ROK Drop Open Thread – July 26, 2024

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2 months ago

South Korea is one of the most beautiful nations in Asia. And the actual Korean people, while initially shy, are among the warmest and best anywhere, once you have been introduced.

If you, like our local chinabots, have never been, I recommend spending at least two weeks touring East and West coasts, Seoul, Suwon, and even Dokdo.

If you don’t have friends or relatives in South Korea, you can find decent tour packages at the nicer hotels in Seoul (Shilla, Grand Hyatt, etc.).

Have a wonderful time!

Last edited 2 months ago by setnaffa
2 months ago

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will hold a trilateral meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts in Tokyo on Sunday local time, the first of its kind in 15 years.

Right about now.
The North Pacific brothers.

2 months ago

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is a pompous incompetent diversity hire clown.

2 months ago

Lloyd Austin
1975 Graduated from West Point

As the ADC-M of 3ID Austin helped lead the division’s invasion of Iraq, traveling 500 miles in his command and control vehicle. The division reached Baghdad and secured the city. Austin was awarded a Silver Star for his actions during the invasion.

JD Vance
6 months in Iraq as photographer and essay writer.

Mark Kelly

Last edited 2 months ago by Stephen
2 months ago

American generals haven’t won a major war since WW2. GWOT has been a total and complete failure. The final days of Kabul, shameful. Not a single person fired or resigned. Zero accountability.

2 months ago

“Congressman Cory Mills says officers who served under Secretary Lloyd Austin believed he was a diversity hire!”

What he lacks in competency, priorities, and patriotism, he makes up for in pigment.

I may be wrong, and please correct me if I am, but my observation is that low-ranking guys earn their fancy medals by excessive contriblutions under excessive danger while high ranking guys (mostly) earn their fancy medals by making low-ranking guys contribute excessively under excessive danger.

So… somewhat unimpressed… especially considering the effort that would have been necessary not to succeed.


Vance is a certain type of scumbag but he will be used by Trump like a 3 dollar ho.

Kelly is perhaps one of the biggest scumbags around… preferring to follow different rules than he pushes for others, in libtard fashion, and (surprisingly, at first) a traitor to America… but not surprisingly when you realize the number of politicians from both parties that are profiting from America’s enemies on projects that are damaging America.

Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

South Korea bets on foreign housekeepers to ease women’s workloads and boost birth rate

Seoul to welcome Filipina workers under new scheme designed to encourage women to have children

Seoul said the monthly pay of Won2mn — in line with South Korea’s minimum wage — compared with a market rate of between Won3.5mn and Won4.5mn for live-in South Korean housekeepers. This is substantially more than the roughly $620 minimum wage for live-in foreign workers in Hong Kong, a fact that may work against broader take-up but which Seoul says is necessary to guard against exploitation.

Yoon government is clueless and shameful. They are bringing in cheap foreign labor to be exploited for $1500 a month, to undercut the Korean workers in the care industries who are paid significantly more. Also, Hong Kong and Singapore with their $600 per month salaried Filipina nannies haven’t boosted their birth rates at all.

If they are interested in boosting the birth rate, they would cut the mandatory working hours, better protect worker rights including protecting the rights to maternity leaves, and do something about the density and the over-reliance on a single Megapolis city where millions live in expensive tight space apartments. Who will have kids if they are worked to death and have little space to move around in their own 15-pyeong homes? As evidenced by the fact that regions, especially southern regions with far cheaper much bigger homes, and where regions have less density, have almost twice the birth rate compared to Seoul’s 0.55 births per woman rate.

Last edited 2 months ago by Korean Man
Korean Man
Korean Man
2 months ago

If you ever want to see what a Korean kkondae gaejoshi with arrogant self-importance looks like, have a good look at this dude who is supposedly the pastor at a Korean church in America.

Those poor cops who had to deal with this shit, should have arrested that crap on the spot and taken him to jail, instead of being too nice.

2 months ago

chinabot’s rant about birthrates is really poking Xi in the nose, as the Chinese population is aging and decreasing from inflation, a mis-managed economy, and worse opression of dissidents and minorities than even North Korea…

And Chungking is flooded again.

2 months ago

Thanks for that KM.

The voiceover is in 존댓말 but the “pastor” is going 화병 in 반말.

Not a good sound, nor a good look => Citation for disorderly conduct.

2 months ago

they would cut the mandatory working hours, better protect worker rights including protecting the rights to maternity leaves

Agreed. They should cut working hours for women all the way down to zero and ensure maternity leave is permanent.

2 months ago

In the debate between incompetence and malice, here is more information.

The police snipers saw the shooter acting suspiciously for 90 minutes, they saw him use a range finder, they saw an unattended backpack, they saw the shooter and the backpack disappear, they informed Secret Service about all this.

Now we shouldn’t expect too much from some dumb pigs who no longer show up to shoplifting calls but will arrest you for eating a sandwich purchased ten meters away from the No Food and Drink Zone you didnt know you were in.

But the Secret Service, even the C Team, is intuitively trained to consider: suspicious person + rangefinder + backpack + unsecured area within direct shot to president = short event delay until this is sorted.

That thinking is so deep in Secret Service procedure, no level of temporaty incompetence rationalizes it.

This is all coming out now, as the cops like to play super commando special ops sniper more than actual policework, but they don’t like to be left holding the blame by the feds who say, “Securing the most obvious threat area was not our job and nobody told us anything.”

(The police snipers could actually see the shooter from their second floor window if they had looked up from their phones, even though the official narrative for a long time was that they were “on the first floor of the same building” and then that they “couldn’t see the sniper from the window” when their second floor location could no longer be denied).

It would appear the cops are simply criminally lazy and incompetent, which is not really that surprising, as police priorities lean toward no-knock warrants and finding ways to demand compliance. But it isn’t realistic that they are part of a conspiracy, except as a tool… we hope.

