Tweet of the Day: Media Stoking Ferguson Violence?

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9 years ago

Non White people will never get fair trial and fair justice. Whites will side with other whites, and the cops will always side with the whites.

9 years ago


But you’re correct that in many U.S. cities it’s obvious America has a race problem. But who ever said it didn’t, Chickenhead? 2/3 of the population or 67% is African American in Ferguson County Missouri and only 29% were white.

Yet 48 out of 50 cops were white the day of the Micheal Brown shooting by officer Darren(murdering) Brown. Certainly there wasn’t a black cop doing the hiring in Ferguson County Missouri. I’m sure the cops in their locker/shower/dressing room often use the ‘N’ word today.

9 years ago

I hear people quoting the number of black officers on Ferguson’s police force a lot. I still haven’t heard the number of blacks that applied to be on the force. Those two numbers in combination would be more telling as it would show how many had not been selected.

I suspect that something else is going on besides racist screening practices. Perhaps it could be that many blacks don’t think being a police officer is respectable.

9 years ago

Organization throughout America are so worried about looking racist they will hire substandard minority applicants just to be able to point at them in times of need.

If there is a shortage of minorities almost anywhere in America, it is for reasons other than “white racism”.

9 years ago

I have spoken with a black police officer that says basically the same thing about minorities and females hired on the local police force.

He prides himself on working for a different agency that doesn’t just push minorities through. Also, he feels safer working with quality officers that are there based on merit and skill rather than their skin color.

9 years ago

Johnnyboy and Chickenhead, this is your “white(half white/Korean etc…or whatever…) defense mechanism at work.”

“I hear people quoting the number of black officers on Ferguson’s police force a lot. I still haven’t heard the number of blacks that applied to be on the force.”

Who are these “people?” And when you “hear” them say that why don’t you ask them why there isn’t any RECRUITMENT effort instead of waiting for them to “apply” and preaching the ‘N’ word in the locker/shower/dressing room at work? The DOD can recruit so why can’t lopsided racist communities? Are you going to tell me the FEDS are better than local governments?

I think you heard this Johnnyboy, but why doesn’t queerduck giuliani constantly repeat that WHITES KILL WHITES 85% of the time?..I think we need a black police force to enter/work the white neighborhoods so that WHITE on WHITE murders will decrease…
WASHINGTON — Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) on Sunday criticized what he described as lopsided coverage of the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, calling on the media to stop focusing on racially disproportionate police forces and pay more attention to black people killing one another.

“I find it very disappointing that you’re not discussing the fact that 93 percent of blacks in America are killed by other blacks.

Giuliani’s comments, which were a response to a question from host Chuck Todd about the racial makeup of police departments, prompted an outraged reaction from fellow panelist Michael Eric Dyson, a professor of sociology at Georgetown University.

“First of all, most black people who commit crimes against other black people go to jail,” said Dyson. “Number two, they are not sworn by the police department as an agent of the state to uphold the law. So in both cases, that’s a false equivalency that the mayor has drawn. … Black people who kill black people go to jail. White people who are policemen who kill black people do not go to jail.”

“It’s hardly insignificant,” Giuliani interjected. “It is the reason for the heavy police presence in the black community.”

Dyson and Giuliani’s exchange continued back and forth, with the former mayor finally asking, “So why don’t you cut it down [black-on-black crime] so so many white police officers don’t have to be in black areas?”

“White police officers won’t be there if you weren’t killing each other 70 percent of the time,” Giuliani added.

“This is a defense mechanism of white supremacy at work in your mind, sir,” Dyson replied.


CH says…”Organization(sic) throughout America are so worried about looking racist they will hire substandard minority applicants just to be able to point at them in times of need.”

I fixed it for YOU!

The DOD throughout America is so worried about RECRUITING enough white people and looking racist they will hire substandard minority applicants(even criminals like YOU) just to be able to point at them in times of need.”

9 years ago

“Hands Up. Don’t Shoot!”

In response to the headline “tweet of the day” of course foxnews is Stoking Ferguson Violence.

Foxnews doesn’t talk about the mostly calm/non-violent protests in 100 other cities across America and the WORLD…Foxnews made no mention of protestors in London, they just want to capture blacks behaving badly and in London and so many other cities across America foxnews couldn’t find what they were looking for…
“After a Missouri prosecutor announced Monday night that the grand jury had decided not to indict Wilson, the symbolic chant of “Hands Up. Don’t Shoot!” rang out from protesters from Los Angeles to New York to London.

