Category: crime & punishment

Seoul Elementary School Teacher Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison for Sexually Assaulting and Exploiting Teenagers

At least this guy is no longer in classroom and behind bars where he belongs:

An elementary school teacher has been sentenced to seven years in prison for inducing more than 100 teenage girls to film sexually exploitative materials and sexually assaulting a 13-year-old, a court said Monday. 

The man, in his 30s, who had taught at an elementary school in Seoul since 2012, was indicted on charges of possessing 1,910 items of sexually abusive content filmed by about 120 teenagers he met through social media between 2015 and 2021. 

He was also found to have sexually assaulted then a 13-year-old girl in 2020 at a motel.


You can read more at the link.

Asan Mother Arrested for Allegedly Starving Her Six Year Old Son to Death

What is wrong with people? This is a horrible way to slowly kill a child:

This photo provided by the South Chungcheong provincial police agency shows its headquarters in the central city of Yesan.

Police on Friday transferred to the prosecution a woman suspected of leaving her six-year-old child to starve to death.

The woman, whose identity was withheld, was arrested for allegedly leaving her disabled son alone at home in the central city of Asan for three weeks, the South Chungcheong police agency said.

The child was found dead last Friday by police officers who rushed to the home after receiving a report from the mother’s acquaintance. 

The deceased child is said to have been smaller than other kids of his age.

The National Forensic Service recognized the possibility of the child having died of hunger, according to the agency.


You can read more at the link.

Seoul Woman Arrested for Allegedly Drowning Her Husband for $650K Insurance Payout

This woman seemed to have gotten away with the crime until someone dropped a tip to police about her:

This photo released by the Incheon District Prosecutors Office on March 30, 2022, shows Lee Eun-hae (L), a murder suspect, and her accomplice Cho Hyun-soo.

A woman who allegedly killed her husband for insurance compensation in 2019 was arrested in the north of Seoul with her accomplice, the police said Saturday.

The police arrested the 31-year-old murder suspect, Lee Eun-hae, and the 30-year-old accomplice, Cho Hyun-soo, at a residential building in Goyang, just northwest of Seoul, at around noon, according to the Incheon Metropolitan Police.

As they arrived at a police station in Goyang, Lee and Cho declined to comment to reporters. 

Investigators were able to locate the two as Lee’s father told police their address, saying his daughter is willing to turn herself in. The two did not resist during the process, the police added.


You can read more at the link, but she is alleged to have tried to poison her husband earlier in 2019 as well before successfully drowning him.

Goyang Woman Pleads Guilty to Abandoning Her 4-Year Old Child on Back Country Road

I feel horrible for this little girl who must have been terrified being dropped off and abandoned by her mom in the middle of country road:

This composite file photo shows a woman (L) accused of abandoning her 4-year-old daughter on a deserted road at night and her acquaintance who took part in the crime. (Yonhap)

A 35-year-old woman admitted to abandoning her 4-year-old daughter on a deserted road on a freezing cold night during a court hearing on her child abuse case Monday.

A 25-year-old man, known as the woman’s acquaintance, also pleaded guilty to taking part in her act of child abuse in the hearing at the Incheon District Court in Incheon, 50 kilometers west of Seoul.

The woman, whose identity was withheld, was indicted on child abandonment and neglect charges after abandoning her young daughter on a back road near her daycare center in Goyang, northwest of Seoul, at about 10 p.m. on Nov. 26 last year, when the temperature dropped below zero.

The man, who allegedly became acquainted with the woman through an internet game, was also indicted for taking part in her child abuse.

They are accused of having gone to a nearby motel after getting the child out of the man’s car and leaving her on the deserted road.

The woman told police earlier parenting was difficult for her and her acquaintance suggested abandoning the child.


You can read more at the link.

U.S. Military Judge Rules in Favor of Unanimous Jury Verdicts for Sexual Assault Cases

Here is an interesting development in the U.S. military’s legal system:

Former judge advocates and legal analysts varied in their opinions of an Army judge’s recent ruling that a court-martial case would require all jurors to agree in order for the defendant to be found guilty. The ruling is being appealed and is likely to be reversed, some analysts said. (Alexander W. Riedel/Stars and Stripes)

An Army judge’s novel ruling to require a unanimous guilty verdict in an upcoming court-martial has drawn an array of characterizations by military law experts: totally wrong, partially right, rogue and brave among them.

But all the analysts interviewed for this story agreed on one thing. They said the ruling will most likely be overturned by an appellate court. 

Col. Charles Pritchard, a judge in Kaiserslautern, Germany, issued the 16-page ruling this month in response to a motion by the defense for Lt. Col. Andrew Dial, who is charged with three counts of sexual assault.

“This judge obviously put a great deal of effort into it and used his noggin,” said Eugene Fidell, a military law professor at New York University. “It takes some courage for a judge to do this, so my hat’s off to him.” 

Pritchard held that allowing a split guilty verdict would violate Dial’s constitutional rights under the Fifth Amendment guarantees of due process and equal protection under the law. 

In essence, he said the military must accord Dial the same right to a unanimous criminal jury guilty verdict as civilian defendants have been afforded in federal, and, since 2020, state courts.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link, but the ruling will likely be overturned according to the article because Congress sets the rules for the military’s justice system. It is unlikely they will change the split verdict system because it will lead to a likely decrease in sexual assault convictions.

Filipina Juicy Girl Sentenced to 18 Years in ROK Prison for Killing Son of USFK Servicemember

Justice in this case happened quickly:

A woman accused in the September killing of a U.S. soldier’s 3-year-old son was convicted Friday by a South Korean court and sentenced to 18 years in prison. 