However, it is quite realistic that they were poorly informed of their duties, intentionally positioned so that large holes in security were formed, and had their communications obscured in ways the SS could claim ignorance.

But someone up high made some choices that are exactly fitting with a conspiracy.

– they let a 3rd party secure the largest threat area (roof and water tower)

– they did no verification the area was secure within SS standards

– they did not delay Trump’s appearance when there was a clear threat (though we are still in the phase where the cops say they informed SS and SS says they didn’t know)

– and in news that isn’t being reported, but you can verify, Trump got the C- team in every way because Jill Biden and Kamala BOTH decided to hold events in Pennsylvania on that Saturday. Why does nobody know Kamala spoke to the Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) Presidential Town Hall in Philadelphia. Somebody made a high-level choice to allow the security pool to be diluted.

There is more but I gotta run.

It should be clear there were high-level choices made that set everything up for this to happen on the day a shooter actually showed up to make it happen. Odd, that.

But many people spent years in denial and angrily called me a racist for suggesting it couldn’t be coincidence that a disease caused by a clearly genetically engineered distant bat virus that could infect people was first found in a wet market a few hundred meters from a bat virus lab that wrote papers on how to genetically engineer a distant bat virus to infect people.

Now they are in denial that guided low-level incompetence, non-standard practices, clear violations of fundemental principles, coincidental dilution of qualified people, and a lack of recordkeeping (such as communication recordings) is just a little too convenient, especially as this can all be manipulated by just a few people at a high level.

Believe what you want.

Bonus: The head of the FBI cast doubt Trump was even shot when he spoke before Congress. This is how insane everything has become.

That didn’t fly and the ridicule came quickly, but due to media treachery, I have alread heard a libtard say, “But Trump wasn’t even shot.”

2 months ago

Oops… picture didn’t attach correctly.

2 months ago

That story makes almost sense.

Just like the “the snipers were on the first floor of the same building so they couldn’t see the shooter” made almost sense until it was exposed as a lie.

Let’s look at this current lie so we can see where it will have to be modified for the next iteration.

“There was supposed to be three personnel. Have one person was allowed to go home early”

So a sniper showed up, hung around in a room adding no value to the situation, and went home 2 hours before he was actually needed. This COULD be fraudwasteabuse-level true. The claim is everyone knew he would only work until 4pm, so there was no “supposed to be three”. Even best case, there was “supposed to be” two plus one useless guy who got paid to hang out at the pre-game party.

“and a second person went to go check out the report about the suspicious person that came over the radio. The second person walked around outside and could not find Crooks.”

That turns out to be a lie. We can guess that because snipers in position with a clear duty don’t go running around looking for marginally suspicious people. We now know it to be a lie because the sniper who noticed the suspicious person sent a text message with two pictures and asked for a “uniform” to look for him, which would be the exact procedure. It would also allow the sniper to stay in the air conditioning and make sure a sNiPeR wasn’t caught doing the bitchwork of a uniformed cop.

“However, he forgot to bring his key card with him and could not get back into the building.”

This could be true. We know he didn’t leave the building to do low-level police work that he already delegated. He may have left for some other less glamorous reason. But it doesn’t matter.

“The only remaining person at the window then left his post to open the door for the other cop to enter the building. During this time this is when Crooks crawled up on the roof. There was no one in the window observing the roof top when Crooks was up there and firing his shots at Trump.”

Let’s see what congress was told according to ABC News.

“the snipers spotted the suspect, 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, on the roof of a building outside the security zone at the rally Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania, at 5:52 p.m. ET. The shooting happened at 6:12 p.m. ET, 20 minutes later”

So, you want to believe that it took 20 minutes for Sniper 1 to leave his post, go down one flight of stairs, hear Trump start speaking, let Sniper 2 in, go back upstairs just after the shots finished?

We know the Secret Service snipers were intently looking at the shooter long before he shot Trump and they returned fire, possibly even 20 minutes. There is plenty of video. They also could have asked the 2nd floor sniper team to glance over and see what the dude on the roof was up to. “He has a rifle, you say? Maybe we should delay Trump’s speech until someone checks if his duck license is valid.”

You are about two full bullshìt narratives behind.

Let’s recap:

– the SS went along with the intentional arrangement of 3 protected people in the same area and greatly reduced Trump’s protection instead of pulling in the proper manpower

– the SS intentionally delegated responsibility for the highest risk area to local law enforcement.

– the SS went against established procedures and did not train, organize, supervise, or verify local law enforcement. The roof and water tower were unobserved instead of being manned and the SS didn’t notice.

– local law enforcement knew there was a suspicious person doing suspicious thing fully consistent with a shooter… lurking, observing the wrong things, using a range finder, having a connection to a backpack, yet didn’t inform anybody important.

– SS knew there was a person on the roof long before Trump came out. The person was lying on the roof, concealed in a sniper-like position instead of sitting or standing, and in a location not ideal to view Trump but better not to be seen by snipers. Yet, they didn’t inform anybody important nor ask the 2nd floor sniper team to look out the window because they were playing with keycards for 20 minutes or something. And they didn’t do their duty to delay Trump for 10 minutes while somebody went and checked on the guy on the roof that was so suspicious that everybody noticed him for an hour.

– and of all the days for everything to be lax and everyone to be incompetent, a shooter jusy happens to show up

There was likely a great deal of incompetence. Everything in America is broken. This won’t be fixed until after the first battle of the next war where a shocking number of Americans will die in less time than you think possible.

But it isn’t all incompetence.

While we shouldn’t “attribute to malice what incompetence explains,” we shouldn’t attribute to incompetence what lies explain.

We have seen a long stream of lies as this story has evolved. Some of those lies have been to hide incompetence. But now we are seeing unudual admissions of incompetence that are clear lies.

And this is most likely done to hide malice, as those who arranged this would much rather be seen as stupid than get caught trying to kill a president.