After the Ferguson grand jury announcement, several hundred protesters marched through central London with their hands raised, shouting “Hands Up. Don’t Shoot!” Others carried hand-made banners saying “Black lives matter.” The Brown shooting has particular resonance in London, which was rocked by days of rioting following the 2011 death of Mark Duggan, a young black man shot to death by police under disputed circumstances.

Architect Evan Chakroff was among the protesters this week in Seattle. He said the “Hands Up” gesture is far from a literal representation of the circumstances of Brown’s death.

“My sense is that it’s totally symbolic and a way of representing powerlessness” in the face of inequality and militarized police, he said.

Several demonstrators said focusing on the exact circumstances of Brown’s shooting misses the point of the slogan.

“This is not about one boy getting shot in the street, but about the hundreds just like him who have received the same callous and racially-influenced treatment,” said Oakland, California, protester Gabe Johnson, a middle school teacher. “So ultimately, no, it doesn’t matter at all if somehow we can say for sure whether this one young man really said these words or had his hands up.”

9 years ago

Who have I heard citing the number of blacks on Ferguson’s police force?

It has been repeated numerous times in the major news outlets. Aside from that, my response was to you saying it as well.

Why don’t I tell them to engage in minority recruitment?

Simply for the reason I stated above. If you intentionally recruit from a certain group of people you may not end up with the most qualified people for the job. This may be okay for something like making burgers but when it’s a job where someone carries a gun and is put in tense situations interacting with the public, you really should want the most qualified person. That determination should have nothing to do with skin color.

If someone is qualified and wants to be a police officer then they should put in an application and be assessed like any other candidate.

As for the N-word in the locker room, I hadn’t heard that. Is that something making the rounds in the news? Are you just implying that’s what goes on?

9 years ago

Tbone, I am starting to think you aren’t just dumber than I imagined… but actually dumber than I CAN imagine.

You have spent years whining about Koreans because they bump into you on the street… but then go out of your way to defend the ghetto culture that brought us the violent subhuman behavior demonstrated in Ferguson. It’s not easy to take you seriously.

Perhaps you should leave the safety of your whitebread neighborhood and actually go live in Ferguson for a while… at which point you will stop parroting all the media-generated images of white racists oppressing gentle blacks… and you will likely appreciate Korea a great deal more.

Let’s look at some of your written gems for the amusement of all..

“Who are these “people?””

You, dummy. You just quoted the number of black officers on Ferguson’s police force and then you ask who these people are who quote the the number of black officers on Ferguson’s police force. Amazing.

“And when you “hear” them say that why don’t you ask them why there isn’t any RECRUITMENT effort instead of waiting for them to “apply””

So now you are saying black people need someone to hold their hands through life… as they are too stupid or lazy to apply for a job like white people are expected to do? I see. No thanks. Quality police forces want to hire motivated self-starters… and the very first test is getting off the crackpipe long enough to fill out a job application and take it down to the station all by big-boy self.

“This is not about one boy getting shot in the street, but about the hundreds just like him who have received the same callous and racially-influenced treatment,”

Great! Show me a black boy getting shot in the street that wasn’t engaged in some kind of thuggish behavior and I will be out there demonstrating as well…

…but the best examples those looking to profit from an inflamed situation can present are thugs who got exactly what they asked for… and with a history of asking for it.

I am starting to suspect there are no “innocent black kids shot in the streets by racist white cops”. Ever. You could research this an give examples if you think this statement is incorrect. If you cannot find an example otherwise… well… off you go.

In fact, I am starting to suspect this is all a government/media generated myth to further divide the races and the classes so they can accomplish whatever sneaky goals they have without unified resistance… as black people irrationally rally around these dirtbag thugs based only on skin color… and white people reject there is a problem because everyone in an area with black people has watched the thuggish and disruptive behavior of these people in public places… and must grit their teeth and endure it or risk nothing but a physical beatdown followed by a media beatdown.

(Anybody remember Bernhard Goetz?)

If you want to get outraged, how about the SWAT team that threw a flashbang into a playpen during a no-knock raid when they didn’t even have the professionalism to stake the place out and make sure the suspect was in the house… but the SWAT teams are composed of all races and the victims of botched no-knock raids are of all races… so there is nothing to get outraged about, right?

The deal is this: Michael Brown was a bag of diicks with a history of being a bag of diicks. He got put down for it… fully based on his own behavior. The world will be a better place for it.

