"Profile of a Suicide Bomber"
|From Newsbusters:
What is even more outrageous than this cartoon is the fact that the leftist propagandist, Ted Rall, that made this cartoon is published in more than 140 publications:
His cartoons now appear in more than 140 publications, including the Philadelphia Daily News, Aspen Times, Hartford Advocate, Newark Star-Ledger, Los Angeles Times, Wilmington News-Journal, San Diego Reader, Village Voice, Harrisburg (PA) Patriot-News, Las Vegas Review Journal, Washington City Paper, Tucson Weekly, Sacramento News & Review, San Jose Mercury-News, Lexington Herald-Leader and New York Times. […]
In 1996, he was one of three Finalists for the Pulitzer Prize. He was one of the New York Times’ most reprinted cartoonists in 1997, 1999 and 2001. He also did color strips for both Time Magazine and Fortune Magazine from 1998 to 2001. He was awarded the 1998 Deadline Club Award by the Society of Professional Journalists for his cartoons. Rall received first place in both the 1995 and 2000 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards for Cartoons. The award, founded in 1968, recognizes distinguished work on behalf of disadvantaged Americans.
Whatever happened to that line about supporting the troops and not the war? As I have been pointing out over and over again; that line went out the window a long time ago and this is just another example of the liberal media effort to paint soldiers as uneducated low lives that are committing war crimes all over Iraq and thus not worthy of the nation’s respect. People like Rall do not support the troops and they never did.
The cartoon makes a valid point, only instead of "A Profile of a Sucide Bomber" it should read "A Profile of an Extremist"
I'm in the military, and I've seen people like that person depicted in that cartoon all over the military, and so that cartoon isn't that far off the mark. The only thing that is wrong with it, is the title.
First of all I question if you are even in the military since you have to qualify yourself as being in the military before making your comment. I have had plenty of trolls come around here claiming to be in the military with their one time comments that are not.
Secondly, I have seen policemen, firemen, and plenty of other people that fit the stereotype that Rall is promoting as well. Does that make firemen for example "suicide bombers" and "extremists" as you claim because I have met one that fits a certain stereotype? Why doesn't he make a cartoon bashing them?
Take a look at the facts of who makes up our military:
The stereotype this idiot is promoting is not reality and the statistics prove it. But this guys agenda is not about reality but promoting a perception that the mainstream media has been pushing for better part of a year now.
Its all so entertaining when a Senator from Massachusetts calls the troops ignorant but not so much when it makes it into serious print.
Its just shows how bias the media really is towards the Military
his good buddy is rosie odonell
I read this ass' book on Afghanistan where he said the war there was all about an oil pipeline. I can't remember ever having laughed or even smiled much reading one of his cartoons on any subject, but this is an award winner? A Pulitzer serious candidate? I sent Big Hominid an email when I checked this guy's stuff out saying he should go for the big bucks by doing some syndicated work for the press. If someone as untalented in artwork and humor and political statements can make it to the big time, Big Ho should be a multimillionare by now….
Good stuff. You got to admit the cartoon is spot on.
That explains a lot then.
You are right Big Ho is quite talented but he may not be enough of a loony leftist to make it big.
This GoodStuff commenter appears to be just another troll commenter. Postings I have that are linked to a conservative site attracts the one time commenter trolls like you see above that frequent the conservative sites and leave comments at sites that link to them. They are easy to spot because they have never commented on this site before and they use proxy servers so I can't trace their IP address.
You should stick with your Korea stuff. Your political stuff just degrades all of your good points.
GoodStuff: another Canadian English teacher about to be exposed for faulty College Transcripts?
"Spot on"
What is political about calling out Rall on his unsubstantiated claims that US soldiers are suicide bombers, religious extremists, poor, stupid, etc.? I already showed the statistics that prove this to be false.
The one time commenters that have mysteriously shown up on this thread simply make unsubstantiated claims without providing any evidence to prove their points.
Kingkitty, You may be on to something.
LOL, sorry for having an opion that is dfferent from yours.
I love your sight, and I've been reading it since I was stationed in Korea back in '02. However, stereotypes don't exist without a reason. I'm not saying all the guys in the military are like the cartoon depicted, but I am saying that I have seen my fair share that fit that depiction.
Have you?
Then tell me Charlie, why the hell are you in the military then if you believe in this liberal pap being hoisted on high making a mockery of a soldier who believes in God and country?
The cartoon is a piece of shit because of the title and what it means concerning the author's views on the images drawn.
It is the major contempt the left has for a large chunk of American society, not just GIs.
There is nothing wrong with most of the scenes it depicts – if you can shut out the knowledge that the man drew them with utter contempt for what they represent in his brain.
He equates faith and actions of the GI with the followers of Bin Laden. Christian American soldier and their actions in Iraq or Afghanistan = the actions and beliefs of Islamic jihadists.
As he says in the title — GIs fighting in Iraq are just the same as suicide bombers.
If you believe that, then I cartoon is a spot on insightful item.
If you don't, it is shit that demeans the soldiers and demeans a large percentage of American society.