Of course this entire situation faded from the news in a week and is fading even more quickly now. Revamped narratives will be released less frequently and it will all disappear from the news before there is any true resolution.

2 months ago

100% Malice.

The Police saw him on the roof with his rangefinder 90 minutes before the shooting.

2 months ago

Setnaffa, Typhoon Gae-mi came from behind, hit hard, and penetrated deep into an unsuspecting China which was left staggering.

Typhoon Tran-ni will do the same but will be wearing a dress with winds that sound like, “IT’S MA’AM”.

2 months ago

New video out today.

It ranges from some minutes before until just after the shooting.

The location is between the buildings and Trump on the building side of the fence.

Key points:

– some minutes before the shooting, while Trump is speaking, cops know something is going on. They are all surrounding the building. They have a lot of frantic movement and are all on their radios

– Civilians are watching this and are commenting in the background that the cops are looking for someone and something is up.

– we know the SS snipers have been watching the shooter for over 15 minutes and are watching him now. There is plenty of video confirming this. Even if they were not, they would clearly be able to see the behavior of the police below him, which would alert them.

– we know there was a police sniper team of two people on the second floor windows overlooking the position of the shooter. This was officially denied until too much evidence came out to continue denying it.

– we know all sniper teams have radios and cellphones, and the 2nd floor sniper team even sent pictures from the second floor and a text message to someone in enough command to send a “uniform” to investigate further

– the original lie was there were two shooters (in case you are behind on your bullshít narratives). A professional audio forensics company found there to be three. Oh yes, the government said, we forgot about that but a police sniper also took a shot. While we know the location and situation of the SS sniper, we don’t know anything about the police sniper’s location. The only police sniper team we know of was on the second floor. How odd is all of that?

– The current claim is they found 8 empty shells with the shooter, there was a police sniper shot, and a SS sniper shot. I was hoping someone would make a satisfactory timeline of all of this, but so far not. I will have to do it myself by loading it into some sort of audio software and checking waveforms. I think i can do this on my phone.

In this video, there seems to be 3 shots, 5 shots, 1 shot, long delay, 1 shot.

If I were to guess without further study:
– the shooter shot 3 times – well documented
– short delay
– the shooter shot 5 times – not really talked about
– the police sniper shot and killed him
– oddly long delay
– the SS sniper missed

The original narrative spent a lot of time on the first 3 bullets becasue they each could be traced to someone shot, with one bullet hitting Trump and an audience member (though witnesses statements are odd, as it is impossible to draw a line from the shooter to Trump to the victim based on where they claim he was sitting, though the narrative shows him sitting somewhere else – undetermined as of now).

Somehow, there is less information on the next 5 bullets.

The 9th bullet sounds like it might overlap the 8th and perhaps stopped the shooter.

There is a crazy long delay and then the 10th shot. This appears to be the SS sniper, as they had the last shot in other videos. This has my attention so i will assemble a timeline to verify all this.

Keep in mind, much of the confusion is because it takes a half second for sound to travel between the shooter and Trump so the relationship of shots that happened much faster than half a second will be different depending on where the video was taken.

But now, I have 3 videos at known locations with clear sound. Any audio program can lay these out and the time difference can be clearly seen between shots. That time difference translates to a distance, especially as we know the location of the SS sniper and the shooter.

We calibrate based off the SS sniper for each video. We verify based off the shooter. If that doesn’t all match, we can rethink things, but it likely will. Once those match, we draw 3 circles on the map and they will all meet at the location of the police sniper.

(Actually, we only need 1 circle from a known location because most of the circle will be some place a police sniper obviously isn’t.)

Why do I think the police sniper rather than the SS sniper took out the shooter?

– the shooting stops when the possibly-overlapping 9th shot is fired
– the early high-quality photo of the dead shooter’s injury is not at all consistent with a headshot from the .300 Winchester Magnum fired by the SS sniper.

Your opinion may be different and I will listen if you have a valid reason.

Let’s recap:

– everybody knew something suspicious was going on long before Trump was taken to the stage

– everybody knew there was an actual threat while trump was speaking and possibly before

– there were many people in position to verify the threat, call for its verification, or keep Trump from being exposed until it was resolved

Some of you will continue to believe this was all incompetence. There was plenty of that, and it was used by the malicious higher up.

By someone, this entire situation was plotted to fill the area with the incompetent and untrained, deplete their numbers, remove their resources, sabotage their assets, misguide their actions, neglect supervision, shrink the security bubble…

…and of all days for a shooter to show up.

2 months ago

One other thing.

Last week, in a slightly outdated narrative before it was known that everybody knew the shooter was on the roof, PA law enforcement testified before congress:

– the 2nd floor sniper team was in radio communication with one of their members who was in the SS control center

– the two 2nd floor snipers both left their post to go look for the suspicious person (because snipers love doing “uniform” work). This narrative has changed several times as new information keeps coming forward.

We are no closer to knowing if the police sniper team was at their assigned location or why they were not. Every lie, from nobody was there to looking around for suspicious people to forgotten keycards, has been exposed.

The remaining options get uglier and uglier, with the worst one being that they WERE there.

2 months ago

Setnaffa, Typhoon Gae-mi came from behind, hit hard, and penetrated deep into an unsuspecting China which was left staggering.

Typhoon Tran-ni will do the same but will be wearing a dress with winds that sound like, “IT’S MA’AM”.

CH, you have just answered the $64,000 question.

Why does JD Vance wear eyeliner?

2 months ago

“Why does JD Vance wear eyeliner?”

Lefty nancybois will gush over trans women being real women but hyperventilate when anyone within 100 meters of Trump wears eye makeup and then suggest they are gay, as a slur.

To answer the question, i don’t know.

Inner woman?

Hillbilly goth?

Lost cosplay?

It’s probably a misguided attempt to give his eyes more definition when on TV.