If you want to win people to your thinking that the world is full of racist white cops killing innocent black children, you first must produce some innocent black children.

Until then, toodles.

9 years ago

Johnnyboy says…”If you intentionally recruit from a certain group of people you may not end up with the most qualified people for the job.”

Wow, just wow ٩◔̯◔۶(eyes roll with hands up). There are 14 thousand black people in Ferguson alone and other areas next door in St. Louis has many more black people. The Whites on the Ferguson county police force simply don’t want to hire black people ٩◔̯◔۶.

Johnnyboy says…”This may be okay for something like making burgers but when it’s a job where someone carries a gun and is put in tense situations interacting with the public, you really should want the most qualified person(sic).

Sure thing, black people are only qualified to flip burgers ٩◔̯◔۶.

Hiring White officers who aren’t qualified seems to be the modus operandi at the cop shop in Ferguson so ummm why can’t unqualified black people join in?

How does a police officer put himself in a sit down position of his drivers seat and allow a big bad black J-Walking “Hulk Hogan type or Demon” confront him at the window of his car?
“The shooting and the events that preceded it raised broader policy questions, particularly about how officers engage with communities they patrol. In his initial encounter with Mr. Brown and his friend in the street, Officer Wilson never exited his vehicle, voicing commands through the window of his cruiser instead.

“The notion of riding through neighborhoods yelling, ‘Get up on the curb’ or ‘Get out of the street,’ is not where you want your officers to be,” Mr. Bealefeld said. “You want them out of their cars, engaging the public and explaining to people what it is you are trying to do. Drive-by policing is not good for any community.

In Ferguson, where the vast majority of police officers are white and most of the residents are black, many black residents have blamed aggressive policing for creating tensions.

In September, weeks after the shooting, the Justice Department announced that it was opening a broad civil rights investigation into whether the police in Ferguson have a history of discrimination or misuse of force amid complaints of racial profiling, harassment and improper stops of black residents by police officers.

While Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said the federal investigation offered the possibility for “wholesale change,” it could take months to complete.”

9 years ago

Chickenhead says…”but then go out of your way to defend the ghetto culture that brought us the violent subhuman behavior demonstrated in Ferguson.”


I don’t need to defend anyone/anything? I’m simply against police using excessive force and shooting down unarmed men.

Darren Wilson’s Demon
About midway through the 1933 film adaptation of Eugene O’Neill’s “The Emperor Jones,” the black leader of an unnamed Caribbean island orders his guards to shoot a fugitive named Brutus Jones, played by Paul Robeson. As the bullet seems to hit him in the chest, he puts his hands on his hips and laughs. The guard shoots twice more.

Jones: Fire again, empty your guns!

[another volley]

Don’t you all know that I’ve got a charm? Takes a silver bullet to kill Brutus Jones!

“The Emperor Jones” comes to mind when one reads Officer Darren Wilson’s testimony before a grand jury, and listens to his interview with George Stephanopoulos, about his fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an eighteen-year-old, in Ferguson, Missouri.

After the first shot, Wilson, then still in his car, looked out at Brown, who

had the most intense, aggressive face. The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon, that’s how angry he looked…. I just saw his hands up, I don’t know if they were closed yet, on the way to going closed—I saw this and that face coming at me again, and I just went like this and I shielded my face.

Wilson said that he experienced “tunnel vision,” and that he was looking only at Brown’s right hand, which was “under his shirt in his waistband”—not up in the air, as some witnesses recall. “I remember seeing the smoke from the gun and I kind of looked at him and he’s still coming at me, he hadn’t slowed down,” Wilson said. There was more smoke, and a strangely dark reflection, before the third volley:

At this point I start backpedalling and again, I tell him to get on the ground, get on the ground, he doesn’t. I shoot another round of shots. Again, I don’t recall how many it was or if I hit him every time. I know at least once because he flinched again.

Brown had now been hit more than once, but somehow couldn’t get enough of the bullets—“he was almost bulking up to run through the shots.” He, Brown, might as well have been a ghost in the swamp: “the face that he had was looking straight through me, like I wasn’t even there, I wasn’t even anything in his way,” Wilson said. Wilson was by then “backing up pretty rapidly,” he said—“because I know if he reaches me, he’ll kill me”—until he was eight to ten feet away. Then Wilson shot the final bullets in Brown’s head….

