US Midterm Election 2014 – Open Thread

For anyone that wants to discuss the midterm election results from last night here is the place to do it.  I for one do not see much changing, but it will be interesting to see if the media will blame gridlock in Washington on Democrats now when they use the filibuster instead of Republicans?  The biggest thing I am concerned about is sequestration beginning again next year.  Will the Republicans do anything to address this?

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10 years ago

GOP’s first order of business is immigration reform

Jeb Bush Promises GOP Immigration Reform To Spanish-Speaking Media

GOP’s John Cornyn Eyes Immigration Reform ‘After We Get Majority’

Mitt Romney: GOP Senate Will Put Immigration Reform On President’s Desk

Retired GI
Retired GI
10 years ago

This just in; Obamacare doesn’t cover “butt-hurt”. Gun control candidates lost big-time.

10 years ago

T-bone must be passed out on the floor of his living room from anger in a pool of tears, spittle, and booze. 😉

Nothing’s changed expect who gets to blame who for the reason why government’s not working.

10 years ago

Virginia Koreans helped elect GOP Barbara Comstock, Asians voted 48% for GOP, Latinos 36% for GOP, Blacks 10% for GOP.

10 years ago

Racism? Tim Scott won in SC… First time since Reconstruction.

The GOP also won in Illinois and Colorado.

Now, if they do what they promised, we might see things improve…

10 years ago

Sadly, the Republicans will spend all their time pestering Obama over petty issues, further screwing up Democratic programs instead of fixing them, and chasing after far right/conservative/Christian agendas that do not satisfy the values of the average American.

If the Republicans can understand this was not a vote FOR Republicans but a vote against Democrats, they can cut out all the leftist/progressive/liberal nonsense and focus on center-right projects that America needs to succeed.

If they do that, they will sweep into the White House in 2016 with whatever loser candidate they run.

But they won’t do that.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

CH, I’m afraid you are right. I note that while republicans won seats, many state ballot measures that run counter to the professed republican platform and positions were also passed. That does not support the notion people are signing up for the republican agenda lock, stock, and barrel.

You are right, it was a vote against the democrats. Not much will change though. Biden can still vote on ties in the senate AND Ebolabammy can still veto anything sent to his desk since the republicans do not have the votes in the senate to override a veto. This is not to mention the minority filibusters which the republicans used and will now be used against them. Reading comments at various places, I truly wonder if most Americans understand this…

What I am waiting to see is if those in the majority will align against the peoples will as expressed by the aforementioned direct voices of the people. Will they put agendas aside and support the expressed will of the people? We will see…

10 years ago

All of a sudden, Asian-Americans are voting more Republican

In 2012, strong support for the president among Asian-American voters was a surprise. Asian voters preferred the president by 47 points. In 2014, the group split about evenly. It was a 46-point swing.

10 years ago

GOP Barbara Comstock pledged to introduce ‘East Sea’ resolution, Korean Virginians helped elect her to office

10 years ago

Republican Korean American Young Kim defeated Latina Democrat Sharon Quirk-Silva, who used race card tactics, called Kim “Not one of us.”

10 years ago

Let’s just pray the folks in power get wisdom and do the right thing for a change. Americans have no need to hate each other or spend precious time stabbing at each other like some sort of Captain Ahab wannabees… Life is just to short to spend it hating…

10 years ago

If the new team’s first order of business is to repeal the Healthcare Act and hold the government hostage by another refusal to extend the debt limit then the next 2 years won’t be too difficult to predict.

10 years ago
10 years ago

America doesn’t need immigration “reform”… America needs immigration “enforcement”…

…unless “reform” means autonomous drones monitoring the border and destroying anything that crosses… with leather gay bikers forming rape gangs to mop up whoever gets past the drones… and organ harvesters taking over after the bikers are done… which is probably not the same immigration reform the RINOs have in mind.

10 years ago

Chickenhead, your version of reform sounds like a Village People+Judas Priest collaboration post-apocalyptic future concept album.

I’d buy it……

10 years ago

It’s fun to stay at the YMCA*

When the guy dressed as a cowboy takes his turn, it will be legally mandated that he yells “Remember the Alamo!” when he blasts.

*Yelping Mexicans Creamed Anally

10 years ago

“No Boots On The Ground” number to increase by another couple of battalions…

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

SETNAFFA. If he wasn’t sending anyone, you’d be yelping about his failure to yadda, yadda, yadda…

I know it doesn’t matter.

I remember that Bush Sr. famously said “no new taxes” and later, responding to reality and reassessing the situation he broke that promise. Personally, I respected Bush for that. He thought he was doing the right thing (whether it was or not is another argument), even though he knew that sound bite would haunt him.

I’m glad to see you are open minded enough to hold EbolaBammy’s (half) black ass to a higher standard.

Question 1: What would you do?

Bonus Question: If President Obama came out and lead a televised nation wide Christian prayer every morning, would you support him? (difficulty: honesty)

10 years ago

It appears that some of us don’t know the difference between a general Open Thread and this particular Open Thread which is for the discussion of the mid-terms.

You know who you are. :p

10 years ago

Guilty as charged!

Also a bit off topic: where is Tbone? If he isn’t dead from his bender, he should already be back here screaming about the outrage of the midterm election results.

I know, CH, I know…….why look a gift horse in the mouth?

Oh wait. I just remembered CH called him out on supposed past activities. Wonder if that has anything to do with his sudden absence.

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