But you aren’t allowed to question a man wearing makeup.

Only Nazis are allowed to do that.

2 months ago

Inner woman?

Hillbilly goth?

Yeah, OK, I can see that.

JD Vance is more Steve Strange than Steven Tyler?

A mash-up of Vince Neil and Lilith?

2 months ago

Stephen, you do realize you are being played like an albino tourist in a Nigerian prison shower, right?

The official stratagy of the Kamal campaign is to lable Trump, Vance, and conservatives as “weird”.

But, in keeping with history, the Democrata ALWAYS accuse their enemies of what they are doing.

It is unclear to me why this is not obvious to everyone.

But liberalism only attracts predators who know it is a scam and low-intellegence people who need a crutch.

Only you know where you fit.

2 months ago

The Whole World Disapproves of China!

2 months ago

, the consensus is the local cops were a mix of uninformed and ill-trained, while the Secret Service detail were more likely just incompetent. The Secret Service leadership probably arranged the gap in protection and the obviously not untrained and unmotivated agents that spotted a threat 90+ minutes before they let Trump take the stage.

It’s the grace of God and nothing else that Trump survived.

2 months ago

On topic of Vance being weird …

Vance is just a meme magnet.

Deviance is even an anagram for DEI Vance … which he is.

Korean Person
Korean Person
2 months ago

On topic of Vance being weird, what I find the most interesting is how the media literally just reads talking points given to them by the Democratic Party pushing this narrative. They don’t even try and hide their bias any more.

I see that even is delving into conspiracy theories.

It won’t be long before the ROK Drop turns into an just another right wing rabble blog and becomes irrelevant.

2 months ago


I thought I made it clear that I believe this was incompetence at the bottom and maliciousness at the top.

It appears someone high up made some very intentional choices:

– repeatedly deny adequate protection for Trump (encourage reducing it)
– hold three events in the same area at the same time to stretch resources
– put Trump, at highest risk, last in importance
– send the worst people to protect Trump
– don’t send enough of them
– don’t bring anybody from out of area despite much advanced notice
– reduce the size of the security bubble to leave dangerous areas unprotected
– don’t follow any standard procedures, from barriers to security checks
– don’t follow any standard procedure in securing the larger area
– put locals in charge of the most dangerous areas
– give them no training or guidance
– have no supervision to check their work
– clearly see areas are unsecured yet still do nothing
– make communications difficult and indirect
– don’t delay Trump’s appearance when there is clearly a suspicious situation that has gotten everyone’s attention
– don’t temporarily remove Trump from speaking when there is clearly something that has the attention of all cops and snipers
– be sure not to record radio communications or use bodycams
– lie, lie, lie about everything and then evolve the narrative to an equally implausible story when getting caught

Who knows why the cops in a window clearly overlooking the shooter saw nothing. Without knowing who they are, I am fully prepared to blame the laziness and incompetence I see from all of government.

…or they could have been distracted so they wouldn’t see anything.

But those other decisions were all made intentionally, far from normal procedures, to engineer the situation as it turned out.

This could easily have been done by one high-ranking person assisted by incompetence and Trump-hating apathy at lower levels.

Those decisions were made by people who know better. They got the results they were looking for.

2 months ago

Last week, the FBI has announced 700 social media messages of the shooter have been found!

Many are anti-immigrant! They are violent and extremist! Sounds far-right!

That explains why he shot Open Border Trump.

Oh… wait… let’s read a bit more.

The FBI isn’t sure they they actually belong to him.

“But we felt we needed to get that out there.”

Such admirable transparancely.

Actually, the messages probably don’t belong to him because the game account that led the FBI to them has been verified not to belong to him and was an FBI mistake.

Follow-up in 3… 2… never.

2 months ago

Vance is very unusual, but not for the reasons the left cares to acknowledge or really even understand.

He’s the intellectual offspring of an esoteric Platonian silicon reactionary futurism which sprung onto the internet in the 2000s when a Jewish State Department brat decided to write some unqualified reservations.

To put it simply, really effective assasination insurance because at the end of the day, Trump is merely a 1980s liberal whereas Vance and his backers are against the entire whig project so to speak.

This will be some exciting times.

2 months ago

‘Totally’ unrelated to Vance, and this is completely a joke, but a ‘fun’ idea that was unseriously floated among certain people was the possibility of Trump declaring himself the personal embodiment of the ‘living constitution’.

2 months ago

“Trump declaring himself the personal embodiment of the ‘living constitution’.”

That would go well with Fauci’s “I am science,”
Muhammad Ali’s “I am the greatest,” and Obama’s “I am Big Mike’s backdoor plaything.”¹

¹not yet verified by independent fact checkers

2 months ago

Vladimir Putin: “I am JD Vance’s plastic straw!”

That one is soundtracked by a-Ha’s 1985 hit Take on me, except “take” is replaced with an obvious other verb.

The memes just write themselves.

2 months ago

The military has long been served in great part by poor white boys from indigent communities. Not a lot of folks who grew up in Martha’s Vineyard go the enlisted route.
And for years liberal leadership has forced DEI onto the military because, in their estimation it didn’t matter they were from dirt farming poor backgrounds, that was the face of white privilege.
But now that JD Vance is on the ballot, that was really the face of DEI the whole time eh?
This is just about to the point that it is too ridiculous to believe.

2 months ago

I think Trump could pull it off. Most Americans don’t give a damn about the constitution, and let us not pretend the Beltway cares or even knows about what’s in the document.

We’ve been living in a post constitutional system for so long, it has become more of a fasionable word than any sort of legally binding agreement.