….The cruder images that “The Emperor Jones” plays with—superstition, boastfulness, wildness—are neither distinct to that film nor entirely confined to the past. An actor like Robeson could make the movie watchable, conveying that the problem with those masks was not only their fit on him but their construction. Brown was just an eighteen-year-old man, and, it seems, an imprudent one—carrying some stolen cigarillos. It’s worth asking if he had a chance.

Wilson told the jurors that he remembered looking through the sight on his gun before firing the final shots, seeing only the top of Brown’s head, and sending a bullet there. “And then when it went into him, the demeanor on his face went blank—the aggression was gone, I mean, I knew he stopped, the threat was stopped.”

9 years ago

If you have to shoo the wild animals out of the middle of the street, it really is safer to do it from your vehicle.

Sometimes they attack.

Nonetheless, it sounds like Officer Wilson was a very compassionate policeman…

(Slows down not wanting to make a big deal) “Hey kids, how about you walk up there on the sidewalk.”

“Yes, officer, sorry about that.” (Immediately walks on sidewalk like the rest of civilized adult society that doesn’t need to be told not to play in the street).

(Encounter over)

…but no.

Hey Tbone, no matter how much you huff and puff, white officers are going to shoot deserving black criminals for years in the future… and the only thing that will be done about it is black people will get angry based on skin color rather than facts and burn their own neighborhoods… same as usual. And if they look to burn other neighborhoods, it won’t just be cops shooting black criminals… because whites, Hispanics, and Asians won’t put up with that stupid ghetto shyt on their street.

You are betting on the wrong horses here in every way.

Sleep well knowing this, Tbone.

9 years ago

The recruitment process should be open to all people, with no preference in regards to race. If you recruit strictly by race you may end up screening out the best options simply because they don’t fit the race requirements specified.

I cannot stress this point enough:If a minority applies and they are better qualified than a white male, then they should get the job. I want the absolute best candidates to be chosen for such an important job that has a high impact on the community.

I suspect the fact of the matter is that many black people in that area have no desire to be police officers. It’s fairly evident when they scream “F*** tha police!” by the hundreds or thousands.

There should be no burden on the police department to put extra scrutiny on hiring someone of a certain race. That would be racism.

Furthermore, opting to hire based on race instead of merit can leave you with police officers that are a danger to other police officers as well as a danger to the community.

None of us was there when officer Wilson killed Michael Brown so it’s difficult to know exactly how it played out. Eyewitness accounts conflict each other, but apparently the forensic evidence gives more credence to Wilson’s account and the accounts that support his.

All the arguments against Wilson’s alleged actions that day seem to forgive Brown for his alleged actions.

While we are about Wilson issuing lawful commands from his vehicle, we are not talking about Brown’s violent robbery ten minutes earlier or his assault on a police officer. Why are you so harsh to judge every single step the officer took that day, but hesitant to judge Brown on his obvious disregard for the law?

9 years ago

Johnnyboy, you are putting far too much effort into arranging facts and reason into an organized statement of valid opinion.

Sadly, those who would argue against you do not respond to facts or reason. They will not consider your points nor answer your questions.

To civilized society of all races, every point you made is self-evident and needs not be spoken. To the ignorant, the emotional, the dogmatic, and the manipulative, there is nothing you can write which will get through to them.

I appreciate your impressive writing, as I started to do the same in hopes a reasonable statement would make for a reasonable conversation. Then I realized it was unnecessary, as there was no real audience. This is because there is no real debate.

It is likely every reasonable person here thinks exactly as you wrote; and anyone who would argue otherwise is incapible of forming a valid argument or participating in a meaningful debate.

So, to amuse myself and (perhaps) others, I decided on a less academic and more inflammatory approch to continue a conversation that never needed to be started.

Regardless, your comment was a breath of fresh air and I would hope others would be inspired to write equally well on a range of topics.

9 years ago

Right now, I am tired of engaging in “flame wars.” Nothing against those who still want to. It’s still interesting to watch and good to see different opinions even if they aren’t put forth in the most tactful manner.

I know tbone is unlikely to see things my way, and the best part is he doesn’t have to. It’s still important to me to present a case for an alternate opinion to him. He may not agree with me, but at this point I would rather present it to him without he or I resorting to personal attacks.

Like I said though, nothing against you two for continuing an online barrage of hatred towards each other. In no way am I implying that I am better than either of you for keeping my comments more diplomatic. I just don’t feel like getting personal at this point.

I don’t mind good-natured ball busting with the rest of ya’s though. Kinda feels like being in the military again.

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