago

Life expectancy for males in the US, has fallen to 73 years, six years less than the females.

At least partially as a consequence of over 1 million Covid-19 deaths, life expectancy in the U.S. has declined significantly over the past few years, falling from 78.8 years in 2019 to 77 in 2020 and 76.1 in 2022 — undoing over two decades of progress

If it wasn’t COVID (as I’m told it’s just a conspiracy cooked up by the ‘left-wing globablists’, what caused this sudden massive increase of deaths among Americans?

According to the Worldometers, South Korea’s life expectancy is over 84 years – which is a massive gap of 8 years compared to how long Americans live on average.

If Covid is fake news, what happened to the US?

2 days ago

what caused this sudden massive increase of deaths among Americans?

Deaths of despair. Drug overdoses, alcohol abuse (oh hey), and suicides. General dysfunction in the healthcare and insurance system. US looks more and more like Soviet Russia every day.

2 days ago

Why is America’s life expectancy lowering?

“If it wasn’t COVID (as I’m told it’s just a conspiracy cooked up by the ‘left-wing globablists’, what caused this sudden massive increase of deaths among Americans?”

Glad you asked.

I can tell you exactly why, as I have been explaining this to the few who truly listen.

“This alarming trend is clearly not an anomaly and is primarily due to heart disease, cancer, COVID-19 and the ongoing drug-overdose epidemic.”

Heart inflamation is temporary and minor and symptoms go away on their own… they say. Or maybe the increase in cardiac-related deaths that correlate with vaccine uptake actually implies causation.

Cancer was a predicted outcome of the vaccine in a percentage of the population through several pathways, from frame shifting to the creation of random proteins to immune system reduction. It is hard to know if the talk of “turbo cancers” and young people coming down with old people’s cancers is true, but we are seeing the same statistical games with Safe that we saw with Effective… so… likely it will be hidden until it cannot be.

“But that’s conspiracy theory! That many people can’t keep a secret.”

We have watched President Biden clearly become dysfunctional over the last couple of years while the entire situation was managed by his handlers to conceal that as much as possible. This conspiracy was supported by thousands of people from world leaders to the entire media structure who have the duty to expose anything in the interests of the American people.

So, yes, conspiracy on this scale is possible and doctors will not risk their personal situation to report the vaccine as unsafe… much like a couple years ago when they didn’t say the vaccine was ineffective when it clearly was.

Drug overdoses are a feature and not a bug, so that shouldn’t be included in statistics of what happens to normal people, as it dilutes the observation of important trends.

In the end, people deserve what they accept and Americans deserve decreasing health, deteriorating economic stability, expanding social disorder, child trannies, and all the other horrors they vote for, demonstrate for, and fail to act against.

2 days ago

Yet another reason the vaxtards won’t learn their lesson.

Analysis of South Korea’s excellent medical record keeping shows a link between the covid vaccine and Alzheimer’s Disease.

But we already discussed this here because we knew the vaccine-created spike, unlike the full virus, crossed the blood-brain barrier. We knew it bound with ACE2 receptors in the brain, causing inflammation. Studies since 2021 have been finding examples of cognative decline.

Lucky for the vaxtards, though, is they won’t really be kicking themselves over bad life choices made due to laziness, peer pressure, refusal to think things through, false sense of moral superiority, and all the other stupidity, as they play with their poop and make screeching noises.

2 days ago

Deaths from covid (the data indicates, at any rate) peaked around the 2021 timeframe and have been going down while the life expectancy is also going down.
That would indicate covid is probably not the cause.
(also, covid was a worldwide pandemic so why would the relevancy of this factor be attributional to the US alone, and US men in particular?)

That study is interesting, CH. Wish I could read the whole thing but I don’t want to pay for it. If accurate that is very very troubling.

Korean Man
Korean Man
1 day ago

Here are some of my own thoughts on Trump-Biden CNN debate:

It sure was entertaining and extremely funny. What a Banana Republic. Please Mr Trump, please do stop the US from leading the world, because you’re not fit to be the leader and it’s embarrassing.

The corruption of US political system is beyond repair. It makes South Korea’s horrible Presidential power look benevolent.

I’m not going to say anything about Trump’s performance since he was predictably intellectually dishonest which wasn’t a surprise. But I mean come on, how did the Democrats think that they can fool the American voters into believing that their candidate wasn’t old and didn’t have an onset of old age dementia? It was so obvious too many powerful people in that party were just looking after their own political interests, propping up a candidate who clearly wasn’t capable. Both US parties are backed up by money, and a set group of establishments that’s looking out for themselves. Money is what matters the most in American politics. They are all incredibly corrupt, more so than even South Korea.

It’s now 100% guaranteed that Trump will be the next US president.

How should South Korea approach its relations with the US? South Korea, on paper, has over $50 billion trade surplus with the US. That is not going to go well with Trump who will undoubtedly put high tariffs on South Korean imports. SK needs to hedge against this threat by improving its relations with China and trading more with them. Fortunately, China has lately been dropping some of its restrictions against South Korea including freeing up its control of Chinese tourists to South Korea, as arrivals from China are starting to soar again. China has offered olive branches to Seoul and Tokyo in their trilateral meeting that was held recently. Once the US hits South Korea (and SEA, Japan, rest of Asia) with high tariffs, improving trade with China should soften the blow, and Asian cooperation in the Pacific among the countries should improve – or else each Asian country will have to face the angry hostile US alone.