2 months ago

My spouse was at a DEI conference (he volunteered for a couple of reasons…first, he was honestly interested in how to implement DEI because there was not much guidance at the time and second, he didn’t want to saddle someone else to have to sit through it).
The conference lasted several days and he himself made the pitch that there are a lot of airmen from extremely poor backgrounds, and this itself is a type of diversity regardless of their race or sex or sexual orientation. The DEI representative assured the group it had nothing to do with background.
Then the DEI rep gave him the name of an airman at our base who wanted to be a pilot (not a white kid). My spouse was already mentoring him…then my spouse proceeded to give the names of five other non-white airmen he was mentoring to be pilots. The DEI rep said he was “impressed” my spouse cared so much about DEI and my spouse responded he cared about getting good pilots and the required people who were very motivated, talented, who very much wanted to be pilots.
He came out of that conference knowing for certain that DEI is anti-meritocratic and has absolutely nothing to do with a person’s background (impoverished or no).

How many iterations of lying to one’s self can the liberals keep up when their narratives are so conflicting? The memes write themselves eh? Insert meme here:
Libs in 2016 (jump shark)
Libs in 2021 (jump Sharknado)
Libs in 2024 (jump wrecking crew of ill tempered barracuda)

2 months ago

In fact, (yes this topic has me het up)…
let’s look at the recruitment ad (I won’t link to it, we’ve all seen it, plus I actually empathize with the girl as it wasn’t entirely her fault the Army decided to make her the face for recruitment)…
Back in the day it was “we don’t ask for experience, we give it…you won’t read it in a book, you’ll live it”:
THAT was a recruitment ad for impoverished individuals interested in elevating themselves via military service.
Contrast that with the more recent DEI one of the female soldier who is from a diverse background because she has 2 moms. That is what DEI represents. And everyone knows it.
Okay, done with this stupid subject.

2 months ago

History is being rewritten as we speak.

But this time, maybe a good thing?

The Navy has lost a lawsuit and now must review all records to make sure there is nothing bad against people who refused to take the covid vaccine on religious grounds.

This is really just a first flight in the coming downward spiral of the entire failed medical experiment.

The big one to watch is, while law allows forced vaccines, it does not allow forced therapeutics. The moment breakout cases went from “they do happen but are exceedingly rare” to “the vaccine keeps you out of the hospital”, it stopped being a vaccine and started being a therapeutic, no matter what it was officially called.

If there are any of you who aren’t stupid or pushover wussies, now is the time to start getting your friends together and win a form of ghetto lottery that we have to find a clever name for.

…maybe after coffee.

2 months ago

In todays episode of “But But But It Was Just Incompetence”…

Video is now out of the shooter running across the roof and getting into position. The video is taken from behind Trump so it gives a very interesting perspective.

Also, as the police are getting blamed and don’t want to get blamed, they are starting to be more specific on the malicious instructions they were given by Secret Service on what areas to secure… and not secure.

It is starting to look like they were guided to keep the roof insecure.

The police claim Secret Service told them to put a sniper team on the first floor of the building the shooter was on. Interestingly, this is some of the first misinformation that leaked.

It is now unclear why there were two police snipers on the second floor, against Secret Service insteuctions, and why they didn’t see the shooter.

In studying closely, to see the shooter in position, it looks like your face would have needed to be against the window. He may have been easily seen as he ran across the roof.

There is an amazing amount of misinformation and a lack of specific information, such as what was his pathway from the ground to position. This video of him running across the roof from the side many people were on is quite unexpected.

Bonus: the Secret Service denied use of drone survailence.

Like covid coming from a lab and the vaccine not being Safe & Effective, the truth starts out pretty clear to those who understand the world, but the narrative and misinformation fools all the fools. Every bit of new evidence supports reality and destroys the narrative, which must constantly be reformulated. Over time, the truth is revealed and everyone accepts the truth, but it has been done in such small steps there is no outrage at the history of lies or those who perpetuated them.

This is the same situation.

It is clear some part of the American government attempted to assassinate Trump.

Now, we just have to go through the slow process where EVERY new piece of information makes it harder to rationalize wishful thinking of incompetence and makes it easier to accept that some part of the American government will resort to murder to protect their agenda.

Like covid, there is a correlation between ability to accept the obvious truth and intelligence.

Bonus: If you need some undisputed examples of parts of the American government resorting to murder to protect their agenda, free up next week.

2 months ago

In today’s episode of, “But but but there isnt enough incompetence to explain it all”…

So the incompetent DEI female head of the Secret Service resigned and someone competent replaced her.

The only problem is he was competent at setting Trump up to be assasinated.

Ronald Rowe testified that the Secret Service didn’t cut resources from Trump’s detail…

…except Secret Service whistleblowers have informed congress that he personally directed Secret Service agents to be CUT.

The ones cut were the ones who were supposed to make threat assessments and then supervise the situation to make sure those threats, such as a roof or water tower, were properly addressed.

Nobody was there to do their necessary job… by design… at the highest levels of the Secret Service.

The local police, tired of getting blamed, says the Secret Service gave them no training, direction, or supervision… and requested they station their sniper team on the first floor of the building the sniper used.

This didn’t come from a whistleblower. It came from the chief of police.

Unless you are dim of wit, it is looking increasingly clear someone at the top guided all the elements in this situation to be favorable to a shooter by relying on the general disorder and incompetence of all American institutions.

Quite a coincidence a shooter just happened to show up when needed.

It is also quite interesting how government and media is treating the parents.

Unless the shooter was gay or trans, the governement and media is quick to give amazing details, from all guns found in the house to a lot of personal history. The parents are frequently blamed (and even changed) with allowing access to firearms.

But do you see the difference here?

This is not normal.

Also, the situation with the parents is VERY unusual compared to the official story.

We will discuss this more in the future.

2 months ago

Perhaps this says it best… more concise than my rants.

“The security ‘breakdowns’ were so massive and implausible when combined that any large police force could have done a better job than the most elite protection unit in the world. The shooter was identified, tracked, photographed, filmed on the roof, the Secret Service was warned multiple times, the shooter was in the line of sight of the snipers, and Trump was trotted out onto the stage and kept there as the shooter was lining up his shot in full view of the Secret Service snipers. None of that is disputable.”

