I would have handled this differently in this situation, but of course the media is making this into a racial incident when it is not:
A white Fort Jackson soldier seen in a video pushing and yelling at a young Black man in a northeast Columbia neighborhood has been criminally charged, according to the Richland County Sheriff’s Department.
The incident took place in the Summit neighborhood, a sprawling community located between Clemson and Hardscrabble roads.
At an evening news conference, Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott identified the man charged as Jonathan Pentland, 42. Deputies charged him with third-degree assault and battery.
You can read more at the link. Pentland did push the guy in the video after he walked towards his wife. The rest of the time he was just aggressively questioning and yelling at the other man. Of course the media is trying to frame this as a white guy doesn’t want a black guy walking around this neighborhood narrative.
What many in the media are not mentioning is what happened before the confrontation. Four days before the incident a man sexually assaulted a woman on the sidewalk in the neighborhood. Then two days before the incident a man tried to walk away with a baby he took from a woman and had to be stopped. The day of the incident caught on the clip something else happened because Pentland’s wife can clearly be heard in the video saying that the man picked a fight with one of their female neighbors. According to the Washington Post the man that Pentland pushed is being investigated for the prior assaults on women in the neighborhood, however police say he has an underlying medical conditions that could explain his behavior.
So essentially we have someone who has possible mental issues assaulting and harassing women in the neighborhood and Pentland intervenes more aggressively than he should of, but should this make him a racist? I see nothing in this video indicating that Pentland targeted him because he was walking while black like the narrative is claiming. If the man was just walking down the sidewalk not bothering anyone, no one would have bothered him.
Pentland was charged for pushing the man and will likely face bigger punishment from the Army, but is anyone going to charge the man in the video with assaulting and harassing women in the neighborhood? Additionally is anyone going to charge the protesters who vandalized Pentland’s home? Pentland is far from the only person in the wrong in this incident, but he is the only one many in the media are focusing on because of the narrative they want to push.
I wonder what this clerk told her to get slapped in the face?:
The wife of Belgian Ambassador to Korea Peter Lescouhier is under investigation for allegedly assaulting a saleswoman at a clothing shop in Seoul, police said Thursday.
According to Yongsan Police Station, it is investigating the allegation that the wife slapped a clerk in the face at a shop, April 9.
“We are investigating the allegation, but can’t confirm the details or the circumstances because the investigation is ongoing,” an official at Yongsan Police Station told The Korea Times.
This further validates why I do not buy any food products from China:
In this screenshot of a Weibo video from March 29, a man who appears to be naked wades in a pool of cabbage and grabs some of the vegetables soaked in a murky liquid while an excavator stirs them at a kimchi factory in China. Korea Times file
Police on Tuesday said they are investigating a Chinese man who allegedly displayed violent behavior in a restaurant in Seoul after hearing other people talking about “dirty Chinese kimchi.”
At a hotpot restaurant in the Sillim area of Gwanak District around 3 p.m., the Chinese man in his 50s, whose name is being withheld, heard a conversation from three men in their 70s sitting next to his table. The Chinese man, who was intoxicated at the time, started shouting at them after they said they had been reluctant to eat kimchi after watching a video of kimchi being made in China.
There has finally been an indictment of a Blue House official in regards to the Ulsan Mayor election meddling case:
This file photo shows Lee Jin-seok, presidential secretary for state affairs monitoring. The prosecution indicted him on April 9, 2021, on charges of meddling in the mayoral election in the southeastern city of Ulsan in 2018. (Yonhap)
Prosecutors on Friday indicted a presidential official in a high-profile political scandal surrounding a 2018 mayoral election.
The Seoul Central District Prosecutors Office charged Lee Jin-seok, presidential secretary for state affairs monitoring, with violating election laws, wrapping up more than a year of investigation into the case in which presidential officials and a ruling party candidate’s campaign allegedly colluded to win the mayoral election in the southeastern city of Ulsan. (…..)
In January 2020, a total of 13 officials including Song Cheol-ho, current mayor of Ulsan and longtime friend of President Moon Jae-in, and Han Byung-do, former senior presidential secretary for political affairs, were put on trial in the same case.
One the ring leaders of the sex video blackmail case has received a lengthy prison sentence:
This May 18, 2020, file photo shows Moon Hyung-wook (C), a key member of a high-profile digital sexual exploitation ring, appearing before the press at the Andong Police Station in Andong, 270 kilometers southeast of Seoul. (Yonhap)
A court on Thursday sentenced a key member of an online sexual blackmail ring to 34 years in prison for coercing dozens of women and girls into sharing sexually explicit videos of themselves.
A district court in the southeastern city of Andong convicted Moon Hyung-wook, 24, of operating the sexual exploitation chatrooms on Telegram and producing and distributing thousands of obscene videos of female victims.
