"Lazy Slackers" Ignore Kerry
|UPDATE: The moonbats are saying that this picture is a right wing hoax and that the picture is not from the chow hall in Baghdad but actually England because of the British flag in the background. Well the moonbats are wrong again. I don’t expect them to admit though. I’m sure they come up with some Bush/Cheny/CIA conspiracy theory behind it next. Here is a picture of the blogger who broke the story taking a picture of him in the chow hall sitting in the same chair as Kerry and holding a current Stars and Stripes newspaper proving that this is the chow hall in Baghdad.Â
This picture via LGF, from a US soldier in Iraq is just priceless:
Here is the note that the soldier wrote with the picture:
This is a true story…..Check out this photo from our mess hall at the US Embassy yesterday morning. Sen. Kerry found himself all alone while he was over here. He cancelled his press conference because no one came, he worked out alone in the gym w/o any soldiers even going up to say hi or ask for an autograph (I was one of those who was in the gym at the same time), and he found himself eating breakfast with only a couple of folks who are obviously not troops.
What is amazing is Bill O’Reilly came to visit with us and the troops at the CSH the same day and the line for autographs extended through the palace and people waited for two hours to shake his hand. You decide who is more respected and loved by us servicemen and women!
I have to wonder what Senator Kerry was thinking by going to Iraq in the first place? I’m guessing he was hoping he would get some good photo ops with the troops in order to show that he is not anti-military. Well it appears he isn’t going to be getting that photo op he is so desperately seeking any time soon.
GI, such … is not a thing to gloat over.
This form of "high school" ostracism says less about the convictions of American soldiers, and more about the group dynamics of the US Army. Soldiers are taught to be team players who go-along-to-get along. Performance ratings in the military factor-in how well a soldier is liked by his team-mates. This leads to the "groupthink" culture of the US military; a feminized-culture turning grown men into socialists babies … crying at the very idea that a Korean –"dislikes"– USFK.
Many of those soldiers in Iraq would have liked to rub shoulders with the guy and maybe ask Kerry a few questions — but … were too afraid of being stigmatized by the others. It's "high school" in fatigues.
For this very reason, I have found you a joke and a man(mouse)with no true convictions (both political and religious) … just a sycophant to the military groupthink: going-along to get-along. Just think … our country is being defended by your kind of character. I am very scared for our country. Your kind would sell us out in an instant… just to be popular and get BX privileges. Yuck!
Silly Sally
Are you actually serious with this line of garbage?
If you are, you have missed the entire point of the soldiers comments.
He (John Kerry) made a comment, it backfired and you see the results. No soldier wanted to be seen or talk to this idiot.
Now what this has to do with USFK or crying makes no logical sense at all.
If you are scared about these fine men defending your country, then please leave Sally and try and go North and live the total life that you might dream of.
It's not so much the comment with Mr. Kerry (not that it helped). I do not believe the people in the military are so dumb as to not notice the media's way of spinning his comments (as well as others opposite his camp). I personally saw his words aimed at the government leaders more than myself. it's more the fact that he has aligned himself with the anti-military crowd. jane fonda of vietnam fame for one. He was also a leader in Vietnam Veterans Against the War. His comments just didn't help things. Maybe people that live in glass houses………….
I haven't met any soldiers around here that would have wanted to rub shoulders with him (and i have dinner in that same DFAC every nite). Myself, I am not big on O'Riely either, so I did not go along with the "group" to visit him when he was here. I'm holding out for Thomas Barnett myself.
Let me apprise you soldiers:
Kerry is NOT from the anti-War crowd. Both he and Bush are actual biological cousins, and co-members sworn to an elite society called the Skull and Bones: in other words both are loyal to interests beyond America's best interests. Kerry spoke the truth about the US military … they are too stupid to see Bush and Kerry are co-puppets for handlers behind the false left/right polarity. Both the Republican and Democratic core-agenda is the same behind the apparency.
