Weird Day in USFK

Today I saw some rather strange things on my way to Dongducheon. I was stopped at a light in Uijongbu when this presumably drunk ajimma was walking down the sidewalk kicking trash cans, the side of a building, and cars. She kept walking up the sidewalk and approached a telephone pole and head butted it! I couldn’t believe it. However the solid head butt she gave that pole sobered her up real quick because she quit kicking things. Then later we saw a broke down car in the middle of the road blocking traffic. Three ambulances and a police car responded to the broken down car. They must have nothing better to do.

Then later in the drive my driver saw flashing lights again and thought maybe another ambulance or a police car was responding to the broken down car. No it was the KTF internet man! This guy had his service car decked out with police lights and siren. He was hauling ass down the road to presumably respond to an internet emergency! Just imagine how many more people would jump off of buildings in this country if their internet didn’t get repaired in a timely fashion to play Starcraft again. Watching the KTF squad car fly down the road made think of Jim Carry in the movie Dumb and Dumber. I just picture the KTF guy flying into a parking lot and jumping out with his badge and saying, “It’s okay, I’m the KTF man.” I hope other companies don’t pick up on this guy because pretty soon everybody in this country will have squad cars with lights and sirens so they to can cut through traffic. I’m just wondering if there is some law that allows the internet repairman to have a squad car? Is losing your internet for a while enough of emergency to warrant a squad car? I guess if you are a Starcraft gamer it is.

Then when we got to Dongducheon some old lady flashed us as we were driving by. In Dongducheon I have seen plenty of weird things but never an old ajimma flashing me. Now I can say I have seen that to. Now all I need is an adashi to flash me and I can say I have officially seen it all in this country.

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