ROK Drop Open Thread – September 20, 2024

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Korean Person
Korean Person
4 hours ago

The Setnaffarians spend all their free time spewing consipracy theories and misinformation in the hope that this will contribute to the election of Trump as US President.

And all for what you may ask.


The Setnaffarians fear that they will be marginalized by the non-whites, the LGBTQ community, and non-Chrisitans.

They also fear the historical studies that place blame on whites illegally taking over Native American land and atrocities against the Native Americans.

So they support their messiah Trump in the hope that he will prevent or at least delay what they believe to be inevitable.

However the big irony is the path they choose will eventually destroy the United States of America.

No wonder the Setnaffarians are chummy with Russia.

5 minutes ago

What Native Americans are you talking about? The ones that took the land from a weaker tribe? Or the ones before them that took the land from an even weaker tribe?

Did you know the white tribe has held the land longer than most indian tribes ever held the land?

The exceptions, such as the pueblo indians, still hold their land.

No harm, no foul.

Bonus: Unlike black people are all the same, and Asians who are all the same, “indians” are actually very different, so it is racist to say “indians” without expressing their individuality

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