US to Launder North Korea's Dirty Money

From the Chosun:

North Korea’s immediate banking troubles will likely be resolved this week, as chances are high that the U.S. will accept the North’s demand to transfer its assets in Macau to a third country via a U.S. bank. Diplomatic sources on Wednesday said the U.S. is inclined to allow a U.S. bank to play an intermediary role in transferring the recently unfrozen US$25 million. Quoting a U.S. official, AP reported the U.S. Treasury was expected to make a decision by as early as Thursday. The official told the news agency, “The North Koreans want to use an American bank because they think the transaction would help secure their continued access to the global financial system.”

Let’s see the North Koreans counterfeit our money and then we agree to launder the $25 million dollars worth of money for them and give them access to the world financial system in return for them to implement an agreement they have already violated and we know they have no intention of ever implementing on top of all the goodies the South Korean government has already given the North Koreans.  That is what the US North Korea policy has been reduced to. 

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17 years ago

Little by little, I get the feeling our intel gurus have decided North Korea is on the verge of making a serious run toward collapse, the the policy people who have won out are those who say such a thing is too uncertain and potentially deadly/costly to "endure".

I thought NK's actions since the Fall of last year could possibly be driven by what Pyongyang perceived as signs it was going to face collapse within a couple of years. Now, I think that fear could explain these baffling moves by the US too….

Michael Sheehan
Michael Sheehan
17 years ago

Dot't worry … be happy.

17 years ago

[…] Drop:  US to Launder North Korea’s Dirty MoneyPosted 17 hours agoFrom the Chosun : North Korea’s immediate banking troubles will likely be […]

17 years ago

[…] [GI Korea] US to Launder North Korea?s Dirty Money Published: Thu, 10 May 2007 22:41:54 +0000 From the Chosun: North Korea’s immediate banking troubles will likely be resolved this week, as chances are high that the U.S. will accept the North’s demand to transfer its assets in Macau to a third country via a U.S. bank. Diplomatic sources on Wednesday said the U.S. is inclined to allow a U.S. bank to play […] Read More… […]

Mr. Joe
Mr. Joe
17 years ago

Could be. It doesn't make sense to the politically uneducated majority. Maybe it makes sense to the diplomatically savvy.

If I were a submarine captain I would lower the scope and Dive!

If I were a South Korean, I would get out and vote next time for a President who would not kiss up to the North.

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