“The defendant caused irreparable damage to the victims and his antisocial crime that violates human dignity deserves a severe punishment,” the court said in the ruling.
The court also ordered him to wear an electronic bracelet for 30 years.
You can read more at the link, but I doubt he will remain in jail for 34 years. He will probably receive parol early thus the electronic bracelet requirement for 30 years.
A correspondent for the Joong Ang Ilbo Park Hyun-young is concerned he is going to be targeted in the U.S. for being Asian. He titled his piece “A Jungle of Violence”:
I liked to talk on the phone or listen to podcasts while walking. But I don’t put my earphones on when walking in downtown Washington so that I can be aware of my surroundings. If I use earphones, it is hard to know whether there’s someone behind me or if person is talking to me or walking faster suddenly.
It is a new habit I’ve developed as crimes against Asian Americans are on the rise in the United States. If I run into a stranger in a secluded place, I look around to see if there’s any surveillance cameras.It is more often that I don’t find them. (…….) Before America gets the disgrace of being labeled a “jungle” dominated by the physically strong, the Biden administration needs to address the issue seriously without political calculation.
You can read the rest at the link, but one could argue that Mr. Park’s title for his article is racist in itself by trying to compare the U.S. to a jungle. Just ask President Biden. Anyway something else that Mr. Park needs to realize is that even white people in certain areas of D.C. have to be careful where the walk and what they doing. The mentally ill and criminal elements often behind these assault don’t limit their illegal activities to just Asian people.
The old trick them into prostitution strategy is alive and well:
A Queens couple faces sex trafficking charges for tricking two South Korean women into prostitution by helping them pay for their travel and offering them a restaurant job in the U.S. (…….)
One of the victims answered an ad she found in South Korea in 2015 promising her a job in the U.S. and travel expenses paid by her employers, according to the Astoria Post. As part of their agreement, her employers required her to pay the $10,000 they used for transportation and her passport fees. Jung Ja picked up the victim at the John F. Kennedy Airport in New York and brought her to an address in Steinway Street, Astoria. However, the deal suddenly changed, and she informed her that she would work as a prostitute to pay off her debt to the Ornsteins. The suspects allegedly forced her to have sex with strangers at the address.
The massage parlor killings in Atlanta has a Korean connection:
Four people of Korean descent were among those killed in a series of deadly shootings in the U.S. city of Atlanta, the foreign ministry said Wednesday.
South Korea’s Consulate General in Atlanta sent consular staff members to check if there were any other Korean causalities in the shootings, the ministry said.
The consulate has confirmed with the local police that the four killed in the shooting were of Korean descent, a ministry official said.
Authorities are still checking to confirm whether they held South Korean nationality.
You can read more at the link, but a 21 year old suspect has been taken into custody who is believed to have been the killer. Of course CNN is playing this up as a racial incident with no evidence to support it.
Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-youl’s photo is displayed by his supporters near the Supreme Prosecutors Office in Seoul on March 4, 2021. (Yonhap)
Prosecutor General Yoon Seok-youl resigned Thursday, after strongly objecting to the ruling party’s push to create a new state agency to fully take over investigative powers from the prosecution service.
“I am offering to resign as of today,” Yoon said at a brief press conference held in front of the Supreme Prosecutors Office in Seoul.
“The spirits of the Constitution and the system of rule of law are crumbling. And it will cause damage to people. It is hard to watch common sense and justice collapsing,” he said, adding that he has done everything he could do in his capacity as prosecutor general.
President Moon Jae-in swiftly accepted his resignation offer, Cheong Wa Dae said, shortly after the prosecution chief made the announcement.
You can read more at the link, but the Moon administration has been trying to take out Yoon because he had the nerve to investigate corruption within the administration. That is what makes this new investigation agency they want to establish so controversial because an administration with a numerous corruption issues wants to form their own agency to investigate corruption and other crimes. The concern is that ruling party will use it to protect themselves and go after their political enemies. If this new agency was in operation when the Cho Kuk scandal hit does anyone think this Blue House appointed agency would have done much to investigate and indict him and his family for corruption?
As I have said before South Korea has long been a rule by law country and not a rule of law country. This agency may make it worse.
Another servicemember going to jail for a sex crime related offense:
Senior Airman Dante Torello poses at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, June 25, 2019.
An airman stationed at Kadena Air Base on Okinawa pleaded guilty and another is scheduled for a court-martial on charges of making and distributing indecent recordings without the subject’s consent.
Senior Airman Dante Torello of the 353rd Special Operations Group pleaded guilty Feb. 3 to videoing his victim’s genitalia without consent and distributing the recording, according to the court docket. A photo of Torello released in June 2019 by Kadena’s 18th Wing described him as a loadmaster for the group’s 1st Special Operations Squadron.
You can read more at the link, but there is another airman awaiting trial who was the person giving oral sex without consent that Torello was videotaping.