The thing about "poverty" is also just another example of the contempt the left has for the people they like to pat themselves on the back for championing….
I'm just expressing my opinion which is based on personal experience. A freedom that I thought I was entitled to have.
I was simply viewing the picture as usinkorea pointed out; the simple correlation between us and them. Granted, it is based on the old vietnam era idea of poorly educated soldiers with the comment about poverty (something I think is questionable). However, with the large influx of above average individuals enlisting, there still is a strong pool of enlistees coming from below average socio-economic backgrounds.
There is nothing wrong in fighting for and believing in God and country. The only problem with that is when it is for the wrong reasons or being mislead to believe that they are the right reasons.
usinkorea's comment sums things up very well. You can have an opinion all you want but if you can't substantiate your opinion than prepare to be challenged.
You must have had one jacked up unit if you thought your unit was full of religious extremist suicide bombers that are the equivalent of Al Qaida terrorists that fly air planes into buildings, blow up subways or marketplaces for the express purpose of killing civilians. To answer your question in all of my years in the military I have never once met a religious extremist soldier that is willing to be a suicide bomber that wants to go kill civilians. Not one. Plus you sound like quite the elitist if you think people from below average socio-economic backgrounds should not enlist.
I have no problems with people from poor backgrounds enlisting but since you do I have already provided statistics that show that people from the poorest backgrounds are actually reducing in numbers while the number of middle class, upper middle class, and even wealthy are on the rise and make up the vast majority of the military. The statistics also show that the military has never been more educated than now.
The nation should be proud of such people who continue to enlist knowing full well they are going to war. When I joined the military during the Clinton years I didn't have to worry about going to war. The decision was easy. These soldiers joining today enlist knowing they are going to war and putting their lives on the line. That is a hard decision. How can you not respect that?
That is why I find it even more disgusting to read crap from the leftists like Rall who want to slime these very people with unsubstantiated stereotypes which are devoid from reality for the express purpose of advancing their own political beliefs.
Why doesn't Rall write a cartoon that portrays the black community with a unsubstantiated stereotype that is devoid from reality? Because there would rightfully be outrage, but it is okay for him to slime soldiers with the same unsubstantiated stereotype?
I agree with usinkorea. As he said, under the right perspective people are the same everywere. However I think it must be shoking or somehow uncomfortable for americans to see how they are similar to people from third world countries. Readin blogs like this one have the idea that americans thinks they are superior to other people.
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to insult the americans or the soldiers.
Similar to people from third world countries??? Got me there buddy!!!
I havent seen too many third world countries running to the aid of all friends or foes during times of oppression and grief.
I think you need to redefine yourself Dr Yu
hahahhaa joining during the clinton years you were lukcy to have a job
he gutted the military and is a major reason for the lack of properly amored hummers and other vehicles, lack of equipment etc
oreilly asks many liberals a simple question
"Do you want the US to win in Iraq?" many of them do not answer or they beat around the bush
rosie odonell called the US military terrorists and when she was called out on it she tried to say "oh thats not what i really meant"
the left all thinks this and would rather see the US withdraw and play up the retreat with your head between our legs music!
I find it interesting that Dr. Yu does not like this blog when I consistently promote human rights for North Koreans, the closing of slave labor facilities at Kaesong, the suspension of unverifiable aid and free goodies to prop up the Kim Jong-il regime, a reduction in USFK forces, increased defense spending by the Korean government to pay their fair share of the alliance, fair trials for USFK servicemembers, etc. Heck I even advocate that Dokdo belongs to Korea. These topics are all signs of my superior attitude towards Koreans?
I'm sure if I advocated for Prime Minister Abe to commit ritual suicide on top of Seoul Tower than Dr. Yu would like this site. It boggles the mind.
I think too if someone were to write "However I think it must be shoking or somehow uncomfortable for americans to see how they are similar to people from third world countries." is very disturbed about his/hers own countries status in the world as viewed by other countries
I think our friend "GoodStuff" along with many of his buds here in Korea share the same uncomfortable feelings as Dr Spock….Yu
"Readin blogs like this one have the idea that americans thinks they are superior to other people."
Sorry for this part. I did not mean to insult you and your blog. I meant to say that at first glance the purpose of your blog seem to be to praise the american superiority. It meant to be an advise to you but seems that I failed because of my poor english skill.
I have no problem with my identity as korean. I live in a country considered "poor" by developed countries and always compare myself to them and realize that in general we are all the same. That's how I see myself when compared to americans too, and that's why I always say that no korean or americans are superior to each other.
But I see that you dont think that way since you bothered to answer me. Most people would have ignored or just move forward if they don't agree with my comment, but the way you reacted it's a sing to me that you agree with me, but you just can't accept it. Yes we are all the same, including the americans.
I think that there are some people that look at Americans and say to themselves;
"If I were an American, I would be so much better than the rest of the world. I would be from the best country, the richest country, the most powerful country. There in no way that I would be able to NOT look down on all other peoples of the world."
