Dry Cleaners Under Attack Again
|Seriously this Judge Roy Pearson needs to get over it. After losing his $54 million dollar lawsuit over a pair of pants, he is again going after the Chungs:
He’s baaaa-ack: Roy Pearson, the D.C. administrative law judge who filed, fought and lost a $54 million lawsuit against the Korean immigrants who own his neighborhood dry cleaners, chose the Fourth of July holiday to make it clear that he will not be going away.
Despite a clear finding by D.C. Superior Court Judge Judith Bartnoff that Pearson’s case against Custom Cleaners had no merit and that the cleaners’ possible misplacing of a pair of Pearson’s pants was not worth a penny to the plaintiff, Pearson is back. He wrote to defense lawyer Christopher Manning this week to let the Chung family know that Pearson plans to file today a motion arguing that Bartnoff failed to address Pearson’s legal claims and asking the judge to reverse her verdict in the case.
Get this, Pearson says that he is fighting on the behalf of all Washington residents. What an idiot and a disgrace to the legal profession. Support the Dry Cleaners!
Hey Boss,
I'm an English teacher and I'm leaving the country soon (for good).
I've got about 200 books (novels, personal finance, economics, psychology, a couple of Bibles, etc.) that I can't take with me.
If possible, I'd like to provide them to service members and/or their families.
You're in the service, right? Do you have any ideas or suggestions as to a good way to go about this?
Matt (011-9344-9876)
By the way, the books are all used and in "average" condition.
Oh, and the e-mail address associated with my ID isn't valid, as far as I know.
[I know this message is off-topic from the blog post.]
This guy is incredible. Lost pants. 54 million dollars. I guess the pants were made of diamonds.
[…] [GI Korea] Dry Cleaners Under Attack Again Published: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 23:28:50 +0000 Seriously this Judge Roy Pearson needs to get over it.?* After losing his $54 million dollar lawsuit over a pair of pants, he is again going after the Chungs: He’s baaaa-ack: Roy Pearson, the D.C. administrative law judge who filed, fought and lost a $54 million lawsuit against the Korean immigrants who own his neighborhood dry […] Read More… […]
No Sin, your name "Sine Qua Non" is off topic.
I think the Korean community needs to organize a drive by to take care of this lawyer guy
If I were the Koreans I would be looking into a way to sue this guy for harrassment/demamination of character
Sine qua non,
My best advice would be to contact the USO where ever you are at. The USO is usually very helpful and should be able to assist you.
The USO is a good idea!
If that is not convenient,and you are near Yongsan, the Chaplain can send someone to pick the books up.
Call 0505-724-3069 from Seoul, or 0505-725-6009
Nice of you to think of the troops!
[…] Dry Cleaners Under Attack Again […]
Thanks for the information, Mr. Joe!
Thanks for the advice, Boss!
Who are we kidding here? Let's be honest.
This is just simply a black racist hatred. That's all there is to it. How else can you explain a man suing a small business owner (barely making fifty grand a year), for 54 million dollars? Surely he knows that even if he wins, there's no way he'll get that kind of money from a small mom and pop business barely making minimum wage. He's doing this out of spite, out of hatred, out his desire to ruin the people, to make a silly childish racist point. If the judge was a Korean, and the dry cleaners blacks, then there would have been a loud of cry of Korean racism. But since that's not the case, it's just the 'idiot judge' causing problems, and all the American blacks stay silent, probably cheering on the judge.
Washington DC is run like a Third World, and probably is a Third World in many ways.
Professional History
Pearson's undergradate degree was earned at Lake Forest College and J.D. at Northwestern University School of Law. Upon graduation, he first taught at, then became assistant director of, the clinical program at the Georgetown University Law Center. Pearson passed the bar for the District of Columbia in 1978 and bar for theU.S. Supreme Court in 1985. (uh oh)
From 1978 to 2002, Pearson was the attourney for the Washington Neighborhood Legal Services Program, serving as the Assistant Director for Legal Operations from 1989 onwards. From 2003 to 2005, he was a contract hearing examiner for the Office of Police Complaints, and on May 2nd, 2005, Pearson was appointed as an administrative law judge for Washington D.C. (kind of stagnated on his way to the Supreme Court now hasn't he?)
Accusations of Corruption
In 2004 Mr. Pearson was accused of corruption for giving his son's girlfriend a city job – after which it was revealed Mr. Pearson was actually sleeping with his son's girlfriend on regular occasion. During his tenure as an administrative judge for Washington DC he was accused of smoking crack cocaine in the courthouse washroom, an accusation supported by camera video that later went "missing" from the evidence room Mr. Pearson had access to himself
I see no evidence that the guy is racist. The fact that he is sueing someone for $54 million bucks over a pair of pants is idiotic and the fact he is still pursuing legal action against the Chungs is hateful however I have never heard him saying anything against Koreans in general. He may be a racist, I don't know but publicly I see no evidence of it.
Tom, I see and agree with your points. I don't need to see the sky every day to know that it is normal for it to be blue.
Tom, you got a point there.
Where are Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson? How come none of the "Civil" Right liberals Leadership are not speaking out against the Judge Pearson for his behavior against poor Korean Dry Cleaner owner? These two leaders are for Black's Civil Rights only? So far, even ACLU or Amnesty international are silent about this. I wonder Pearson being Black has something to do with the fact other civil right groups are silent. Bunch of hypocrite bleeding heart liberal.
Yes, I am biased on this issue. My parents used to own a dry cleaner in multi-ethnic middle class neighborhood in Chicago and I have HUGE sympathy for Chungs. Whenever I look at them and see what they are going through, it tears my heart and remembering back when I help them out in our store. Luckily for us, we do not have a Judge suing for multi million $.
Everyone except the media knows that Sharpton and Jackson are nothing but demagogues. They will do nothing to help the Chung's. If the Chung's were black it would be a different story.
Thanks for your support.
Judge Pearson attended Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL (nearby Bears Training Facility) and Northwestern Law School in Evanston, IL. It looks like he is also from Chicago area.
As for his political career, he is no better than Marion Barry. I work in DC but I will never live in DC. I much rather commute one hour one way than live under the DC Government.