High Uranium Levels Found in Korean Cities

Another reason why I would never drink Korean water:

Uranium levels 54.6 times the U.S. standard were found in water supplies in a village near Icheon, about 25 miles northeast of Osan Air Base, according to a South Korean government environmental report.

South Korea’s Ministry of Environment said it was not ready last week to release its full uranium survey of 93 sites in South Korea, but it issued a news release on its findings.

“None of the nationwide locations included where U.S. military installations are positioned,” Yoon Jung-gi of the National Institute of Environment Research told Stripes.

Uranium levels measured 1,640 micrograms per liter in Janpyeong-ri village near Icheon.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Web site mandates that safe drinking water remain under 30 micrograms of uranium per liter. South Korea does not have its own standard.

“Most drinking water sources have very low levels of radioactive contaminants (“radionuclides”), most of which are naturally occurring, although contamination of drinking water sources from human-made nuclear materials can also occur,” the EPA says on its Web site.

Exposure to high levels of uranium can be toxic to the liver, according to the EPA.

When a man from Janpyeong-ri had his hair tested by U.S.-based Trace Elements last year, the laboratory found uranium levels 302 times the safe level, according to South Korean media reports.

It isn’t just uranium in the drinking water that is contaminating people as well:

Meanwhile, a survey of elementary school students released last month showed 2.42 parts per billion of mercury in their blood, compared to 0.34 ppb in the United States, according to the survey.

The survey did not indicate reasons for the higher levels. Mercury can affect neurological development in fetuses and young children, according to the EPA.

This news makes the claims about polluted USFK military bases seem pretty hollow.  Once again I ask, where is Green Korea?

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Mr. Joe
Mr. Joe
17 years ago

Maybe the fishermen should get geiger counters and mercury sensors!

I'm sure more will develop as Korea becomes"modernized". still, the factor of "Losing FAce" and embarrassment come into play.

17 years ago

i wonder what the DPRK is doing with it's radioactive waste.

17 years ago

Wow. I've been all over this country, from the smallest country Ree's in Jeolla-nam-do to the best clubs in Seoul, drinking the water and eating the fish for two years. I wonder what kind of damage I've done to myself with my walkabout addiction to exploring every nook and cranny of this place.

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