Remeber, the snipers were watching the shooter before Trump was allowed on stage and nobody checked it out or delayed Trump.

This was 100% intentional.

Now that it can be shown with no doubt that the top leadership of the Secret Service engineered this exact situation, the only piece left is why the shooter just happened to show up when the situation was perfect for a shooter to show up.

That is unclear for now.

But the unusual situation with his history, his actions, his social media, his parents, and the management of everything by governement and media is very clear… clearly unusual.

The exact situation is not known now… but it will be understandable.

But it will happen so slowly that each stage of malignacy will be normalized before the next stage is exposed.

Just look at the progression of covid and then the vaccine for a blueprint of lie after lie yet public acceptance, even after defending the last lie and self-clowning. People have fully believed every step from Safe & Effective to everybody catching covid while excess mortality of healthy young people is excessively high (due to global warming or something).

Believe what you want.

2 months ago

CH, in related news, Demi Moore is tired of flatulence always being the butt of the joke. She plans to make intestinal eruptions socially-acceptable.

Democrats and their pets are all perverts. And not in a good way.

2 months ago

Well, setnaffa.
Just about everything Demi has stood for her entire life is coming to ash.
Most recently the GI Jane narrative that women are physically equal in every way…if anything, superior. Then the men raised by single women (most Demi Moore fans, I have no doubt) who put dresses on their fatherless sons and pretended they were girls went to the olympics and beat up a real girl who was an olympic contender.
It’s no wonder she wants to be the czar of farts.

Last edited 2 months ago by Liz
2 months ago

I’ll add that if Demi is remembered as either the czar of farts, or queen of ex cougar cat ranchers, it is better than she deserves.

2 months ago

In today’s episode of, “Well, That’s Interesting”…

If you look at the audio of Trump’s mic, there are interesting things.

Let’s consider key points.

– There are 3 shots between timestamp 0 and 1.535

– There are 5 shots 4.318 and 5.087

Law enforcement says they recovered 8 spent cartridges by the shooter’s body.

From an audio point of view, shot 1 looks slightly different from 2 and 3. Shots 4-8 look quite different from the first 3. A reasonable explanation is a change in rifle position. Some believe another shooter better explains this. One piece of “evidence” is a couple video frames of light flash from a first floor window. That could be consistent with the sound difference. It doesn’t really fit that the shooter fired 3 and no more.

But it is quite odd how there has been no clear diagram where each bullet went from the shooter to its final resting place. This has been done for the first 3 that hit Trump and audience members. The following 5 have been a bit ignored and don’t seem to have been fired at Trump and his Secret Service, or into the crowd. That is a bit hard to explain away.

(There actually is a video of the second 5 shots but it is strange. There is plenty of video evidence of the first 3, from dust clouds as they hit to audience members dropping. But there is nothing with the second group of 5, even though it is claimed they all passed by Trump surrounded by Secret Service and nothing is said about the crowd behind. They are phantom bullets.)

– less than a second after shot 8, there is shot 9. This was almost denied to exist until the audio evidence could not be ignored and a known audio forensics company claimed it was clearly a different gun than the shooter or the secret service was using.

Butler county district attorney Richard Goldinger finally admitted “a local police sniper” fired a single shot but it was the Secret Service sniper that killed the shooter.

The real story is something closer to this:

The shooter fired the first 3 and then, likely, the next 5. Immediately after the 8th shot, a police sniper fired the 9th shot and killed the shooter, as there was no more shooting after that. This all happened in around 6 seconds.

Nine full seconds later, at 15.794, the Secret Service sniper (north team) fired his rifle. The 15 second mark has been verified before congress by the head of the SS, and there is plenty of video of this long delay.

There is also video of the SS watching the shooter long before he fired.

But the most interesting thing is, even though the SS sniper was watching the shooter, the video clearly shows he flinched and jumped back from his rifle, still grasping his tripod, when the shooting started. The rifle barrel swings wildly downward as he backs away. There is video 15 seconds later when he took the shot at a shooter that hasn’t fired for almost 10 seconds.

The injuries of the shooter are not consistant with a .300 win mag from the Accuracy International rifle the Secret Service fired. Further, while there is blood, it is unclear where he was shot when looking at the high quality photo of his face. He was looking almost drirectly at the SS sniper with the top of his head exposed, but it doesn’t look like he was shot anywhere the SS sniper could see him.

It appears the SS sniper was a complete screw-up and shot nothing with the 10th shot.

Let’s further consider the 9th shot.

It has been speculated the south sniper team (on the other barn) was responsible for the 9th shot.

There is not much video of them and the existing video shows them covering a different field of fire and not watching the shooter like the north team.

With the DA’s verification, including the police sniper being on routine administrative leave, it appears the 9th shot, which likely killed the shooter, came from the police. The acoustics of shot 10 SS north team rifle are not the same as shot 9, so probably not the SS.

But where were the police?

They were told by SS to put their sniper team on the first floor of the building the sniper was on. This misinformation was originally some of the first to come out, as if it was preplanned.

In fact the police sniper team had relocated to the second floor, perhaps due to not being totally incompetent.

And we know they were there becasue they took pictures of the shooter right below them from a second story window as he lurked by the concrete wall concealing the air conditioners.

If a police sniper fired at the shooter (but missed), as is now the official story, it would have been done from the second floor window.

The possibilities are, they were not looking at the roof where the shooter was, heard the shooting start, and then understood and aquired the target within 7 seconds.

Or they were watching him in position with a rifle for some time, just as video shows the crowd yelling, “There is a man on the roof with a gun.”

The whistles have not all been blown yet.

Let’s look at the audio for one last thing.

On Trump’s mic, there are two sounds per shot. There is a sound as the supersonic bullet passes by the mic and there is a sound from the rifle traveling the speed of sound.

