Ft. Carson Commander Returns to Command Despite Toxic Leadership

I am not sure how big Army can claim they are trying to weed out toxic leaders when they accept this as appropriate conduct for a battalion commander:

The commander of a Fort Carson helicopter battalion objected when subordinates talked about a toxic command climate, according to documents obtained by The Gazette.

“You want toxic? I’ll show you toxic,” Lt. Col. Tammy Baugh allegedly told soldiers in the 1st Battalion of the 25th Aviation Regiment, documents said.

A 263-page Army investigation report released under the Freedom of Information Act portrays Baugh as a foul-mouthed boss who belittled soldiers, threw things during a meeting and sometimes stormed out of battalion gatherings.

Baugh and the battalion’s command sergeant major were temporarily relieved in July, but later placed back in command despite the scathing report.

“Too many soldiers and leaders in the battalion, across all ranks, have been negatively impacted by her belittling, disrespectful and caustic interaction, and the results of that interaction have been detrimental to morale, effectiveness and climate of the organization and the morale and well-being of soldiers,” the report says.  [Stars & Stripes]

You can read much more at the link, but this commander would throw flight schedules at people, cursing them out, and storming out of meetings.  It was so bad that the colonel that conducted the investigation recommended that she should be removed which the 4ID commanding general decided not to do for whatever reason.

So does anyone think that LTC Baugh would tone her act down a bit during a high profile investigation?  If you did you would be wrong:

In her statement, Baugh said her critics are slackers.

“It seems that those who cannot meet the standard have the loudest voice,” she wrote.

And the colonel denies that she belittled troops.

“I have made spot corrections,” she wrote.

I have been in units where senior leaders felt like they had to come in hard to change the culture.  Cursing I think people can live with, but if it is meant to belittle others that is where it becomes a problem.  I once saw a first sergeant in 2ID replaced due to cursing soldiers out in front of others much less throwing things at them.  In my experience it seems like senior NCOs get less the benefit of the doubt compared to a battalion commander or higher.  Also the storming out of meetings seems childish to me unless it was a one time thing to make a point.  However, it is her meeting so if she wants to storm out than so be it, but it does not set a healthy command climate.  I do have to wonder though that if she felt her staff was letting her down what had she done to properly train them to meet her standards?  I seriously doubt everyone in her unit, but her was incompetent.  For the most part if you tell people exactly how you want things done they will usually do it.

Anyway it takes something pretty big to remove a battalion commander like committing a crime or making inappropriate comments about women or gays.  She did nothing like this just demonstrated the toxic leader traits the Army has claimed it is trying to weed out. The 4ID commander may have felt since she did nothing criminal it may cause a bad precedent to remove her because of an investigation that began due to a poor command climate survey.  He may not want to send the message that soldiers can get rid of leaders they don’t like by giving poor ratings on a command climate survey.

In my experience I have never seen a battalion commander removed for toxic leadership if like this if everything claimed is true?  Than again I have never served under a commander who regularly cursed people out, stormed out of meetings, and threw things at people.  Has anyone else?

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10 years ago

It seems the Navy is the only service that is serious about holding commanders to higher standards of professionalism and not shy about firing those who don’t meet those standards.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

“…should be removed which the 4ID commanding general decided not to do for >B>whatever reason.”

LOL Yes, for whatever reason…

10 years ago

The reason seems to be female related & the CG’s lack of intestinal fortitude to do the right thing…

10 years ago

What do people want? Leadership’s been defined as how good of a R. Lee Ermy impression you can do for decades. They expect it to shift to a style more like how SOF does it instantly? Get real.

10 years ago

Toxic like battery acid, but you note mostly it is the officers complaining, and if it gets THAT bad, it’s time to go.

10 years ago

You know the type. She got to where she is now based on her looks alone……Typical Army……

10 years ago

Fun Fact: She was a prison guard before going into the Army.

comment image

10 years ago

She looks like a prison guard.

