American Group Works To Stop Dog Eating In South Korea

It seems that US animal rights groups still have their eyes set on stopping dog eating in South Korea:

rok flag

A dozen dogs originally destined for dinner tables in South Korea arrived in the Washington area to be adopted as pets.

They were the first of a total of 23 dogs being imported into the United States this week as part of a campaign to combat the eating of dog meat in East Asia.

Washington-based Humane Society International (HSI) located the dogs at a farm in Ilsan, northwest of Seoul, where they were being bred specifically for human consumption.

The farmer — who acknowledged a personal fondness for dogs — agreed to give up the animals and accept an offer of compensation and grow blueberries instead, HSI director of companion animals Kelly O’Meara told AFP, as the mongrels settled into kennels Monday at the Animal Welfare League of Alexandria, Virginia after a long flight from Seoul.

HSI has been working with local groups in China, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam to raise public awareness of the dog meat trade.

“But South Korea is unusual because it actually farms dogs to supply demand,” O’Meara said, while other countries target feral dogs as food.

Every year, between 1.2 million and two million dogs are consumed in South Korea, she said, supplied by farms that number “at least in the hundreds.”  [AFP]

You can read more at the link, but my biggest problem with dog farming in South Korea is that some of these farmers do not do it very humanely with dogs raised in small cages and then beaten to death to better tenderize the meat.

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10 years ago

Anyone requiring proof of how nasty this industry is need only scoot down to Seongnam just outside southern Seoul and take a walk along the Moran Market:

If you can get in that is, if you notice on the left side of the street view there’s a couple empty chairs under an umbrella where lookouts usually plop their fat a55es down to keep the weigook out. If you manage to get past them they’ll signal ahead so the shops can hide what they’re doing from your megapixel peeping.

Leon Laporte
10 years ago

THIS is the biggest problem IN THE WORLD!!!!

10 years ago

I heard a bunch of Koreans were adopting cows and chickens that were destined for slaughter houses in the U.S.

Another bunch has decided to take in some horses from France before they hit the dinner table there.

Yet another group has chosen to rescue and domesticate rats that were to be meals in west Africa.

It’s unconscionable that anyone could eat these poor, magnificent creatures. Sure glad they could be saved.

10 years ago

Considering that (in most cases) farmed dogs are very different in attitude than pet dogs, these rescued dogs are like the unskilled illegal alien trailer park dwellers, destined for welfare, of the animal kingdom… reducing the average American dog intellegence level, but not meat content, if allowed to breed.

Meanwhile, American cops only shot 4 loving little dogs today when they felt “threatened” while serving a no-knock warrant based on a paid snitch claiming he heard somebody sold a gram of weed out of the house.

The solution, obviously, is a dog exchange. Executed American dogs should be sent off to Korea and exchanged for a live one.

“We are sorry for shooting your beloved Fido in our botched drug raid of the wrong house, Mrs. Washington, but we will insure his death will not be without purpose. He will make some middle-aged Korean officeworkers very happy. Meanwhile, we’d like to introduce you to the larger but dumber mixed-breed Dak-gu. You will be pleased to learn he will be perfectly happy locked in a closet when not in use. And no more expensive dogfood, as he can live on a diet of old burned rice and extra raman juice mixed with moldy kimchee and raw fish heads.”

10 years ago

If people want to eat dog, cat, puppies, kittens, rats, insects, beef, reindeer, bear, rhino, goat, sheep, seal, whale, dolphin, – whatever it is; it’s their business. I don’t care.

What the Humane Society should complain about is the how the animals are slaughtered. The East Asian method for slaughtering a dog ensures the meat is filled with adrenaline when the animal dies. Which is typically accomplished by slowly beating the dog to death, or by burning it to death, or even by skinning it alive. All dog eaters, from the PI to Viet Nam to China to Korea and beyond, think the adrenaline filled meat will dispense some virile or medicinal quality upon the eater.

Humane Society – Make this gruesome point and maybe someone will listen.

10 years ago


Korean cannibals eat people via pill form…
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May 10, 2012 – Pills containing dead babies seized by Korean customs … horrific reality of the production of the capsules in China, how they were smuggled ..

Increase of ‘Human Flesh Capsules’ – koreaBANG…/increase-on-human-flesh-capsules-smuggled-int...
Apr 2, 2013 – Customs officials are looking into human flesh capsules they have caught … They put put bunches of dead babies in a fridge.

17,500 Powdered Human Baby Pills Seized by South Korea

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