The Feminizing of the ROK Army?

The Chosun is wondering if Korea is raising an army of beauty queens:

Korea’s servicemen are changing. The rough skin, sun-burnt faces and stubble-length hair that once were the trademarks of typical army men have gone for the new generation. Some now rival women in the use of cosmetics, and some even order wigs to disguise their short hair for the vacation. And some buy dietary supplements in an attempt to create the perfect body.

Han (21) is stationed in Gangwon Province. He spends an average of W110,000 (US$1=W944) on bath products and cosmetics. [Chosun Ilbo]

Guys like this would have to lean on their families for the extra money since the ROK soldiers get paid next to nothing for their service, which leads me to believe this is something more likely reserved for the more well off than your average Kim ROK soldier.  A few of my KATUSAs were beauty queens, but the vast majority were not and this article is probably a bit overstated.

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17 years ago

Ha ha yeah Korean soldiers where I work check themselves out in the mirror alot. There's some cool guys but I don't care to be around the super faggy ones…

17 years ago

Whatever happened to rough tough mean fighting machine in ROK Army? They only have 24 months of service, they can just put up with little bit of roughness in the military.

Why do they want to hide their short military style hair cut? They should be proud to show that they are serving during their leave.

Their running cadence song "Jinjja SaniYi" (Real Men) has no meaning anymore.

GI Korea
17 years ago

CPT Kim,

There is still plenty of rough and tough ROK soldiers up on the DMZ. You see a bit more of the pretty boys in the KATUSA ranks because things are not as hard on them as being stationed on the DMZ in the ROK Army and plus they generally come from well off families that can fund all their pretty boy products.

However, even in the KATUSA ranks only a minority are pretty boys.

17 years ago

Those metrosexual clowns are part of the "pretty boy" fad. Those two guys in that drink commercial with the one girl are more feminine than the girl in the commercial. I hope the metrosexual fad fades fast. I love korea but they shouldn't glorify people like Harisu!!! Korea claims to be conservative but in actually it's way more liberal than America. They just try to hide it.

17 years ago

ROK Army hasn't been tough since 1980 Gwangju.

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