The difference between these sounds is about .21 seconds.

A .223 bullet would be going about 2900 feet per second average (from 3200 to 2600 between the shooter and Trump)

With the temp/humidity/elevation, sound would be traveling 1204 fps.

The Dark Arts of Mathematics say…

Bullet took 0.16 seconds to go 450 feet
Sound took 0.37 seconds to go 450 feet
Exactly 0.21 second difference.

I’m kinda shaking my head that it worked on my first try with a guessed average of bullet speed, a guessed distance since nobody can get their story straight between 400 and 500 feet, and a calculated value for the speed of sound under certain condition.

Of interest, there are no gunshots on the Trunp recording for shots 6 and 7. The reason for this is the PA had a limiter, which you can clearly see in the waveform. After the crack of a passing bullet, the limiter kicks in and then slowly raises the volume again (slow by computer standards).

Before shot 6 gunshot could be heard, shot 7 bullet passed by and triggered the limiter. The same happened with shot 7 and bullet 8.

Lots of other interesting things from a technical perspective, but we will save that for another time.

One thing I find interesting is how close America came to disaster. Love or hate Trump, if he had been killed, it may have led to some terrible things from all sides. Some of this would have affected everybody socially and economically.

Yet nobody cares and nobody cares to consider if there might be some part of the American government with a clear agenda we see all day, that Trump is openly against, which might resort to murdering a popular American who stands against their agenda.

Like everything, your apathy will be mistaken for acceptance.

We are at a place where the only argument is if America if criminally incompetent at every level of every institution or if some higher level is truly criminal and taking advantage of lower level incompetence. That’s a bad place to be and will not get better on its own.

If you find this acceptable, remain quiet, but keep you valuless opinion to yourself because you are a worthless and meaningless American.

If you don’t approve of this, speak up. Get engaged. Think and be noisy.

But in the end, you will deserve what you accept.

I would love to play a roll in fixing this, but my backup plan is simply to work my way into a position where I don’t have to deal with it.

Then, only you will be the victim.

Solve it, manage it, or get consumed by it.

The choice is yours.

You will probably take the easiest way.

They are counting on that.

2 months ago


2 months ago

CH wrote:

I would love to play a roll in fixing this, but my backup plan is simply to work my way into a position where I don’t have to deal with it.

That’s been my plan from the beginning.

2 months ago

The news cycle discussing unbelievable incompetence among a federal agency managing the wellbeing of America and local law enforcement agencies who can affect you any time they want, has moved on to how great Kamala is. She is so great, we have all forgotten that, technically, Sharp as a Tack Joe is actually supposed to be the president.

Who is running America?

Anyway, in some Trump Assasination news…

The autopsy is complete… and has been complete.

State law says it is a public record that must be released.

The county where the autopsy was done said, “but but but… the other county paid for it… so… wait.” The county that paid for it said “but but but… relatives need to see it first.”

They are just delaying until everyone forgets about it. Since everything in America is broken, nobody enforces the law.

Actually, they might enforce it against you if you drive too fast or the barrel of your rifle is a few millimeters too short… but other broken institutions are off the hook.

So why wouldn’t they just release the autopsy?

Becasue that is where yet another major lie in this whole plot will be exposed.

Remember, the shooter fired a 3 shot burst followed by a 5 shot burst. Then, there was a very different 9th shot. Then the Secret Service sniper, who was watching the shooter but flinched when the shooter started shooting, took 15 seconds to fire his shot, just less than 10 seconds after the 9th shot.

The official story is that the Secret Service sniper took out the shooter. That only holds up if you believe the shooter fired 8 shots in less than 6 seconds and then did nothing for 10 seconds.

The other option is the 9th shot, first denied but now officially admitted to be from a local police sniper (but he missed), actually didn’t miss. He ended the shooting when he ended the shooter.

But if you believe that, you have to ask where he shot from. In the first round of lies, police snipers were located in the one-floor building the sniper was on. Of course that is unbelievable.

Then it came out that police snipers were on the second floor, which had a clear view of the shooter (not straight ahead… you had to get up and look).

Then it came out they weren’t there when the shooting started because one sniper left his post to do “uniform” work looking for a suspicious kid but forgot his card key and the other sniper let him in. If you believe the roof was too slanted, you probably believe this.

The most likely story is the second floor snipers were not vigilant and the shooter set up under their noses.

Or maybe they were vigilant enough to notice.

Could they hear the shooter, locate him, and shoot him within 6 seconds? Maybe.

Could they do it if they were already watching through a closed window but not realizing what he was up to as law enforcement, including ones on the same radio net, started moving in and civilians yelled about a man on the roof with a gun? Probably.

The autopsy will show the shooter was not shot from the front by the type of bullet the Secret Service was using. We already know that from the pictures and the speculations of people qualified to speculate on that.

It will show he was shot from the 2nd floor window by a smaller bullet on the 9th shot.

The police would rather give credit to the Secret Service than get the blame on why they didn’t see the shooter right in front of him.

Also, the DEI broad who was puppeted into the leader position resigned. Who was promoted into her place? The guy who actually arranged all this, from cutting security to assigning the least qualified.

The malignancy starts with him and works its way down to intentionally positioned incompetence.

2 months ago

Anybody up for a K-pop party?

2 months ago


2 months ago

Ha! Comment likes on this page tell me everything I need to know about America and its future.

A thoughtful analysis of important events and a decent but obvious joke get the same number of likes.

So why no love?

Likely because little insect people with little insect attention spans think it is all too much to read and don’t even engage.

This is a big problem in America. The lack of engagement with most people is a force multiplier for those who profit from your labor and those who find ways to get more of it.

Or maybe there there is no love because my facts are bogus and my analysis is wrong.

It would be easy to disagree with me and introduce better facts and better analysis.

But… nothing.

Now we are back to little insect people and their lack of engagement.

