Korean Golfer Vows to Win for Charity
Courtesy TFM comes news that Korean golfer K.J. Choi wants to win for charity:
K.J. Choi can think of 10 million reasons why he wants to win the FedEx Cup, and it adds up to one reason why he might be a sentimental favorite.
"If I’m able to win it, I want to give it all to charity, 100 percent," Choi said.
The cynic in me wonders if he is just saying this because if he knows he probably will not win. It seems if he was serious about charity wouldn’t he give any money he earns even if he places third for example to charity? It will be interesting to see how this turns out.
KJ presently stands 5th in the Fedex Cup pt standings
I don't know how the points are accumulated(Because I think the Fedex is dumb gimmick, so I don't care), but based on the fact that Tiger has a 10,000 pt lead on KJ or 2/3 more points than him, KJ's chances are remote.
From what I hear, KJ has a good reputation. His saying it is more likely to be sincere, if some of the others at the top of the list said the same. Like say Vijay Singh.
Thanks for the link.
I still think if you are serious about giving money to charity than even if he lets say finish fifth he should give that money to charity. I'm sure he means well but his intentions seem a bit inconsistent if he doesn't give whatever he does win to charity.