Kerry could care less about being ignored by the "High School" antics of soldiers trying to send Kerry into the shame-land of "sitting alone" in the cafeteria. He is just doing his job … polarizing the attitudes of Americans.
Mr. Mcstay,
USFK generals when asked about Koreans disliking them … have a tendency to break down and cry on the Sixty Minutes show. These warriors are BRAVE and SENSITIVE enough to show their AUTHENTIC feelings. God Damn heroes in my book.
USFK at Yongsan, Seoul is a baby crib for socialist cry-babies… the kind of American men Koreans eat for breakfast.
I feel sorry for this guy. I really believe that his words were warped intentionally by the media. Remember how Gore "invented the internet?" Same thing in my eyes. If you trust the American mass media then I guess you deserve the life of a sheep that some people lead… I would have sat with him, whether I liked him or not, so I could understand what the hell was really going on with that comment.
I have been reading your post and sad to say you are wrong.
If Kerry want to run and win his party nomination then he will have to run anti-war to appease the left of his party. His comments have pretty much killed his chances. He was hopping to get a huge photo-op and it has failed.
"USFK at Yongsan, Seoul is a baby crib for socialist cry-babies… the kind of American men Koreans eat for breakfast."
Can you please explain what is meant by this?
All you have ever done has post comment after comment about an USFK General crying on TV. Its almost 2007, time to update the play book.
Mrs. Sally one question, If the USFK leaves Korea, Will you be finally happy that you can go a huge statue and have your picture taken and go hungry all in the name of the "New Great Leader?"
"Kerry is NOT from the anti-War crowd."
On April 23, 1971, John Kerry spoke to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations for Vietnam Veterans Against the War. This is something you do not do if you plan on going into politics. If this is not part of the anti-war crowd, I'll eat my hat.
"sworn to an elite society called the Skull and Bones"
as are so many other Yale graduates. But I will leave the assumptions to the conspiracy theorists. Skull and Bones run my government about as much as the Masons do.
"they are too stupid to see Bush and Kerry are co-puppets for handlers behind the false left/right polarity."
What handlers? You mean handlers similiar to those that run the Sunshine Policy from the shadows? More conspiracy.
"USFK at Yongsan, Seoul is a baby crib for socialist cry-babies"
No, we are capitlists through and through. And it is good to see anti-American Koreans protesting. It means we are doing our job. Hopefully they never get thier wish. North Korea has a way of dealing with those that can think on thier own. I can almost guarantee you the first to go to Kim's prison camps would be those very same protestors.
I forgot to mention this was not his first nite in Iraq. He stopped here after staying a couple of days in al Anbar province where he was shown around.
I agree with besottedtom that is more than just his recent comments. It is a trend of anti-military actions that began after he came back from the Vietnam War. Going to Iraq for him was all about politics. He wanted a good photo op with the troops that he could use to repair military credentials if he decided to run for president again. It didn't work.
How did 1 CAV Division 3rd Brigade Cambat Team got the short end of the straw for photo op with Kerry?
Or do they volunteered to be the host?
Check out the other photos of Kerry's visit.
CPT Kim, thanks for the link, but the pictures all appear to be the standard VIP brief stuff. He is a senior Senator and should be treated as such. However, I still haven't seen Senator Kerry mobbed by troops wanting to shake his hand and talk to him. That is the photo op he was looking for. Personally I wouldn't mind talking to Senator Kerry but I wouldn't do it if it meant giving him a photo op.
Besotted Tom,
Why is it vital that Americans know that both George W. Bush and John Kerry are Yale alumni and Bonesmen? For many compelling reasons. Here are a few.
Since both Bush and Kerry, as sworn Bonesmen, are privy to its rituals, inner workings, and secret objective, it would seem to make little difference in both domestic and foreign policies of the United States which man wins the November 2004 election.
Bush and Kerry were required to put on a Mutt and Jeff routine for the voters, but the foreign policies would have been the same no matter who won.
