Fact or Fiction: Deserting from Combat Stress

The US mainstream media has been working over time trying to create negative perceptions of the US military in the general American public. First they tried to create a perception of poor troop morale, which failed, along with their efforts to stop military recruiting by attacking and banning recruiters or going after ROTC programs. Remember all the stories of the military not meeting their recruiting numbers a couple years ago? That was because the military was in the midst of expanding the overall force numbers, which meant more people had to be recruited. Now that the force has completed the expansion it is easier to maintain recruiting numbers which the military has been able to do for well over a year during a time of war.

Then the media tried to create an image of US soldiers with higher than normal suicide rates, which once again that was quickly debunked. Since all these other efforts have failed they have had to implement the strategy to paint soldiers as uneducated low lives that are committing crimes all over Iraq. This strategy is on going and not getting much traction stateside except in the usual places, but plenty of traction internationally, but overall is not working.

Let’s also not forget the leftist plants from Amnesty International that enlisted in the military and then suddenly came out against the war before last year’s congressional elections. There group just happened to be backed with a media campaign led by the biggest liberal public relations firm, Fenton Communications. (You need to read my prior postings here and here to understand what I’m talking about.)

Now the latest attack on the military, comes from the worst military bashing offender the New York Times. This latest attack is that the on going war on terror is causing soldiers to desert the military. There is only one problem it is not true. If you read the link you can see that the soldiers being discharged are not war veterans but the typical young, troubled soldiers that I have seen through personal experience desert before. Additionally the numbers of desertions during a pro-longed period of war like we are in now is actually much lower than the number of desertions during the so called peacetime military before 9/11.

Now the New York Times is suggesting that the Army is unfairly prosecuting these deserters and is another sign of the imminent collapse of the military:

The increased prosecutions are meant to serve as a deterrent to a growing number of soldiers who are ambivalent about heading — or heading back — to Iraq and may be looking for a way out, several Army lawyers said in interviews. Using courts-martial for these violations, which before 2002 were treated mostly as unpunished nuisances, is a sign that active-duty forces are being stretched to their limits, military lawyers and mental health experts said.

Yes folks, the fact the military is upholding and prosecuting desertion laws is consider a sign of the great impending collapse of the US military by the New York Times. We better stop giving out Article 15’s as well or the New York Times will consider Article 15’s a sign of increased indiscipline in the military and another sign of the impending collapse of the military.

What is even more humorous is that buried in the Times article, it admits that the number of desertions are much lower now than during the peacetime years:

The Army prosecuted desertion far less often in the late 1990s, when desertions were more frequent, than it does now, when there are comparatively fewer.

Yes folks the number of prosecutions are going up as the total number of desertions are going down. It even gets better, because further buried in the story is this sentence below, that totally debunks the argument the writer is trying to make:

Most deserters list dissatisfaction with Army life or family problems as primary reasons for their absence, and most go AWOL in the United States.

Notice nothing about deserting because of multiple tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, not that it matters to the New York Times. I do know one deserter that I wish the Army would hurry up and prosecute though, if that is okay with the NY Times.

HT: Milblogs

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17 years ago

[…] [GI Korea] Fact or Fiction: Deserting from Combat Stress Published: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 21:09:59 +0000 The US mainstream media has been working over time trying to create negative perceptions of the US military in the general American public. First they tried to create a perception of poor troop morale, which failed, along with their efforts to stop military recruiting by attacking and banning recruiters or going after ROTC programs. […] Read More… […]

Silly Sally
Silly Sally
17 years ago

GI, where does this persecution syndrome come from? Is it a personal paranoia, or merely a Korean-styled plea for victim status for political purposes?

Almost 99% of Americans consider the American military a highly honorable and neccessary institution. The American public loves the military.

That is why we are concerned when we discover soldiers like you: careerists whose primary loyalty is his mother-organization, at the expense the Constitutional Republic sworn to be defended.

Since you are a "practicing Christian" Christ reminds you to seek the Kingdom of God FIRST. We like to remind you to defend the Republic FIRST, and the military second. Then all things shall follow.

Such as the vanishing of your queer paranoia.

17 years ago

Welcome back, Silly Sally. I've missed you.

Dr Ken
Dr Ken
17 years ago

Can I pick one nit? In the first para you said the "US mainstream media" is doing all these things, but you cite things that are done by the loony left, not the media. I know it's hard to tell some times, but these are not the same groups.

17 years ago

[…] Al-Maliki is scheduled to hold a summit with South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun […] Fact or Fiction: Deserting from Combat Stress The US mainstream media has been working over time trying to create negative perceptions of the US […]

17 years ago

[…] happened to that line about supporting the troops and not the war?  As I have been pointing out over and over again; that line went out the window a long time ago and this is just another example […]

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