10 years ago

Lol! Just clicked on the link CH. I see you were kidding. 😛

9 years ago

It’s OK, Assistant Inspector General people need legit stuff to listen to, even if this isn’t their stated mission (fixing systematic problems with Soldier support systems affecting combat readiness) (although this fits the bill under a different circumstance).

4 years ago

Still sounds like 4th id at Fort Carson CO has had some ongoing toxic leaders even going into 2019-20! That means some of the higher ups are likely the real issue; not following the army standards themselves. So much for teaching respect to anyone in lower ranks. Its all about rank and not respect or morality when they put in time and get a big head for rank not skill. Others know all to well the stories of disrespect, verbal abuse, and no one ever investigates these folks (unless its Sharps related). Today’s world gives all police a bad rap when a few are toxic, but the military has its own toxic leaders that have hindered many good people in their path, too. As for AIG, they need a better system to monitor and protect from officer retaliation. Don’t they ask why many good people won’t re enlist? Toxic leaders aren’t weeded out under a good o’ boys club. They likely just get moved around. JAG likely protects them or it wouldn’t have continued for another day let alone for years. They live in their own world, with their rules (and violations). Sadly, the public cant really do much unless AIG, JAG and Dod step in and clean it up; they need reforms just like law enforcement to weed out the bad leadership etc. Heard Colorado Springs Congressman Lamborn, and 20 congressmen sent a letter to the Pentagon 5/14/20 for ongoing or ignored military EO violations; lack of knowledge, disrespect and retaliation as an issue. I wish I could support the military but some officers are reported as being without actual hands on skills or training; they don’t follow the army standards and/or really don’t lead. I do believe they are the cause for many with PTSD due to abusive actions that hinder good soldiers. Bosses are not always leaders! I used to support the military 100 percent and even raised funds for the cause; but not anymore. Yes, one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch when it goes on for a long time. Just ask yourself, how many people you know who have a good or bad military story/experience. They say they are concerned with soldiers and families, community, etc. But are they really? If they did, they’d really care about the soldiers and never allow verbally abusive out of control leaders!

4 years ago

She must have powerful friends considering she’s now a full bird and in command of a brigade at Rucker.

4 years ago

Females in positions of power-always a mistake. Ruled by emotion, vindictive, petty, prone to hysteria.

4 years ago

Don, you don’t sound like a married man… 😉

4 years ago

Don, it would be a very unpopular position to say women are ruled by impulsive shallow emotion and frequently incapable of logical thought as demonstrated by their frequently irrational thinking and actions.

But let’s double down on that anyway.


4 years ago

It likely falls into whats known as emotional intelligence; many people are just too emotional even if they are smart in many other ways. Men or women can have low emotional intelligence and lack self control; worse when under pressure. When they are up against someone who stands their ground and stays calm, they get even more upset. Too bad for others around them! Too bad for anyone under their authority. I hate it when good soldiers have to suffer under the big headed overly emotional types. Our nation’s a mess right now because everyone gets to over react on any way they feel. I met one of a higher rank that I thought seriously needed to be locked up to keep others safe, then just got moved on to GA. So sad. Our soldiers really deserve those who show leadership by actual skill and ability; not just rank or degree. Lets face it, their are good and bad people at every level and in every job. Even the Gov’t/Wash.DC’s new plan to get people working has found this problem, a degree (from who cares where) means nothing if you can’t do a job and treat others with respect and dignity. Extreme emotions & anxiety are also a known underlying trait for bullies and should never be seen as a quality trait of good officers who only lack emotional intelligence and/or respectful communication skills. Yelling vulgarity is everywhere but it doesn’t make it acceptable; like Drill Sgt.s use of personal insults, abuse, and profanity is still allowed but our civilian police are getting defunded? What a social mess. Police today and military tomorrow? Time will tell. Skill and actual ability will always out way emotions or time served.. especially if you’re in a fox hole!

4 years ago

Heh look at those old ass avatars up there…

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