Another Leftist Plant Exposed
|Seriously I may need to start a category dedicated to the numerous leftist plants and fraudulent claims of being in the military because here is another one that has been exposed by Greyhawk this time.
Our leftist plant in question is Private Marc Train. After deserting his unit before deploying to Iraq he has become the anti-war movement’s latest hero. Our newest anti-war hero in all of his published accounts pretty much covers every leftist talking point since the war began. I don’t think he left anything out at all. This guy has even gone further then other leftist plants and converted to Islam as well (see comments section of Milblogs post here).
The only problem with the anti-war movement’s latest hero, as Greyhawk very clearly pointed out, is that Private Train was already part of the leftist anti-war movement before he even enlisted. Guess who he was affiliated with? Well our friends from Appeal for Redress who I and other exposed before. You can read my two postings here and here on Appeal for Redress and their Amnesty International plants, George Soros connection, and their promotion by the largest liberal public relations firm in the country, Fenton Communications.
Oh by the way the Appeal for Courage site which was set up to counter the Appeal for Redress site 6 months after Redress was launched. Despite its late start the site overtook Redress’ petition signatures in just a few short weeks and has continued its surge past Appeal for Redress which as of this writing has 3,214 signatures compared to Redress’ 2003 signatures. Yet Redress continues to make headlines while Appeal for Courage makes none. I guess it helps to have big liberal money and Fenton Communications on your side to make media news but it definitely hasn’t helped them gain signatures.
So everyone can now add Marc Train to the infamous leftist list that includes the names like Hutto, Burnett, Key, Massey, Macbeth, Randall, etc. etc. The politicization of the military continues.
Not surprising, but still nice to know. Keep exposing 'em.
A bit off topic, but in the interest of sharing ideas, here is the milblog of an antiwar paleoconservative: League of the Scarlet Pimpernel.
Sadly, they're not posting as much as they used to. One of the contributors is (was?) stationed here in the ROK.
[…] I would love to see him explain the Amnesty International plants (see here & here), the leftist plants, the "phony soldiers", lying soldiers, the misinterpreting recruiting numbers to claim a […]