Odierno on Impacts of Continuing Sequestration

Odierno must get frustrated by members of Congress complaining to him about Army cuts when they are the ones responsible for it:

Fiscal 2016 is the breaking point,” Odierno said, warning it would bring “a significant degradation of readiness.”
Complicating matters is an unusual burden on Army headquarters units, Odierno said. Each one has been cut by about 25 percent, and yet he is sending them to Iraq, to Europe and to Africa to help with coordinating the Ebola response, as well as maintaining the normal rotations in Afghanistan and South Korea.
Enough is enough, he said, and the Army’s tasks aren’t going to get any easier. “I’m not seeing, in ‘16, peace breaking out all over the world.”
Defense advocates on Capitol Hill hope voices like Odierno’s, as well as the enduring crises in Europe and the Middle East, put sequestration back on Congress’ priority list. The world has shown that it’s too dangerous for Congress to permit sequestration to return, as it would under current law, hawks argue. (Politico)

You can read more at the link, but I agree with Odierno that the government needs to figure out a security strategy for the military then properly fund and resource the military to carry out.

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10 years ago

So instead of taking care of your people, you, the CJCS have continued to pour billions into the F35 program, just to name one useless endeavor that the military does not need. As NO war has ever been won (& we seem to not be able to win anymore) until the Infantryman has closed with & dealt the final blow…what will we supposedly utilize to accomplish this in future MIC wars of corporate profit? Conscripts hastily trained as cannon fodder?

10 years ago

“As NO war has ever been won (& we seem to not be able to win anymore) until the Infantryman has closed with & dealt the final blow

That’s true but…they can’t really get there if a bunch of enemy aircraft are circling around bombing them…a lot easier to put those boots on the ground after a lot of dangerous stuff has been taken out first. Disclaimer: This is not, in any way shape or form an endorsement of the F35. But, as the Highway of Death would indicate, it’s a very bad deal for those on the ground when they don’t own the skies.

10 years ago

I find it quite telling that the staff in the Pentagon has not been cut.

10 years ago

“I find it quite telling that the staff in the Pentagon has not been cut.”
ON that note…this is pretty funny:


10 years ago

Seems the war in the Pacific ended in August of 1945 without “boots on the ground,” not that it changes the procurement madness and colossal federal mal-administration across all departments which we have today…

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