South Korea should also rethink how it deals with Europe, specifically with countries like France and Germany. Western Europe’s political landscape is turning Rightists – they’re going to be cutting deals with the Trump admin. I have a suspicion that Western Europe will also stop backing Ukraine militarily. South Korea should pause now, and stop supporting Ukraine. Otherwise, it will be holding an empty bag in the next couple of years. Those Western Europeans are backstabbers who do not respect South Korea as an equal. Just look at how France and Germany are putting pressure on its NATO members to not buy South Korean weapons, in their attempt to protect the French and German weapons manufacturing industry. And Poland, after their election of a new leadership, has been hostile towards South Korean military sales and is threatening to back out of all the deals that were made, in their attempt to appease Germany and France.

South Korea should try to leverage its advantages and support Eastern European countries but nothing free should be given to Europe. South Korea needs to maximize its profits in Europe, hit them hard with the costs that they should pay. Europe is no longer its old self. Currently they are in a steep decline without their steady dose of Russian energy, so they will soon need South Korea’s manufacturing help to face Russian threat. The EU does not accept that fact yet. This is what Trump’s strategy on Europe is too, hit them hard while they’re down.

Ukraine, without US and NATO support, will lose the war. South Korea should rethink its relations with Russia, so do not give up the relations with Russia. Russia is another hedge against US economic threats to South Korea. Despite what anyone says, Russia is a hugely rich country in terms of natural resources. Before the start of Ukraine war, both SK and Russia had a very good cooperative relations. South Korea needs to work towards restoring that, because pretty soon, Rightest Europe and America will probably also restore their relations with Russia. Russia does not want its Far East territories to be in the hands of China, and they’ve always welcomed South Korean investments into that region, over China. Cheap energy and natural resources are only at South Korea’s doorstep, they should be taken advantage of more. This is to hedge if the trade with the US goes south.

23 hours ago

The weak part of your argument is that all the crazy has happened under the leftists-globalist rule.

Now, with the nationalist right getting into power with the simple platform of being against ignoring citizens to fund foreign wars, illegal invaders, and child trannies, there will be some return to rational and predictable responses.

The globalists aren’t freedom-based, but global exploitation-based. Under their rule, Korea is about to face non-tariff trade barriers based on carbon emission reduction silliness.

The right won’t play these games, and will likely just throw up old-fashioned tariffs.

But as much as Korea whines, it is really just leveling the playing field, as Korea taxes everything that comes in or has a way to limit the import and increase the cost.

Don’t complain about the free lunch being over. Be happy Korea had it for so long.

Bonus thought: Just who the hell has been running America now that we know it wasn’t Biden?

15 hours ago

Remember, the covid “vaccine” is not a vaccine, as it does not stop catching or transmitting covid.

Once the official line went from 100% effective… to breakout cases are exceedingly rare… to it keeps you from going to the hospital, it became an official therapeutic, even though the evil and the ignorant still labeled it a “vaccine”… though they likely didn’t misgender it.

When your gentle giant of an aspiring DJ gets blasted by the cops after caught engaging in some sort of fúckery, you might win the Ghetto Lottery.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you the Rational and Throughtful Person’s Lottery.

“In a landmark decision, a federal jury has ordered Blue Cross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) to pay nearly $700,000 to Tanja Benton, a former employee who was terminated for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine based on her religious beliefs.

Benton, who served as a Bio Statistical Research Scientist, asserts that her role involved minimal client interaction and no necessity for physical presence at medical facilities.

Throughout her 16-year tenure, Benton primarily worked independently and remotely, especially during the pandemic, when she executed her duties without issue from March 2020 to November 2021. Despite this, BCBST enforced a company-wide vaccine mandate in August 2021, requiring all employees to be fully vaccinated as a condition of continued employment.”

Sadly, it is your tax dollars that paid for this fake health intervention, paid for the enforcement of this fake health intervention, paid for the judgement of this fake health intervention, paid for the appeal of this fake health intervention, and paid the settlement of this fake health intervention… multiplied by however many win this lottery.

Never ask why you can’t have nice things.

(Like a real health intervention.)

15 hours ago

Socialists are lazy mama’s boys…

Korean Person
Korean Person
14 hours ago

I wonder why the likes of CH, GrayBlack, and the former B52 gunner, which for all purposes may be the same person, support right wing politicians?

It’s obvious that those politicians, despite their rhetoric, work for the interests of the rich, which means that the former B52 gunner will be sucked dry by the rich and in the end become more poor and miserable.

Of course, considering the poor education and low brainpower of the former B52 gunner, combined with their prejudice and racism, it’s no doubt that they are gullible enough to believe the fake news, misinformation, and conspiracy theories dished out to them.

I feel pity for them but on the other hand they deserved what they asked for.

Last edited 14 hours ago by Korean Person
14 hours ago

“I wonder why the likes of CH, GrayBlack, and the former B52 gunner, which for all purposes may be the same person, support right wing politicians?

It’s obvious that those politicians, despite their rhetoric, work for the interests of the rich”

I’m rich.

6 hours ago

Ah, the Downvote of Class Envy…

…one of the most satisfying.

18 minutes ago

Do you suppose this is confirmation bias, or are young male athletes dying at a much higher rate than before the covid vaccine.

An excellent theroretical case can be made that this demographic was most at risk for post-vaccination heart inflamation. Heart inflamation causes scarring, which reduces heart function.

I wish I could get some straight answers on what kind of heart inflamation the vaccine caused. That would help me understand it all better.

But the fact that I cannot get straight answers also helps me understand, but in a different way.

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