Korea Finder #53
|Who can name where this picture was taken? A bonus point if you can name who the statue depicts.
Here are this year’s current Korea Finder Leader’s Board:
Mark – 11
Sonagi – 5
Chickenhead – 3
James – 2
Mike – 2
Peekstr – 1
HumKor – 1
Farty – 1
Maui – 1
kcbill06 – 1
CPT Kim – 1
Tim – 1
Surabol – 1
Brendon Carr – 1
Dr. Yu – 1
Note that who ever totals the most points at the end of the year, I will purchase for them a Korea related book or DVD of their choice using the proceeds I have accumulated by people purchasing books from Amazon.com on my website. If you like this website than please support it by buying your books, DVDs, and other products from Amazon.com from the search box on my sidebar. Thanks.
Oh, yeah!
This is the statue on the Osan golf course which commemorates "friendship and joyous cooperation through golf" between high-level leadership and juicy bar owners.
There is some debate as to the identity of the statue.
Some say it represents the head of the "association" which insures member businesses never have any problems with leadership no matter what they do. Human trafficking is ignored and black marketing is not noticed after a friendly conversation over golf and the promise of some "consideration".
Others say it represents today's command. Unlike the Incheon MacArthur statue, erect in the solemn posture of leadership, this statue reflects a more relaxed and genteel style of management where issues are resolved to everyone's benefit over a friendly game.
The water in the background is the flooded flightline. The fence is an anti-terrorist barrier designed to keep carbombers off the green.
Excellent observation, as usual.
Statue of Jack Nicklaus at Sky72 Golf Course at Inchoen.
Inchoen…Incheon.No not Incheon. Here is a hint to help narrow it down. The statue is of a Korean golfer.
Suwon….Choi Kyung-Ju??
Choi Kyung-Ju… possibly on Wondo
GI, I sure wish you would give high-res pictures. Little clues like sponsorship logos are vital.
…nice to see the Submit button no longer tries to link to PayPal.
…oooooh… I just noticed…
…looks like foflappy beat me to it… but I swear I wrote that earlier but couldn't submit it.
foflappy got the correct name and Chickenhead got the location correct. Choi is from one of my favorite places in Korea, the island of Wando and the statue sits on the beach in the city of Wando-eup.
Suck it, Mark… you guesser!
Jack Nicklaus' butt isn't nearly as tight as Choi Kyung-Ju's.
I'm going to catch you before the end of the year and request that my Korea-related DVD is "Hot Buttered Adjumas in Heat II".
Wando Island is also famous for home of Admiral Jang Bogo from Shila Dynasty in 9th Century. He was instrumental in establishing sea trade route security all the way to Red Sea where Shila Merchants traded with Saracan Kingdom.
ROTFLMAO Good one CH on the 28 Sept response