I am sure there are some Americans like that. I have known a couple. Usually they were not well educated, young, lacking worldly experince. Most Americans that (are aware) of the rest of the world, have the knowledge and experince that allows them to see not only America, but also Europe, Asia, Africa, and the rest, as to their desire to know.
I knew a young American that had been adopted as a baby, from Korea. He looked forward to learning about the country from which he came. He had a hard time in Korea. They called him a Banana. He took it out on me one day, by passing the insults he had learned, on to me. He told me that all Americans are MUTTS. And explained that we are so mixed that we have no race.
I told him that he was correct in my case in that I have English, Irish, American Indian and only God knows what else.
He hated koreans when he left. I ran into him in Bosnia in 1998, about six years later. He married a White Female and seemed happy.
He looked 100% Korean, but he was 100% American. Koreans rejected him. Americans didn't seem to care. I didn't.
Moral: Whats inside is what counts more often than not. Hate is not a skin color or a race. You shall be know by the words that you speak and friends that you keep.
Still, I know what Koreans in general think and believe. If they were raised in Korea! Just as I know what a twenty something African American thinks. Which is different from what a Fifty something Black Man may think.
Moral 2: We are not all the same. We are all very different.
Who superior to who is something I expect out of a Nazi fund raising event…..unfortunately its all too often Koreans are obsessed with the whole superiority subject…I mean Korea is the only nation in the world with four distinct seasons….or Koreans are direct decendents of god…or my favorite one…the Korean eye is stronger than western eyes
These type of claims are people who really have some identity issues. That said its quite profound for someone to take a look at a cartoon and somehow translate it to Americans feeling like third world nation citizens….still trying to make the connection there
KingKitty, I never heard the one about the Korean eye being stronger than the western eye. Interesting! If I remember correctly, almost ALL the korean women I knew wore glasses.
Four distinct seasons? They need to come to Mississippi. Spring is longer here than in Korea as is fall. Hot Summer and yep we have snow in the winter also.
Sometimes Koreans can be funny. At least I don't hate them because they are Korean. I would never put a sign up saying "No Koreans Allowed". Like they did in 2002 for Americans.
Ok, I'm just rambling now!
No seriously even though my wife needs glasses and had a retnal detachment….I was told that here eyes are stronger than anyone not Korean
I think this goes into the column of you cannot run a fan in the house while you sleep or YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!
Thanks for the first smile of the day KingKitty!
I submitt to the godlike race with ex-ray vision, west of the sea whose name must not be spoken.
I am reminded why I come here. My life is so peaceful that I must visit here to get my need for conflict filled.
Good luck with the wife's vision KingKitty.
I don't know what's the problem with koreans descending from gods. Most ancient civilizations and old countries relate their origin to divine intervention in one or other way. Korea has thousand years of history too. This happens not only in asia but also in africa, europe, america etc. Even the USA has some religious peculiarity in its foundation since the masons that participated in this event practice some rituals based om religious belief. If you look at your constitution you see your government begging for god's blessing and in your dollar you see your government admiting that they believe in god.
Regarding the four seasons, as you know koreans are very proud of the beautiy of their land and history proves that even foreigners acknowledged that. Do you remeber the ancient names of korea? "The land of calm morning" " The land as beautiful as an embroidery". I don´t remember koreans saying that only korea has four season but I saw koreans talking proudly on how beutiful are the four seasons in korea, and that's true. Many foreigners go to korea to see that.
Regarding the eyes of koreans, we really have the best eyes, but we wear glasses pretending our eyes are not good in order not to worsen the inferiority complex foreigners have toward our eyes.
Ok Yu, You get my first smile of the day for your statement on the Korean Eye. That was great, there may be something of you that I really like! I do love the Female Korean Eye, when she isn't trying to blacken mine that is.
Can't speak for others but as to my own feeling of God, He created us. Only He/She/It knows why. We can clam no greatness for ourselves from this. Now if we were decended from God, then we can, but we didn't, so we can't. Just a sinner am I. No greatness involved.
Koreans have a right to be proud of the natural beauty of their land. Where it is still natural, there is great beauty. I've seen it. I think it is the marketing that makes us smile. My experince in Korea was that there may be four seasons, BUT, Spring and Fall last about two weeks each at best. Still, a beautiful land.
I worry that the DMZ will not be allowed to remain in a natural state when Korea unites. If it is allowed to be turned into Massive houseing like most of Seoul, I will hate Korea for it's short-sightedness. Never will I allow Koreans to talk of the beauty of their country without challenge, if the land in the DMZ is built up rather than preserved in the natural state.
[…] Hartford Advocate, Newark Star-Ledger, Los Angeles Times, Wilmington News-Journal, San Diego […] Read More… Last edited by mike : 07-17-2007 at 01:07 […]
[…] protection to Roman Catholics atheism.about.com/b/a/257381.htm [Found on About] 17. "Profile of a Suicide Bomber" at ROK Drop "Profile of a Suicide Bomber" Published by. GI Korea. July 16, 2007 in Journalism […]