This will be true for the next election between Democrats and Republicans.
Bonesmen believe that the United States should be the first among the "equals" in the New World order. To achieve this, the Order believes in "constructive chaos." And what is constructive chaos? It is simply keeping true intentions secret by constantly sending out mixed signals (Bush as pro-war, and Kerry as Anti-war) and do this on all critical policy issues, and keeping sacrosanct their self-created vision of New World warriors. Both Bush and Kerry appear to be victims of this self-aggrandized thinking. Don't let Kerry's photo opportunities at anti-war associations fool you. War is good business for the powers behind the American political process.
Bonesmen have an affinity for the Heglian theory. This is a precept in which the State is absolute and individuals are granted their freedom based on their obedience to the State, i.e. the New World Order. The American soldiers above revealed attempting to marginalize Kerry in Iraq were merely showing fealty: a vassal's show of fidelity to its feared Lord.
Does that have the smell of tyranny or not?
This pretentious elitism and dangerous arrogance from Bush and Kerry is rare in most men. But it is all the more troubling when found in two men who are both vying for the most powerful leadership position in the world
Bonesmen are mostly born to privilege, bred on visions of intellectual superiority, educated in worldly matters, and trained to give orders, not take them. It follows, then, that these men should be the epitome of nationalistic pride. Unless, of course, they have other ideas. Such as keeping their actions secret, using power to achieve ulterior ends, and putting the Skull and Bones oath above allegiance to their country.
And most disturbing of all, the sole purpose of the Skull and Bones Order is to perpetuate power. To maintain and increase this power, politically ambitious Bonesmen strive to put fellow Bonesmen in key positions of influence, to help build the New World organization that is their primary goal.
Recent actions and decisions of President Bush, if carefully scrutinized, tend to bear this out. And there is little reason to believe that John Kerry, as president, would not follow the same detrimental path.
Like all of us, George W. Bush and John Kerry have skeletons in their closet. But unlike ours, their skeletons have the power to undermine the sovereignty of a nation.
American soldiers — as Kerry mocked with insider knowledge — really do need to get their heads out of their asses. He knew such mockery would only retrench bone-headed military boys into deeper servitude to the Skull and Bones agenda. Both Bush and Kerry are laughing at their legions of willing slaves.
Professor Carroll Quigley of the School of Foreign Affairs at Georgetown University outlined the truth about the two-party system in America:
"The chief problem of American political life for a long time has been how to make the two Congressional parties more national and international. The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can “throw the rascals out†at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy… [E]ither party in office becomes in time corrupt, tired, unenterprising, and vigorless. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of those things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies." (pp. 1247-48)
If American soldiers think they are throwing "the rascal out" by not sitting with Kerry at the cafeteria table, and refusing to vote for him. Then they truly deserve his epithet of "ignorant". Both Bush and Kerry are laughing at their legion of dupes.
I will PROVE how Kerry is correct about his assessment that American soldiers are lazy intellectual slackers.
Kerry and Bush are clones.
Yet, military soldiers think they are shunning Kerry as a show of loyalty and fealty to Bush policies. A nice fantasty, but Not reality. In the real world beyond the American soldier's fantasy, Bush’s and Kerry’s agendas are more alike than they were different. Both were pledged to an internationalist foreign policy and to the UN. Both planned to continue, and even expand, the Iraq War. Both accepted intrusive domestic policies such as the USA Patriot Act. Both would increase federal spending and expand entitlements, in a financial environment guaranteed to continue and even accelerate America's growing debt.
Yet, American soldiers will shun Kerry at the Cafeteria, but kneel down and worship their current Commander in Chief. Lazy slackers? Serious retardation?
Read and learn, children. GI Korea is shooting blanks, but that's to be expected from such limited intelligence.
Jack, my intelligence is no longer so limited now. So what say you? What is your next Bush/Cheney/CIA conspiracy theory? This should be interesting.
GI Korea,
You don't believe in conspiracies?