ROK Drop Open Thread – October 11, 2024

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Korean Person
Korean Person
18 hours ago

It is well known that and his Setnaffarian cohorts traffic in fear.

They fear that Christian, Bible-reading white people will be marginalized in the United States by non-Christian, non-white immigrants and the LGBTQ community.

If they were smarter, they would realize that their fears are unfounded.

However, since the Setnaffarians and the Trumpians are not particularly intelligent, they allow fear to control them.

Trump is aware of this and uses their fear to build up his support base among Christian, Bible-reading white people.

Furthermore, these individuals are helping Trump by spreading his message of fear.

Korean Person
Korean Person
18 hours ago

And to show why Kamala is better than Trump.

Donald Trump’s campaign proposals would increase the US national debt by double the amount Kamala Harris’s would, according to a new analysis by a non-partisan group.

Both candidates would add trillions to the national debt if their campaign pledges were enacted, according to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. Trump would add $7.5tn and Harris would add $3.5tn, the group said.

Trump’s proposals would add $4tn more to US debt than Harris’s – study (

Last edited 17 hours ago by Korean Person
17 hours ago

Ha! White people have no fear of marginalization.

Yes, there is the irritation of media and politics gushing over George Floyd and assorted rampaging hippies and chimps…

…while sabotaging Elon Musk taking mankind to Mars…

…but marginalization cannot happen to culture that is based on achievement rather than dependence.

Of course a percentage of white people are dependent and witout use or accomplishment.

But they have self-marginalized, as I am told they have “privilege”.

The real fear is with cultures that don’t have a history or attitude of achievement. They are worried they cannot afford to be kept much longer.

And with the way the world is headed for the ignorant and unskilled, the only suitable job may be…


2 hours ago

South Korea is a beautiful country. The people, the scenery, the culture. May the Lord rebuke anyone who tries to poison it with Marxist/Maoist tyranny.

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