I understand. It is difficult to think… especially with so much mindless entertainment available to take your mind of the minimal amount of thinking you have to do at work.

Why is it again that every system is broken? Including where you work?

Kindly consider the only way to defend against manupulation and exploitation by the people more powerful (and possibly smarter) than you is for all the Little People to start paying attention and getting noisy.

When you see something valid and insightful that explains the lies and insanity you see on a daily basis, forward it to everyone and scold them for not engaging.

Or dont.

Just read a history book to know your future… how the unengaged got used and how nobody complied their way to freedom.

2 months ago

You know who kept good records on adverse events with the covid vaccine?


It’s probably time to check in and see what they learned.

“…but just 18 percent of reports were accurately recorded in the ministry’s database. The other 82% of reports were lost due to technical errors and system malfunctions.”

Ah, the old Technical Error and System Malfuntion. They always show up, hand-in-hand, in covid vaccine databases, elections being won by Republicans, Epstein’s jailhouse cameras, Secret Service communications systems, and other useful places.

But maybe we should fact check that statement.

Ha! Fake news! It is credited to some clickbait website known for sensational but false stories.

Well, that settles that, we can forget about it and move on, reminding everyone the covid vaccine is Safe & Effective and anybody who says otherwise is fake and anybody who suggest a coverup of the dangers is fake, too.

This science is settled.

But just for fun, let’s look at the quote from their article… maybe google it in quotes.

Oh dear.

It’s the old Deligitimize Legitimate News by Linking it to an Illigitimate Site and Then Attacking That Site Trick. Clever.

Why do all “mistakes”, from elections to paperwork to electronics to databases, always seem to favor the Narrative and those who push it.

Does this not bother anyone?

2 months ago

Remember how no communications were recorded and no bodycams were worn by anyone doing security at the Trump assasination attempt rally?

Sit down for a minute.

It turns out that isn’t exactly true.

Some of you fools refuse to believe in conspiracy theories, even when they are clearly everywhere.

Most of them are conspiracies of shared values.

In this case, the police were happy to let the Secret Service be the single point of management, so they conspired to conceal any evidence that would go against the Official Narrative.

But, as facts started coming out that required the Official Narrative to be continuously modified to support incompetence over malice, the police started getting most of the blame for the incompetence.

And they have been leaking small amounts of information to deflect this blame, forcing the Official Narrative to be modified further.

Comparing its current, and still incomplete form, with the original story would make a normal, rational person understand all these lies exist for a reason.

And that reason very much appears to be at some level, there was a conspiracy to assassinate Trump and one of the tools to make this happen was reliance on lower-level incompetence, some misdirection, and the knowledge that people will naturally assist in your cover-up if they need to cover their own incompetence.

So what did we learn from this bodycam?

Hope you are still sitting down.

The video starts with no audio. Perhaps that will be corrected in a future release if the cops start feeling they need to defend themselves further. This part of the video likely has some juicy information that will force a major narrative rewrite.

This cam is on the cop that is lifted up to look on the roof. There is nothing much to see. Another cop lifts him up on one of the connecting hallways. There are a few frames of the building the shooter was on but mostly it is just the camera pressed up against the metal.

However, even without audio, we learn two new modifications the Official Narrative will need.

– When the cop drops down, he was not injured. Why was that lie even necessary?

– And we can guess why there is no audio. The shooter was looking 180⁰ away at Trump and didn’t “aim his rifle at the cop, forcing him to drop”. The shooter never even saw the cop. Unintentionally, this requires yet another Official Narrative modification, as “the hero cop” didn’t distract the shooter, causing him to miss Trump.

Based on the audio that came on later, it appears the cop was shocked to see a civilian and dropped down to respond somehow. Then the shooting started and 15 seconds later, everything was over but the disorder… 6 actually, as the shooter was almost certainly dead by the 2nd floor sniper shot #9 before the Secret Service even fired #10 over 9 seconds later.

Let’s quote some audio from later in this bodycam footage that only came into existence when the cops got tired of being blamed.

Around 10 minutes after the shooting, one cop says to another, “I thought you guys were on the roof. I thought it was you. I thought it was you.”

The other cop responds, “No.”

“What the fúck! Why were we not on the roof? Why weren’t we?” the first cop replies.

Yeah. Good question. Why weren’t they on the roof? And why did they all think the guy on the roof was law enforcement?

This starts to explain why the second floor sniper team (that was denied to exist) killed the shooter so quickly. They were watching him. They just weren’t sure if he was on the same side or not until he started shooting at Trump.

But why all the confusion?

Let’s listen to more audio.

“I fúcking told them that they needed to post guys fúcking over here…I told them that fúcking Tuesday. I talked to the Secret Service guys. They’re like, ‘Yeah, no problem. We’re going to post guys over here,'”

So it looks like the Secret Service said they would have the roof covered… but intentionally did not. Cops thought they had it covered.

With a big coincidence, or intentional grooming, a shooter was in a place everyone expected security to be. Elegant.

What a clever way to give the shooter a free pass until he starts shooting and then get rid of him when his job is done.

Let’s see how the Secret Service responds.

Maybe they don’t need to.

The news has moved on.

And so have most of you.

2 months ago

Anybody want to see a picture of the shooter strolling around the area with a rifle?

You know you do.

Based on the situation, these appear to be true based on video, testimony, recorded conversations, etc:

– Trump’s security was diluted with two competing events in the same region with Jill and Kamala

– The least qualified were sent to protect Trump

– Normal security procedures were not followed in many ways

– the Secret Service put untrained local cops in charge with no training or guidance and then lied to them about what areas they would protect (suvh as the roof the shooter was on)

– the story has evolved several times as lies continue to get exposed

– the person who actually orchestrated this, under the dumb DEI broad, replaced her as the acting head of the Secret Service

…and so much more.

Curious: what would it actually take to entertain the idea that malice explains this better than incompetence?

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