Tweet of the Day: We Are Officially in Silly Season

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2 months ago

Late stage TDS.

2 months ago

When I look people in the eye and ask why the people locking us down and telling us covid is so dangerous were all secretly attending parties, I don’t get an inquisitive look. I get Does Not Compute.

When I tell them that many of the key proponents of global warming and sea level rise tipping points own beachside mansions, Does Not Compute.

When I ask exactly what makes Trump a fascist and racist and homophobe and Nazi, I get Does Not Compute.

Agree or disagree, rational people who can defend their point of view must be respected to some extent.

Those who have only the reasoning ability of animals are animals.

And when they affect me, by supporting true fasism, collectivism, lifestyle reduction, violent criminals, tranny children and associated grooming, restrictions on expression, restrictions on movement, restrictions on food, restrictions on business, and other repressions of freedom that lead to prosparity, security, and happiness, they become dangerous animals.

And dangerous animals should be treated as such.

Any of you who believe covid was dangerous (except to the same demographics flu is dangerous for), or that global warming is a threat, or Trump is some kind of monster that will destroy America, or showing kids how to be gay, you should reconsider your value framework.

This is all going to swing the other way someday. It will be just as horrible, but the evil will be focused on those who push these objectively incorrect beliefs.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 months ago

It is well know that with Trump, the United States will descend into a modern US version of Nazi Germany.

Our right wing Setnaffarians who are of uneducated and less than smart stock are probably giddy at the thought of being ruled under a right wing dictatorship which will be ultimately controlled by Vladimir Putin.

I hope they wouldn’t mind when their country crashes and burns as Nazi Germany did on 1945.

2 months ago

“It is well know that with Trump, the United States will descend into a modern US version of Nazi Germany.”

Well known… by whom?

We had 4 years of Trump and didn’t even come close to descending into a modern US version of Nazi Germany.

In the spirit of Nazi Germany, all organized violence was anti-Trump in nature. The worst of government overreach has happened post-Trump, under Biden(‘s handlers).

So, if you can bypass Does Not Compute, kindly tell us why America will be modern Nazi Germany under Trump… this time.

Protip: Trump was going to start WWIII and put the ghays into camps last term. Not even close. You should be a bit ashamed not being able to show off better pattern recognition skills… or… any pattern recognition skills.

2 months ago

Moscow Murdoch is not happy that France voted left and centre rather than for his little pal Le Pen.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stephen
2 months ago

“It is well know that with Trump, the United States will descend into a modern US version of Nazi Germany.”

When looking at Trump’s performance and goals as president one is reminded of Hitler and his ruthless reign of smaller government, decentralization and deregulation.

2 months ago

…forgot to add far less military adventurism too.
So much like Hitler.

2 months ago

“Moscow Murdoch is not happy that France voted left and centre rather than for his little pal Le Pen.”

It is a bit more complicated than that.

But the right was certiainly outmaneuvered by the center-left and the far left. They hate each other but they hate the right more and will work together on this issue.

There is a lesson there as we see American leftists and RINOs work together to destroy anything pro-American, from families to borders.

Bonus: Moscow Murdoch is a cute twist on “Everybody I disagree with is a Nazi.”

Does Not Compute is the response to any facts surrounding ineffective covid vaccines, the imaginary dangers of covid and global warming, RacistFascistNazi Trump… and one more to add to the list…

What exactly do you think is going on in the Russia/Ukraine war? Why do you suppose Russia invaded and what do you suppose their endgame is?

I find that nobody really has an idea beyond vomiting up a few talking points. When faced with some history, some facts, and some obvious observations…


I don’t expect an intelligent answer from anyone. I only expect…


Which is also the Democratic National Committee.

There are no accidents.

2 months ago

Thiese are the only two talking points the chinabots have, so we should excuse them for getting a little confused…

2 months ago

Meanwhile, non-Leftists can have a lot more fun:

2 months ago

Meanwhile, responding in advance to the puerile, tedious, tired, gormless, feckless, and pusillanimous response, I answer in advance:

Last edited 2 months ago by setnaffa
2 months ago

Reference France, imagine being so scared of being called a racist that you side with actual communist and allow your nation to descend further into third world sh*t hole status.

2 months ago

Liberté, égalité, fraternité for France.

French resistance against Moscow Murdoch – AKA Russian Rupert – continues.

France doesn’t need Murdoch Fox News at all

Nor dark sarcasm from inside the Kremlin walls

Vladdy leave those Ukrainian kids alone

Hey! Putin! Leave them kids alone!

All in all it’s just another brick in the wall.

All in all Murdoch’s just another brick in the Kremlin wall.

Last edited 2 months ago by Stephen
2 months ago


With the exception of Charles de Gaulle, the French ruling elite and their politicians have all relied on Atlanticism… relying on America to protect them in exchange for (mostly) supporting American foreign policy goals…

…including the current division of Europe.

Some residual Gaullists have pointed out the insanity of current policies (such as talk of French troops fighting Russians on Ukrainian soil) but they get branded as Putinophiles (which is what you yell when you can’t shoehorn racism into the situation).

Lots of rich and powerful are excited about the prospect of rearming Europe. France’s industrial reliance on nuclear power instead of cheap Russian gas gives them a chance to compete with the American military-industrial complex eager to get the EU on their consumables supply chain.

Let’s see where this goes!

Hint: Nowhere good.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 months ago

It is interesting to note that setnaffa and his sockpuppets have more or less admitted that what I’ve said is true.

2 months ago

“It is interesting to note that setnaffa and his sockpuppets have more or less admitted that what I’ve said is true.”

“I love Alabama Blacksnake, DeShawn!”

I’m sure it is true.

Oh… wait… you meant here.

I have no idea. I wasn’t really paying attention to whatever you were going on about.

Hot Stuff x
Hot Stuff x
2 months ago

Chickenhead said: “ Trump was going to start WWIII and put the ghays into camps last term. Not even close.”

I heard back then (2016/17) that he was going to bring back slavery too. As a matter of fact, some people have trotted out that claim this year as well.

2 months ago

“I heard back then (2016/17) that he was going to bring back slavery too. As a matter of fact, some people have trotted out that claim this year as well.”

I’m already voting for him. You don’t have to keep selling him to me.

2 months ago

Hopefully, this talk of Trump bringing back slavery comes from the official campaign platform and isn’t some leftist fantasy like Russian píss hookers and injecting bleach.

Since a significan percentage of the black population is alread owned by the welfare and prison systems, any change in this arrangement should not be marketed with the distateful concept of slavery but should be presented through the enpowerment of a job creation program.

But the leftist media is untrustworthy, so I’m going to take a wait-and-see approach until after the election before making my cottonseed order.

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