Jamaica Eblacas, 30, was found guilty of killing the boy, Noa Calhoun, the son of Army Pvt. James and Kourtney Calhoun, by a three-judge panel at the Pyeongtaek Branch of the Suwon District Court.

Neither James nor Kourtney Calhoun appeared in court on Friday.

Eblacas admitted during a November court appearance to killing the child. She was charged with murder in conjunction with child abuse, which carries a minimum of three years in prison and a maximum penalty of death under South Korean law. Prosecutors had recommended a 30-year sentence.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link.

30-Year Sentence Recommended for Woman Who Murdered 3-Year Old Son of USFK Servicemember

Let this be a lesson to not hand your kid over to be watched overnight by a juicy girl you hardly know:

Noa Calhoun, 3, the son of an Army private assigned to Camp Humphreys, was declared dead after South Korean police found his bruised body at a home in Pyeongtaek city, in September 2021. (James Calhoun)

 South Korean prosecutors recommended a 30-year prison sentence for the woman accused of killing a U.S. soldier’s 3-year-old boy left in her care in September.

Jamaica Eblacas, 30, displayed a “weak-willed repentance” for the death of Noa Calhoun, the son of Army Pvt. James and Kourtney Calhoun, prosecutor Kim Jin-kyu told a three-judge panel at Suwon District Court on Wednesday. Eblacas was back in the Pyeongtaek branch court Wednesday to continue a sentencing hearing begun earlier this month.

James Calhoun, a 2nd Infantry Division soldier stationed at Camp Humphreys, was introduced to Eblacas, a Filipina bartender, by a mutual acquaintance, he told Stars and Stripes on Dec. 7. Calhoun said he left Noa and his 7-year old brother in Eblacas’ care before hanging out with friends the night of Sept. 5. He said he expected to pick them up the following morning.

Police responded to a disturbance call in the morning and discovered the child’s bruised body in a home near Eblacas’ workplace.

Stars & Stripes

You can read more at the link.

City of Milwaukee Planning to Sue Hyundai Because Prosecutors Will Not Jail Car Thieves

This is just another example of why there is a crime wave in America, the city government spends more time going after Hyundai to add more security to their cars instead of catching the criminals and putting them in jail:

Milwaukee, Wisconsin is grappling with an unprecedented spate of car thefts. Since last year, stolen vehicle reports in the city have more than doubled, according to WISN 12 ABC, and nearly tripled since 2019. At a rate of nearly 30 thefts per day, Milwaukee is on track to surpass 10,000 this year. By sheer volume, it outpaces Chicago—a city with six times Milwaukee’s population. Worryingly, at least half of the suspected thieves are minors, and they have an unusual penchant for easy-to-steal Hyundais and Kias. This has led the city to seriously consider suing the automakers under its public nuisance laws.

Vehicles from these two Korean makes account for two-thirds of thefts in the city, police say. WISN reports Kia and Hyundai thefts have exploded to 2,500 percent year-over-year as of June. Citing “car experts,” Milwaukee Journal Sentinel identifies Kias (to which Hyundais are often mechanically similar) as popular targets as they can reportedly be broken into via the rear window without activating the car’s alarm. From there, thieves can enter the vehicle and peel open the steering column with a screwdriver, allowing them to start the car without a key. So many cars have been stolen in this way that parts to repair the steering column are reportedly back-ordered.

The Drive

You can read more at the link, but according to the article the city has only prosecuted 2% of the criminals that stole these cars. Additionally the article said this is leading to vigilanteism with people shooting at the cars that are stolen from them. If the prosecutors would put these people in jail that would be a deterrent to the thefts, but not prosecuting them just gives more crooks the green light to steal cars.

Another Key Figure from the Seongnam Development Scandal is Found Dead

Here is the latest on the Seongnam Development Scandal that has become a key issue in the Korean presidential race:

An office at Seongnam Development Corp. in Seongnam, south of Seoul, is cordoned off on Dec. 21, 2021, after Kim Moon-ki, head of its development division, was found dead in an apparent suicide amid a probe into a corruption-ridden development project. (Yonhap)

 An official at a public development company was found dead Tuesday in an apparent suicide amid a probe into a corruption-ridden development project, which political foes allege involves ruling party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung. 

Police in Seongnam, south of Seoul, said they discovered the body of Kim Moon-ki, head of the development division at Seongnam Development Corp., in an office of the company in the city at around 8:30 p.m.

Police were searching for Kim after his family reported him missing at 8:13 p.m. Authorities are investigating the exact cause of death.

Kim has been probed over his possible involvement in a massive corruption scandal surrounding a public-private apartment development project in the city. It was launched in 2015 when Lee, presidential candidate of the ruling Democratic Party, served as Seongnam mayor. 

Kim allegedly played a role in removing from the project contract a clause that would allow the city government to recoup excessive development profits from private investors.


You can read more at the link.

Two USFK Soldiers Sentenced By Korean Courts for Smuggling Marijuana

These two actually got off light in the Korean court system by not having to go to jail. However, they are probably being chaptered out of the Army with a possible bad conduct discharge:

This file photo provided by Incheon Regional Customs, unrelated to the article, shows cannabis cartridges.

Two American soldiers have been given suspended prison terms for smuggling cannabis into South Korea from the United States, a court said Monday.

One of the soldiers was sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison, suspended for 3 years, for hiding two cannabis cartridges in his baggage and flying to Incheon International Airport from Atlanta in April, the Suwon District Court said.

The other soldier received the same sentence for purchasing four cannabis cartridges and other cannabis products from an overseas website and attempting to smuggle them through an international flight in March.

The soldier was found to have again placed the same order for the drugs the following month after his first attempt was caught by customs authorities here.


You can read more at the link, but how much of a pothead are you that you get caught once and yet you try to order your marijuana again?